Catherine Kale

Catherine Kale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Whippy Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Oh! It is beauty​

Catherine Gillian Kale

Name Meaning:
Catherine: The name Catherine is an Anglo-Saxon name. In Anglo-Saxon the meaning of the name Catherine is: Innocent. Cat was named such, because her Maternal Grandmother's middle name was Catherine.
Gillian: The name Gillian is a Gaelic name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Gillian is: St. John's servant. St. John was a Scottish, Jesuit martyr. Catherine's mother isn't fond of the name, but it is the name of Cat's only living Grandmother, and so she was named for her.
Kale: Kale is a nickname surname, which originated from some characteristic of one of Cat's ancestors. Kale refers to the german word "Kahl" which means bald.
Nickname: Cat, she hates being called Catherine.
Date of Birth: March 19th 2027
Sign: Pisces: Generous and emotional, Pisces are quite popular in their social circles for being a genuine friend to everyone. They value human relations the most and put the people they love above everything else. they are imaginative, kind and compassionate, but can be weak-willed and idealistic.
Place of Birth: Dornoch, Scotland
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Curly 13 1/2 Inch Whippy Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

What wakes the Poet's lyre?​

Cat has wild, curly hair. She has allowed it to grow long, and carefully brushes it each night. Her hair makes her face look smaller, because of the sheer amount of it. Her eyes dominate her face. They are a grey ish-blue, inherited from her mother. They can be quite startling, and seem almost too large for her face. Her pale complexion adds to this effect, and at times she can seem quite eerie. She had a dancer's build; small and slim. She stands at a miniscule 4'3" which she hopes will increase with time. Her hands are also distinctive. She has an artist's hands; with long fingers, and a feather-light touch. Her hands are regularly smudged with paint and ink, and her fingernails are kept short.

What makes him seek, at evening's hour, the lonely glen, the leafy bower, when dew hangs on each little flower?​

Cat is loving and affectionate. Her family is very important to her, and they are very close. Her brother Liam is an idol to her, and has been her constant companion since infancy. She loves beautiful things. Music, and dance are among her passions. She has studied ballet and ballroom dance since the age of four, and also plays piano. She is a talented artist. She loves painting and sketching nature, and attends art classes with a local woman called Ms. Hudson. Cat's maternal grandmother loved art, though she died before Cat was born. Cat's mother believes her talent is inherited from her. She is forgetful and unfocused. Time can pass without her noticing. She often spends hours at a time in the gardens of their castle, or at the edges of the forest, observing. Observation is one of her favourite things to do. She likes watching people and animals, observing how they live and interact. To sit still, is not an inconvenience for her though she loves activity. Animals are to her, like special friends. She has a mare called Peploe ( after a Scottish impressionist). With Peploe, she has partaken in competitive dressage and show jumping for the past three years. She throws herself into all types of activity, eager to fill herself with experience. She is not particularly competitive though, and instead takes part for her own amusement. Cat is a deeply lonely person. Her childhood was not filled with laughter and joy. She did not know other children, and amused herself at home. Her parents were attentive, but she craved the company of peers. Her brother left for Hogwarts when she was five years old, and so she had even more time alone. She is a people-pleaser, and is constantly eager to make friends, though she has had little experience of friendship. She is honest to a fault, and an eternal optimist. She tends to see the best in people, and refuses to acknowledge that other's motives may not always be pure.

What melts the soldier's soul?​

Cat was born in Scotland to Lillian and Malcolm Kale. There are two children in her family, though her brother Liam is now of age and in line to inherit. They live in a remote castle in the Highlands, near Dornoch. Her Father's family has lived there for centuries, and it is imbued with spells to repel muggles. Malcolm holds a minor title as Baron, and mainly his business is horses. He owns a large stables, with over two hundred horses. Some are just lodgers, whereas his Father owns several of the horses himself, and employs his own jockeys. They also keep some Eriskay ponies, as Cat's mother is very fond of the breed. Cat also loves them, and spent hours sketching them. Catherine has been riding since he was a child, and is totally at ease around horses, loving dressage and show-jumping. Both her parents are wizards, and her Grandmother, a witch, still lives with them. She was home-schooled by her mother until attending Hogwarts. This has been supplemented with dance classes, piano lessons, and elocution lessons; as a result Cat's speech is very careful, and her posture graceful. Catherine has been raised to be a perfect lady, as her mother was. Her brother has different plans for her though. Liam, who is constrained by the fact that he will inherit his Father's title and lands, wishes his sister to follow her dreams, whatever they may be.
Cat's childhood was very lonely. She lived like an only child during the school term, when Liam was gone, and had very few friends. Her only contact with other children was through her lessons, and even then it was brief. Her parents are fanatical about protecting the secret of magic, though they interact with muggles and have muggle friends; the children were not permitted to do the same. Her parents felt that they were too young to be trusted to know when to hold their tongue.

What can his love of fame control?​



~Lillian Kale (neé Craig)
~Born: September 15th 1998
~Married (To Malcolm Kale)


~Malcolm Kale
~Born: August 3rd 1996
~Married (To Lillian Kale)


~Catherine Kale
~Born: March 19th 2027
~Too Young to Care

Paternal Grandmother:


~Gillian Kale (Neé Gillespie.)
~Born: February 13th 1969
~Widowed (Duncan Kale)

Paternal Grandfather:


~Duncan Kale
~Died of old age: February 3rd 2029 ( Seventy-Nine)

Maternal Grandmother:


~Iona Craig (neé Chrisholm)
~Died because of a heart attack: January 17th 2025 (Sixty)

Maternal GrandFather:

~Kirk Craig
~Died in a hunting accident: March 4th 2024 (Fifty-Seven)


~North Saw-Whet Owl
~In Hogwarts


~In Hogwarts


~Thoroughbred Mare
~In Scotland

<I><SIZE size="150">For oft, amid the battle's rage, some lovely vision will engage his thoughts and war's rough ills assuage:​
Cat strode into the Great Hall without feeling nervous at all. Her brother had told her what to expect. Still, the grandeur of the hall caught her attention. She stared around the huge room, her eyes as wide as saucers as she took in all the sights to be seen. So many people! So many other children! There was Gryffindor! That had been Liam's house. She wasn't as brave as Liam. He always went off on adventures, and she spent more time in the garden, or the safer parts of the forest. She didn't listen to the chatter of the other students, and simply watched everyone. People were sitting with friends and chatting. She couldn't wait to have friends. When the Headmistress began to speak, Cat turned her head to watch her. Her eyes were still wide; it was the most beautiful room. She'd love to paint it. Of course she could never show them to Ms. Hudson, her art tutor, the floated candles would've raised questions. Not for the first time, she wondered at why she hadn't simply been sent to Hogwarts Scotland. Both her parents had gone there. Yes, Mum was born in New Zealand, and wanted them to learn to love her native country, but surely they could've done that on a holiday. It seemed a nice place though, and everyone she saw seemed to be smiling and laughing. It was lovely to see, and it was lovely to think that soon she would be a part of all of it.

She tried to concentrate on the Headmistress as she spoke, but it was all so distracting. The comment about the Forbidden Forest prompted a smile. Liam had gone exploring the Forest in his First Year, and it was one of his favourite memories. She hoped to go there to sketch. Liam said it was beautiful. Thoughts of all the different parts of the castle that she had yet to see occupied her, as the reading of the names began. Her name wasn;t too far down the line, and she stood patiently as she waited, and watched all the students around her who seemed nervous. Her instinct was to comfort them, but she didn't really know anyone yet. She graced the girl beside her with a gentle smile, and felt a surge of joy when she smiled back. It was so strange, being surrounded by people her age. She didn't know anyone her age.

"Kale, Catherine." The voice startled her out of a dream full of friends and happiness. She wrinkled her nose at the sound. She hated being called Catherine. Suddenly, she felt a slight twinge of nerves, but she strode up to the stool, her back straight and her feet sure. She had a dancers elegance, enhanced by years of ballet and ballroom dancing. She'd always felt like an outsider. Her parents didn't want her to talk to the others at classes, lest she let something slip. Here, there was no secret, and the thought filled her with happiness. She perched on the stool, as though it were a throne and smiled slightly as the hat was lowered onto her head. It was too large, but her curly hair stopped the hat from fully covering her eyes. Please, Mr. Hat. I don't mind where I am put. I would like to make some friends, and paint, and maybe do divination. Liam doesn't like it, but Gran says it's good, and so does Mum. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to address the hat, but it seemed a better idea than simply sitting and thinking nothing. Surely, it needed to know something about her. I promise I'll be nice to everyone, I just want them to like me. She didn't know how to feel. She had no preference about where she went, she just wanted to belong somewhere.

"You'll do well in...Hufflepuff!"
<FONT font="Lucida Handwriting"><I><SIZE size="150">Such power has Beauty!​

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