Charles Fera

Charles Fera

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
15 1/2" Australian Blackwood with an Essence of Dragon Heartstring
The Basics
Character's Name: Charles Fazio Fera
Charles: Free man
Fazio: Good worker
Fera: Brave
Character's Birthdate: 12th December 2008
Hometown: Ferrara, Italy
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: 15 1/2" Australian Blackwood with an Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Australian Blackwood: Draws off the elements of earth, water, and wind. Represents strength and determination. This is a neutral wood, indifferent to White or Black Magic. It possesses both healing and destructive powers. Good for potion-making. Excellent for repelling or conjuring curses.
Dragon Heartstring: A creature of legend, the dragon symbolizes wisdom and longevity. The dragon is fierce and strong, and would make a ferocious enemy or marvelous friend. The heartstring of a dragon would be a wise choice for one who wishes to cast extraordinary hexes or defensive spells. Would also make an excellent companion to woods that feed off the element of fire.
Educated At: Durmstrang
Occupation: Student

Hair: Light brown. Normally left with a ruffled style.
Eyes: Gray/Iced Blue
Height: 6'
Style: Very casual smart. He would normally be seen wearing a shirt and pain of smart jeans, usually with a jacket on as well. He varies from trainers to smart shoes and decides based on what mood he is in that day.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Charles is a very polite boy, having been brought up in a high class family with parents who were conscious of their 'appearance' and this included their families 'appearance' as well. Although growing up with such a strict family he was prone to, and still is, rebelling. Charles does nothing serious, but when the adults backs are turned his attitude has been known to change slightly. For example at Durmstrang he is the usual polite student to the Professors but outside of the classroom he has been known to get into a few fights and strike fear into some of the younger students. The same goes for when he is at home, his parents only ever see the polite boy that they raised him to be but as the saying goes; 'when the cat's away the mice will play' would be one that springs to mind.

Although a lot of the time Charles doesn't like this 'acting out' that he does. Why doesn't he just stop? I hear you ask. Well it's not as simple as that. Charles was never the most popular of the boys. He was always a little slower, smaller, not quite as smart as the rest of the boys. So when he started to attend Durmstrang, he was the quiet one and usually prone to bullying. Although that all changed at the beginning of the second semester in his second year when he had started to loose some weight and had a growth spurt. He started to make friends and of course these were the wrong type of friends. They were always the ones to be in the middle of any fights. So when Charles started to become friendly with them he too started to join in on a few fights. Three years later he is known to be the 'leader' of his group of friends and has been afraid to stop this act he puts on in case he looses any of his friends.

Special Talents/Abilities: Charles is an excellent Quidditch Player. He is a dab-hand at all positions but over the past few years he has developed a soft spot for the position of Beater, his least favourite being Seeker. Also, growing up in a very wealthy background he is an excellent dancer, having been brought up going to many different social events and can play the piano, guitar and harp (which he absolutely hates!) He is also fluent in Italian, French, Greek and English.

History: Charles grew up in Ferrara, Italy and had a life of luxury compared to what a lot of people would be used too. Both his parents were high in the social ladder and as such from a young age he was taken from one social event to the other. Having grown up around all of the higher classed people he is well used to it by now, always being the perfect gentleman at any event that he may have to attend with his parents. Of course this is all a show put on for his parents friends and other important people, at home it's a bit of a different story. While his parents were loving to him and his siblings when they felt like it, they were rather strict and never gave their children the chance to have a normal childhood. They had the best of everything, butlers, a nanny, cooks, they went to private schools, they had private tutors, they had dance lessons for any of their social events and were made to learn the odd instrument as well.

While his parents weren't off at some event or rather they both worked in the Ministry so the social events were really the only time Charles got to see his parents. As he was used to the lack of parental figures as he grew up he was used to not seeing them much and grew to accept it. Although he parents did have a nanny to look after them, two actually. Andria and Antonio Cali, a brother and sister from Sicily. Due to their young-ish age when the started to look after the Fera children they were more like friends to the family instead of employees and has probably been a reason they have stayed with them for so long.

Charles grew up not having many friends but fortunately his parents had a large circle of friends and Charles got to know a few select people of his age. He of course didn't like been left to play with some of the children he had the misfortune of knowing. Of course Charles hated this as he never got to know many boys round his age and the girls he met were all very snobby, to which he retaliated with by terrorising them. He did things any normal boy would do, pull their hair, pull heads off their dolls and the odd push into pools. Most of the girls went crying to their parents and thankfully he wouldn't see them again but there was always one girl who, no matter what he did, he always had to play with. The daughter of his fathers best friend, and the bane in his life, Isabella Chaos. From day one the two children never got on well at all, there would always be constant bickering between the two of them and their parents were foolish enough to think that they would grow out of it but to this day, even though they haven't seen each other much since starting school, they still don't like each other.

Family: Charles' immediate family consists off his mother and father and two older siblings (one brother and one sister). His maternal Grandmother is living while his maternal Grandfather is dead. Both his paternal Grandparents are alive. On his fathers side her has two aunts and uncles, and each aunt and uncle has 3 children. On his mothers side he has one aunt and uncle and they have two children.

Father: Alessandro Fera

Half Blood
Born and raised in Ferrara, Italy
Born on 14th October 1984
Attended Durmstrang
Works in Italian Ministry of Magic in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office

Mother: Ophelia Fera (nee: Stamos)

Half Blood
Born and raised in Cyprus, Greece
Born on 14th December 1985
Attended Beauxbatons
Works in Italian Ministry of Magic in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office

Older brother: Nico Fera

Half Blood
Born and raised in Ferrara, Italy
Born on 12th June 2003
Attended Durmstrang

Older sister: Farfalla Fera

Half Blood
Born and raised in Ferrara, Italy
Born on 9th January 2005
Attended Durmstrang
Works in local fashion agency and is training to become a Professional designer and does some modeling on the side

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