Chanting to the sun

Madlyn Ateara

Part Giantess (7'6) 🦉 CoMC 3-4 🦁 Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Chayton's ❤
Sun burst through the thick drapes of the castle, the rays licking the face of the sleeping Gryffindor girl. Mornings back in Dakota, on the lands where dad use to own, you would hear a rooster crow, waking everyone bright early in the morning. Dad gotten everyone use to waking up that early, mostly for chanting and giving thanks to the sun for it's resource. He will go on with a prayer, how the sun given them light without light we crest to exist. Besides the sun, he went on too mention other resources in life, from the rain to the nightfall, from the pearl white moon and the stars of our ancestor. Dad never broke his morning ritual.

With school on her mind, she had forgotten the ritual all together. Madlyn slipping out of her bed, in like many months she had forgotten how she would rise with the sun and perform her morning rituals too. The sun was captivating, although you was taught in astronomy how it was a burning star gas, Madlyn was taught a little different by her relatives, how the sun was like brother or sister of flesh, however dwell in spirit to help us survive. Madlyn felt terrible for not remembering, quickly as her body would let her she gotten dress into something more free flowing. The dress match her sandals and her hair settle right down her back.

She left the castle and walk to lake front, humming to herself an old ritual hymn of the Sioux's Native American. She ended up sitting on the ground, picking the grass, shaping the small lace green grass together till she had the design of the suns right in front of her. It's not part of the chanting, she made it for the moment her spirit was high and felt like channeling her energy to everything all around her. It was a way to give thanks, without natural recourse there wouldn't be life. Madlyn gave it her all, chanting by her hymns, the wind around her move, she connected more with the earth, it was the best and right time to chant, everything always fit best in the morning.

Mood: Happy
Song: Chanting
Briar was awoken early that morning with the sun on her face and decided to go out for a run. she hadn't been out this early for a while, human life had finally caught up with her. she dressed quickly and slipped out of the dorm, silently moving through the castle and out of the large front door. she then made her way to the lake and started to jog, before sprinting faster around it, she took a bit of a detour through the forest too. she could feel that she wasn't as fit as she used to be, but she was still remarkably fit for a two hoof. As she came out of the shelter of the trees she heard a voice chanting, continuing her path around the lake she saw where it was coming from a student was siting on the edge of the lake. it didn't take her long to recognise her, no other student was that tall. it was her friend Madlyn. she jogged over to her trying to decide if she should interrupt her or just go past. In the end she came yo a compromise and stopped and sat down next to her not saying anything just listening to what she was singing, as she waited for her to finish. it was a nice chant and it reminded her of her childhood when everything they had came from nature be it, the food they ate, the clothes they wore, or even the tools they used.
Jackson awaken that morning bright and early. Although his lessons where schedule for Sundays, he use the rest of the week to prepare his lessons. Third Years were new to his lessons, meaning there was not a whole lot prepare. The first year introduction to Care of Magical Creature tend to just be the basic.

Despite the fact it was boring teaching the new stuff, this time around he was really getting into the habits of teaching. To a degree he was getting more excited about next semester. He spent most morning reading over his lessons and using the required text to come out with a more inspired way to improve his lesson.

Mornings he be lazily sitting on his Hammock, taking down notes. The hammock hung from a nearby tree close to the forest, where it was peaceful during that time. However a nearby singer pulled the part giant stray. He followed, getting up from the hammock. He followed the note towards the lake front, after that time he already knew who was chanting like that. He smiled at Madlyn, and the girl sitting next to her reminded him so much of the wild villagers back home. "Morning you two, I see your chanting Madlyn. Bless it be" he bowed slightly to his daughter.
Briar looked around as she felt a shadow slip over her. she saw that there was a man standing nearby. she had never met this man before but it was easy to tell who he was. there was only one person in the castle who was that tall, and he looked remarkably like his daughter Madlyn who she was sitting next to. it could only be Professor Margera. She had never had the professor as she had had the other astronomy professor last year and the other care of magical creatures professor this year, which was a shame as he was her best friends dad, so she had a special kind of respect for him. Good morning Professor." she said to Professor Margera before she turned to madlyn "How are you, did you have a good holiday?"
Two sets of voice stirred Madlyn away from chanting. She stop to open her eyes, the sun bother her as she tried to look where her father was standing. "Yeah, I sort of gave it a try and it was going great till you both came along" she said, her lips curve to a smirk. She guess it was alright, Madlyn did enough chanting to give thanks for what she already have in her life plus more. "My vacation, it was alright, we travel like always to visit our distant relative" she said plucking the grass underneath. "What about you what did you do?" she look up at Briar. She never talk about her family and it made the lioness that more curious about her mate. "How come you never tell me about your family?" she went on asking. They have reach that point in their friendship when no question really bother Madlyn, but she be a little shock if it bother Briar. She was just so open and wild, the both of them made a pair of wild free girls!
briar frowned slightly as Madlyn said that she was giving thanks, she hadn't wanted to interrupt her fronds but once Madlyns farther had come along she had thought that it would be okay. "thats nice, i bet it is good to catch up with your family" she said. she hadn't heard from her family in so long, in her first year her friend had written to her a few times but that had long since stopped. now she was sure that if she urned up at home she would likely be shot, if not she would be turned away. "my holiday was the same as always. hanging around the castle, flying, running, and what not" she said smiling slightly. the holidays were all the same for her. she often looked forward to school starting just for a bit of company. Briar was taken of guard by Madlyns next question. surly after how close friends they had been she had told her her secret, but then thinking back she couldn't remember when she had. "I guess you should know. I haven't seen my family in years, not since i started here." she said looking out across the lake. "when the witch from hogwarts came to tell me i was also a witch i was basically kicked out of the family. it wasn't that i grew up with closed minded muggles, no, I grew up in the forest, my family were centaurs." she said, totaly forgeting that the professor was there. she guessed that this may come as a shock to most people but she guessed that Madlyn would understand what it was like to not be the same as everyone else even if her difference was n her past not in her blood.
"What is that you young people say now and days, my bad? Or something? Or don't kill your old man" Jackson chuckle at his middle daughter. "You must be Briar? It's a pleasure to finally meet Madlyn's best mate" Jackson sauntered slowly and steadily towards the pair. The weather persist to be chilly, yet the sun beating down on them balance the air around them. It was scientifically cold outside, not bad still the air tickle the man's forearms. He reached the tree they took safe haven underneath, Jackson taller than the tree had just a little shade to spare his own from the sun. "Centaurs? Quite interesting, did they treat you like their own kind?" the conversation meant for two, took another invite of it's own. Now the part giant could see why his daughter grown attach to Briar, she was practically like a wild sister. Someone to share common interest, he could see it already. It was always great to have a friend, one did a whole lot somethin when you came here with nothin at all, and than you realize that somethin had been here waitin here all along.
Madlyn frown. "Oh no, that's horrible...don't you like miss coming home or anything?" now she had more to give thanks too. Her mom and dad, plus her younger and older sister. She always use to wish what it be like to be the only child. No one to compare yourself with and not have to feel like your trying hard to fill someone else shoes. Her parents gave her no reason to feel like that, they always said not one child the same, sure similarities exist but there's always a difference.

Dad came over to join them, he heard the part about Briar family. "You never told me this or I must've been sleeping on you when you did" her eyes pop out from underneath her eye lids. This was totally different from anyone else she's known in her entire life. But like Joe, they had different type of family, still a family a family. "Do centaurs even have feelings? You know like are they capable of loving a human girl?" she knew how hot heated and ignorant they could be. But they were smart and spent their life star gazing, "One thing for sure you don't star gaze like them" she however was still a wild and full of energy like a young one would act, nothing of mature centaurs.
Briar smiled slightly, as she greeted the professor, "thats right, i'm briar. and you must be professor Margera, it's a pleasure to meet you too" she said. "I missed home a lot during my first years here, thats why i was in the forest all of the time. but i have gotten used to it now. maybe you should forget that last bit professor". she said laughing a little at the end. she had gotten the impression that Professor Margera wouldn't mind. "They made me swear not to tell anyone, but if i don't tell you which herd i am from i should be okay, thats why i didn't tell you before" she said answering Madlyns question on why she hadn't been told. then she turned back to the professor. "I was basically adopted by the chiefs mate. if the others accepted me or not was unimportant as i was protected by the chief, so the others couldn't do much against me, even if they wanted to" she said, she knew that as soon as it was confirmed that se was a witch even being the chiefs foal wouldn't help her. "My mother loved me, and i think my farther did too, i think some of the others did, and some just put up with me because they had to. as for the star gazing, i don't have the centaurs aptitude. so they trained me in plants and healing. But I had stills that they didn't, for example hoofs don't really aid climbing trees" she said half joking at the end. ever since she was little she had been climbing trees to get the food from the top branches that the others couldn't reach, that had defiantly aided them in winter when there wasn't much food around in the first place.
"Madlyn, don't be silly. Anything living or breathing is capable of loving, it's an emotion not even the strongest human can control. So if your here and existing you know very well that I loved your mother and still do" he once more gave a hearty chuckle at them too. He found Briar upbringing to be fascinatingly amazing.

"Yes yes, I've come across a herd of them in Ireland, we move there because America just not a very good place for any of our kind there" he look at Briar, with his overly large arm he had them cross to his chest. "Of course I only associated with the males there and none of our family ever did cross one another" these were times when he told his wife about his stories, otherwise he didn't share to much with his family. "Female centaurs usually don't influence the head male, but I guess the one called your father had a big heart" he went on guessing Briar life story. He could go on, saying much about centaurs. But truth be told he had only three encounters with them, all ended up very friendly at the end, you could somewhat guess the beginning of his stories.
"I know but she different from them, but I guess your right" Madlyn ended up listening to Briar stories and her father input to what she started to revealing to the both of them. "So because it was your time to come here, they disown you? I say that sucks bullocks" Madlyn expressed annoyed. Witch or not, centaurs were mess up to disown someone that small. If it weren't for Briar, they wouldn't have done that great during the winter. "If you like..." she look at her father saying this. "I mean she already know what's it like living an a tribe, I think she'll respect that when we go visit our family in North Dakota.." Madlyn rattle on. "How would you like to stay with us on vacation, at least till school done" Jackson gave Madlyn an encouraging smile, she could tell he was agreeing with her, yet it was up to Briar if she like to stay with them or not. Not an official adoption, still Briar was welcome to stay with them if she wanted too.
Briar nodded as the professor said that all creatures were capable of loving. "they didn't mind me when i was just a two hoof, a human, but now i have had five years of learning magic, the one thing they despise. i guess i didn't have to come here, i could have stayed with the herd. but i did. none of them have ever actually disowned me, but know i am not one of them any more. i have been gone too long" she said. she then elaborated on her past for the professor when he said that the females didn't have much power. "from what i know the chief and his mate had just lost their foal. it was stillborn, then from what i can tell they found me hidden under a tree a few hours old and left to die. it was november, and winter had come early that year. they decided that they couldn't let me die so they took me to a muggle village, it was a days travel away. and over that day my mother grew attached to me, and my farther realised how i helped her over their loss let her keep me. i basically became the foal that they lost. i gained his name. and took his place" she said. she didn't want to elaborate any more on her story as she didn't want to betray her family. she felt like more than enough had already been said at least for the time being. she was glad then when the topic of conversation shifted form her past. she was a little surprised by Madlyns suggestion, but she liked it immediately. "I would love to. as long as thats okay with you and your family" she said turning at the end to the the professor for conformation.
"Well I don't see why not Briar, your technically an orphanage now that your herd has left you to study at Hogwarts" He said optimistically speaking already for his other half. "We have a spare room since Mandela left and it would be no harm for you to stay with us. I can sign up on any paper if you need (like brightstones weekend) and just take custody till your eighteen" this morning turn out to be eventually good for all three of them. He stirred away from the girls, "Now let me go and tell Iris your mother the good news. She probably like to meet you next week or something, but I doubt she won't denied you staying with us" he waved them away, Jackson made his way back to his studies near the green house. He had to get writing that letter and give his wife heads up that Mandela's old room can now go to Briar.
"You mean Seventeen dad! Seventeen!" Madlyn called to her father, but she was astonish to hear him say it was okay that Briar could stay. "Wow, that went well? How do you feel about it?" she stayed a put on the grass. The fresh air bother her no, she in fact embrace the small breeze blowing at her direction. First lessons of the day will be in another or so, Madlyn would have to go up and change into her uniform. "I'm sure your excited and all?" she folded her arms right on top of each other and rested her elbows by her knees.
briar jumped up when Professor Margera said he couldn't see why she couldn't be taken in by the Margeras. "thank you so much" she said unable to stay still with the excitement. she wasnt quite shure what proticol sugested when something like that hapened, as she douted it happened often enough to get a prticol, so she just stood there beeming as the professor said he could take custody of her untill she was eihghteen, and that he had better write to iris his wife, then he walked away. "i am very exited and amazed, and a little shocked. i definatly didn't see this coming when i went for a run this morning. she said Turing a wagonwheel (cartwheel), a trick her friend Sid had taught her in her first year. she then did something that surprised even her. she gave Madlyn a hug to say thank you which was something she usually disapproved of.
"Aww Briar" Madlyn could all but feel the emotions running up and down both girls mind right now. It truly was an accelerating moment, something you saw in muggels movie, maybe not so much, yet it actually happen between them. "If I would've known sooner I would've asked couple months back before we even left to America" Madlyn hug the smaller girl. Something you don't see everyday, but it didn't look so weird since she still was sitting down and sitting down always made Madlyn look normal. "Now I don't think I ever told you that I have two other sisters, there's Mandela and Jackie, they both came out looking like mom so don't worry no other giants will be in the house except me and dad...Jackie may home school instead of joining this school and Mandela New York City...I think that's all. Oh and we live in Australia not here but in Sydney.." she smile at Briar, she will be her roommate going home over vacation, now funny was that?!
briar was so exited that she couldn't stay still she was fidgeting so much that she probably looked like she had sat on a nest of ants. "I m so grateful to your family, i wouldn't have expected you to take me to america. i wouldn't have even wished for you to take me in." she said before listening to Madlyn list the members of her family. "all of the giants i know are pretty cool, so its two sisters Jackie, and Mandela, mandela lives in new york and the rest of you live in australia." she said making sure she had everything right. "I cant believe this" she said acting a little like a child who had eaten too many red lollies, except that she rarely ate lollies, as she preferred natural foods.

OOCOut of Character:
I have just thought that i want briar to play in a professional quidditch team when she graduates, and i have my eye on one of the australian teams, so this will give her a link to australia.
”Well you have to believe it now that it’s happening! I was always wondering what you do during the holidays and I even ask my mom once, she figured you’d had some family around New Zealand.” not like they did. New Zealand hail to small to carry the rest of her family living in North Dakota now, besides the whole Native American tribe relationship between them, they weren’t all blood relatives. Some even were muggels, but unlike the muggels that knew nothing of magic, the muggel born accepted everyone. "Do you ever think of your real parents?" her voice drop, she suddenly went serious on Briar. It's a critical question to ask anyone, but the curiosity of her mind win the best over her. must be hard, she thought. This would be Madlyn's first encounter with an orphan and it ending up being her friend Briar.
"well i used to stay in the castle and explore the surrounding areas. sometimes i would spend a couple of weeks camping in the mountains, but i had to let the school know i was okay every night. I found a cave there, and thats where i spent some time but it is n where near the same as home, but at least i am not going rusty." she said explaining to her friend what hoer holidays were like. she wondered what madlyns holidays were like, she had never really had a proper holiday with her family before and she wondered what it involved. however she didn't have much time to think about it as soon madlyn asked a question that once again surprised her. "I guess i wondered who my real family was when i first heard about being a witch, I would look through news papers and try an find anyone with the last name rowan, until someone pointed out to me that rowan was the name given to me by the centaurs, after where i was found, so i could only really go by looks, and that was too hard so i gave up. but i Havant thought about it for years now. it just really isn't important to me" she said. shrugging it off, what she said was true. when she was little a bag of clothes would appear under the same rowan tree every year on her birthday. she had often wondered who put it there and watched to see who it was, she never saw anyone. and even if she had she wouldn't think of them as family, more of another way nature provided for her.
"Well said Briar, Your tough that's for sure" Madlyn admire the spirit of her friend and how being an orphan didn't phase the fiery red head at all. She would have the same mentality about the subject. Like if it where to happen to Madlyn, she would accept what her life turn out to be. You know just agree what's given to ya and make the best situation out of rough beginning. "If it means anything to you, you've done hellah of a good job raising yourself, but it's about time you have that old fashion family feel to it, plus I don't think you'll have a problem fitting in" she tease her friend. "But seriously you should be proud of yourself, Ms.Perfect, ha! I was shock when I heard that news, free spirit perfect? But than I was like it make sense your like guardian of the forest.." Madlyn lips broke out to the widest grin the girl can manage.
Briar smiled as her best friend said she was tough. it was once again one of those things she had never thought abut. like that old saying you never know hoe strong you are until being strong is the only thing you have left. for her there had never been an option. if she had not been strong, had moaned at the thought of breaking a nail, or cloths in the wrong cut, like some of the girls in the castle, she would never have made it to where she was today. "thanks but i had a lot of help. as for fitting in, i'm sure i'll have a lot of help." she said. "when i heard the news my first thought was that ether it had been sent to the wrong person or someone was playing a prank on me. last year if someone said i would be a prefect i would say they were mad. but i reckon you would make a great one next year, you will make a big impression of the younger students." she said joking at the end, as she doubted it was impossible for Madlyn to make a small impression.
"Ha you told me that too! But if they haven't pick you who else you think they would go? I don't see anyone else always trying to help anyone in need" she spoke matter of factually. "If I become one and if I don't I still will help you with the younger students. I don't think they will reject the help of us too" she snickered, she got Briar's little joke and took no offend too it. What hasn't she heard as of lately that pokes fun of her height, hearing it most time made her laugh. For one a person had the guts to make that joke and two it was plain hilarious to Madlyn. "Have you've been thinking about your future much? I know I have.." she said shifting subjects. A lot of the future been coming up ,mainly cause Jackson keeps reminding her about whenever he had the chance to sit and talk to his daughter. "That will be like dad's one thing he wants to make sure your doing well after Hogwarts, so be ready to answer some questions!"
briar was glad that madlyn didn't take offence at her joke. "I don't know who else i would have chosen, but i didn't expect it to be me." she said, maybe sui chin, Sidalee, Roze, or one of the hiroto's." she said. " i think you will make a good prefect. so i don't think you need to worry" she said. sitting down again, she drew some food out of her bag and offered some to her friend. she enjoyed her conversations with Madlyn, but she was starting to get a little peckish. "I have had a couple of ideas about the future, but you will probably laugh when i tell you. How about you? what are your plans?" she asked, wondering what her friend wanted to do, she remember when she first met her friend she said she wanted to do something with magical creatures. but that was when Madlyn was a first year so she may have changed her mind. briar knew that anything academic wasn't good for her, as she still had a few problems reading and writing. however, she enjoyed sports, a lot, and had been on the quidditch team since her second year. that was where she was aiming for. she spent most of her free time outside ether running or flying. and only did her school work late at night to a level that only just scraped an acceptable grade.

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