Characters on sale :( :( :(

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Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

I can't believe I'm doing this :cry: :cry:

Call me hyperbolic but these characters means A LOT to me, and I don't know if I'll end up regretting doing this or not. I've been thinking about this quite a while ago but trust me, it's not that easy. But I wont be able to RP as much as I used to.

Alright let's review a little bit of the Howard and Huberta (I can't give up Huberta sisters yet) :cry: :cry:

They're troubled characters whose parents prioritize on working over children. They technically grew up on their own (neglected) and are very abusive especially the Howards. The eldest of the Howard siblings was born in Salem, Massachusetts but because of the traumatic Salem Witch Trials, the parents of these children decided to migrate to England. Oh and... The Hubertas and the Howard are cousins.

Please PM me if you're interested...

Please take care of these babies :cry: :cry: :cry:



1st born- Donavon Howard - Scitorari, 36-

(wife: Annabelle Howard, children: Kerryn, Nicolette Howard)


2nd- Dakota Howard -35
(a drunk, good for nothing wizard)


3rd Devlin Howard -30
(the devil of the family, and the most quiet. Is a psychotic wizard who got married to psychotic Chyou Jin, the father of Lycus, Augustus, Vladimir, Daeneryn, Juno Jin Howard. This family is the most psychotic, quiet family of the Howard siblings)


4th Danton Howard -29-
(is in love with his own cousin, Hayley Huberta but he was forced to marry Kay Norton, a loud mouthed Scitorari. Kay knew who Danton was in love with hence she cheats on him from time to time with other purebloods.)


5th Danielle Howard -29-
(Vanish out of sight)


6h Dancel Howard -36-
(Vanish out of sight)


7th Dorothy Howard -23
(The foolish narcissist)



Donavon Howard -36

Is the husband of Annabelle Starr Howard and is the father of Kerryn and Nicolette Howard. Just like the rest of the Howard family members they all move to Durmstrang after a couple of years of study in Hogwarts due to Hogwarts neglecting the dark arts class. Him and Annabelle are both Scitoraris and prejudiced, racist, proud purebloods who wont even glance at muggles and who are disgusted with muggleborns/ half bloods. Donavon is the only one who can control Dorothy Howard (in case you're wondering who she is, she's the youngest of the family).


Dorothy Howard -23-

My goodness I love Dorothy, she's just a stupid, reckless, drunk @ss hole. She's so easy to RP with. Dorothy gets in trouble ALL THE TIME. She is the only Howard in the family who went through all 7 years of Hogwarts New Zealand as a Slytherin. She was the most neglected child of the Howard siblings and seek for attention in a very abusive way. She would break all the antiques just to get noticed. Devlin Howard (The devil of the family, 3rd born) hates Dorothy, he would kill her if he could but Donavon protects this brat. She is not a Scitorari yet but will hopefully be a foolish prejudiced Scitorari who will be the wife of another pureblood.


Nicolette Howard -14, Durmstrang, part Korean, part English-

Is the twin sister of Kerryn Howard. They're both brainwashed in hating muggles and are very much into the dark arts. Nicolette's future is to be a Scitorari hence she's not a child that you want to mess with. She's the fashionable twin and is very much into the opposite sex unlike Kerryn who is a bookworm and is very much like her aunt Chyou Jin, a mysterious, psychotic little girl. Nicolette is the only one who can understand her twin sister and is her father's favorite little girl while Kerryn is Annabelle's favorite twin. There's a little bit of rivalry between Nicolette and Kerryn, but in the end they both have each other's back. Nicolette isn't fully developed yet so feel free to RP with her. Of course, her future is to be with a prejudiced pureblood.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Tenile is PMing you as we speak. Miss you, lovely.?
Professor Sloane Stark said:
Tenile is PMing you as we speak. Miss you, lovely.?

Oh my gosh... It's been sooo long !! Sorry for being away for such a long time. Well you're not the only one, I miss you too!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Thank you, THANK YOU for doing this :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You know we love you, Sally :hug: :cry:

Is this all of the information, or do you have a bit more you could PM us, we can work with either :D
Professor Sloane Stark said:
You know we love you, Sally :hug: :cry:

Is this all of the information, or do you have a bit more you could PM us, we can work with either :D
Well you know I love you both too :wub: :(
I can't believe I can't be as active as before :(

Sooo.. I've PMed Tenile and sent everything to her ^_^

Thankss heaps girls !!

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