Catherine Gillian Kale

Catherine Kale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Whippy Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Catherine Gillian Klae

Full Name:
Catherine Gillian Kale
Date of Birth:
March 19th 2027
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Well, I'm quite short. I have very curly hair, and it's fairly long. I have brown eyes, and I'm very pale. I never tan, ever. Mum always gets a great tan; so do my Dad and brother, but I never do. I am fairly fit, though I know I shouldn't say that, but I dance a lot and it keeps me healthy. I often have dirty hands; covered in ink and paint. Mum hates it, but it's very hard to wash off sometimes.
I'm a friendly person, though I haven't much experience with making friends. I care very much about my family, and animals. I think it is important to be nice to people; it's the only way to make friends Mum says. Liam says I am a pushover, and I need to stand up for myself, but I am not like him, I'm not brave. I just try to get along with people.
I was born in Scotland. My parents are called Malcolm and Lillian. I've lived there my whole life, with Mum and Dad, my brother Liam and my Gran. Daddy owns a stables, and he has jockeys. They're all muggles, and I'm allowed to talk to them, but I must be careful not to mention anything about the magical world. I've spent most of my life alone. Liam left for school when I was five, so I spent ages at home. I started Art lessons when I was eight with Mrs. Hudson in Dornoch, and when I was four, I started doing ballet, so I wasn't too bored.
I love my family.
I'm very close to my Mummy, she's the nicest person I know. I'm going to miss her so much when I'm in Hogwarts.
Daddy is great; he is really a big softy though he acts like he's tough. He argues with Liam all the time now, but we get along. Daddy is the one who helps me with the horses, and teaches me about them.
Gran is great. She's so clever! She knows so much, and teaches me about divination and astrology and potions. She has so many old books and tells wonderful stories about her life.
Liam is my big brother. He is brave, kind and strong. He's been very sad recently. I don't think he wants to take over the barony and the stables, but Daddy says he has to. I wish I were more like Liam. He's really brave and always has adventures, but I would be too scared.
In Hogwarts; I have a North-Saw whet owl, called Amadeus (after Mozart), and a puffskein called Vincent (after Van Gogh). Vincent is pink!
At home; I have a mare called Peploe, who is named after a Scottish impressionist who Mrs. Hudson told me about. We also have a family Sheltie called Rhoda.
Area of Residence:
Remote castle near Dornoch Scotland.
Blood Status:
Scottish and English
Special Abilities:
Mummy says I'm creative, and Mrs. Hudson says I have potential?
Interests or Hobbies:
I love animals! I ride, and I do dressage and show-jumping. I don't really care about the competitions, but I get to meet other kids at events. I like music too; all types. I play piano, mostly classical, but I listen to modern music on the radio. I like art; looking at it, learning about it, trying to do it. I'm not very good, but I have fun when I sketch and paint, and Mummy says that's the point. I also do ballet, and ballroom dancing. I prefer ballet, but Liam liked ballroom dancing, so I kept going to the lessons. I also really like the outdoors, and flowers.
Additional Skills:
I am good at hiding, and climbing. Liam used to take me climbing in the gardens.
I am good at listening, and I try to treat people kindly. Gran always tells me to be compassionate, and I always make an effort to understand other people. (Cat has a strong social conscious, and a firm belief in what is wrong and right.)
I am not strong really. I can sometimes get annoyed and sulky, and I cry quite easily. Daddy says I'm too soft-hearted for my own good sometimes. I don't really know what that means, but I feel thinks quite deeply. (Cat is also quite over-eager and a people-pleaser. She is also quite easy to manipulate and influence, as she craves being liked.)
Describe yourself in three words:
Silly, Creative, Nervous
Favourite Place:
The gardens at home
I don't really have any. I have met a few girls at my dance classes, but Mummy says I mustn't talk to them too much, as I might let something slip. It's not really fair, because she and Daddy have muggle friends. Mrs. Hudson doesn't really count, because she's a grown-up. I can't wait to make friends at Hogwarts.
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
I want to make friends, and hopefully learn about divination.
Best School Subjects:
I don't know yet, but I like the sound of divination and charms.
Worst School Subjects:
I do not like the idea of Defence Against The Dark Arts; it sounds scary.
Extracurricular Activities:
None yet.
Current Job:
Plans for Your Future:
I don't know; maybe I could be an artist, but I doubt it; I am not that good. I thought maybe being a healer would be fun, or a professor.
Your Patronus:
A hare: People sometimes think you’re a bit of an oddball, but your eccentricity and honesty are what others love most about you. You’re intelligent, an animal lover, and curious about the world around you.
Your Patronus Memory:
When I did my first ballet performance, and Liam stood up in the audience to cheer for me.
Your Animagus:
Scottish terrier: You are energetic and love to be around people. You thrive in social settings and you are extremely friendly. You are intelligent and playful but you can sometimes be stubborn. You are also extremely loyal and protective of your family and friends. You would stand by them through anything.
Mirror of Erised:
My family would be together and getting along. Liam would be happy, and I would have friends around me. I would never be lonely.
A page from your Diary:

Dear Diary

It's today!! I'm on my way to Hogwarts. I was too afraid to sit with some of the other first years on the train, but I'm sure I'll get to know people soon. I just don't really know what to say to them. What if they don't want me to talk to them? I should go to sleep. There are other girls in my dormitory. Perhaps we could become friends. I will try to chat with them in the morning.


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