Cecily Vickers

Cecily Vickers

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OOC First Name
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring

*The Basics*

Character's Name: Cecily Faith Vickers

Character's Birthdate: June 8, 2004; age 22.

Hometown: Glasgow, Scotland

Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Wand: Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring--Courage, Charm, Leadership, Spirituality and Protective are all qualities of this wand, Alder is the Celtic wood of astrology, so is good for spells involving star gazing and astronomy. It is good for those that don't find great pleasure in physical or attacking spells, but those that protect themselves if need be.

Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland House: Ravenclaw

Occupation: Nurse in the infirmary at Beauxbatons</FONT>

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Grey/Green

Height: 5' 7"

Style: Cecily tends to lean more towards the comfortable spectrum when it comes to her style. She's never been one to be up on the latest trends and usually likes a more vintage look. When it comes to fashion she usually marches to the beat of her own drum.

*A Little Deeper*
Personality: Cecily has always been very outgoing and nurturing. Never been one to fight unless someone provoked her. Very easy to get along with most of the time, though she can be a little stubborn when the notion strikes her.

Interests: As a Ravenclaw alumni, Cecily is nothing short of a bookworm. Anything she can get her hands on she will read and can keep herself occupied for hours on end if she's found something that really captures her attention. Cecily also enjoys muggle films, though that is usually something she enjoys to do with her mother when she's at home in Scotland. She also quite enjoys going out with friends for drinks on occasion.

History: Coming from a family containing magical folks, Cecily realized her powers at an early age as most witches and wizards do. Her first magical 'act' was when she was 7 and accidentally set her mother's pet cat, Fluffy, tail on fire when she'd gotten a hold of her older brother's wand and was messing around with it. After that incident (and a pop on the behind), Cecily began to read more about magic rather than playing with the magical pieces of wood that were left lying around, often studying out of her brother's books when he'd come home on breaks before finally asking her father to buy her some books so she could learn more about what she'd be educated on a few short years down the road. So began her love of learning and reading. Fast Forward==>> Cecily graduated from Hogwarts Scotland having excelled in Charms, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. With school behind her and a very unclear future ahead of her, Cecily decided to travel around the world for a year, much to the dismay of her parents. Once she'd gotten the adventure bug out of her system she made the decision to take a position as a nurse in the infirmary at Beauxbatons in France. Her parents were of course thrilled that their daughter had decided to find work and put her magical talents and knowledge to practical use, though her father is now pushing her to become a healer so as to advance her career in magical healthcare, but for now Cecily is happy with where she's at.

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Father: Henry Davis Vickers*. Date of birth: September 6, 1978; age 48. Half-blood. Graduated from Hogwarts Scotland where he had been a Hufflepuff. Married to Sophie Vickers on May 22, 1998. Works for as an Auror for the British Ministry of Magic. Wand: Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone--Birch is a powerful wood, and combined with dragonstone it forms a brilliant master piece of a wand. It is designer for duelling and attacking, not for the faint hearted it is capable of performing the most power spells out there.

Mother: Guenivere Sophia (Parker) Vickers*. Date of Birth: October 12, 1978; age 48. Muggle born. Graduated from Hogwarts Scotland where she had been a Ravenclaw. Married to Henry Vickers on May 22, 1998. Played beater for the Holyhead Harpies from 1996-1998 until she became pregnant. Now works for the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts department for the British Ministry of Magic. Wand: Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust--Coconut is a perfect wood for spells involving handy work and is brilliant for defensive magic, the star dust adds an effect of mystery, and a mystical power to make powerful spells, even stronger. This wand is not for the quiet or shy.

Brother: Ian Porter Vickers*. Date of Birth: August 1, 1999; age 27. Mixed Blood. Graduated from Hogwarts Scotland where he had been a Slytherin. Now works for the Office of Magical Law Enforcement for the British Ministry of Magic. Wand: Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather--Oak has always been respected by nearly all world cultures. Admired for its strength and size it represents strength, endurance and power. Oak helps promote both observation and intuition. Oak provides a very balanced energy and is skewed neither toward the light or the darkness.

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