Catching Up

Kai Nagasaki

Well-Known Member
Kai sat on a stone ledge, bored out of his mind. This school officially blowed. Not only was classes a bore, but he didn't even have a girlfriend. That, was the whole reason behind requesting to meet with Eleona again, but who knew if she was going to show up. He just sighed and rubbed his head, then smirked.
Eleona sighed and clutched the little note Kai had sent her. Out of courtesy she showed up, however she wasn't going to be happy about it. She saw him sitting on his usualy spot, smirking like the true jackass he was. Eleona huffed, "What do you want Nagasaki?" She groaned, "I really don't feel like dealing with you right now."
Chihiro had been dancing around the corridors lately but she wasn't in the mood to dance. She had been thinking about her cousins lately and she would love to catch up with them since she hadn't spend her time with them but she was going to owl Keitaro's mother and ask her if the family could spend their time in the mansion of theirs. Chihiro wasn't planning on going back to Osaka during summer, she was hoping that she could stay in Tokyo along with her cousins. She was somewhat isolated from them due to her father's business in Osaka. Chihiro's father was in charge for running the business in Osaka and the rest were either in Kyoto, Tokyo, or Chiba.

Chihiro made her way to the lakefront and saw a familiar Japanese face. "Konnichiwa Kai chan" She greeted him and smiled, then she eyed another girl who seemed sour. "Konnichiwa" She bowed showing a respect to her and smile. "Pleasure to meet you" She smiled at the girl and then Kai.
Eleona saw a girl about her age come up and greet the two of them, "Konnichiwa..." She replied, happy someone was there besides herself, "Watashi no namae wa Eleona." Eleona bowed a bit then smiled, then turned back to Kai, "So what do you want? Let me guess, your father yelled at you for messing us up?" If there was anything she wasn't in the mood for it was his sick attitude. Although she didn't want to take it out on the girl standing with them.
Kai smiled at Chihiro, "Hey Chihiro-chan. How are you?" He let his pearly whites gleam. His eyes shifted over to Eleona and he put his arm around her, "Aw come on Ellie!" Kai referred to his old childhood nickname for her, "Don't automatically assume I have the worst intentions! There is a chance I just want to talk!" He spoke out in perfect french, "Is it a crime to want to catch up with my old best friend?"
Eleona lifted his arm off her, "With you? Yes, yes it is." She winced at the mention of her old name, then placed a hand on her hip. Eleona took down her newly cut hair and sighed, "Look Nagasaki, give me a reason to stay and I will."
Chihiro lifted her eyebrow when the girl introduced her self as Eleona in Japanese although the sentence wasn't perfect. "I'm great, Kai chan. So is she your fiancee?" She smiled as she look at Kai and then to the girl. But then suddenly they started to speak in French, Chihiro knew what they said, she had been learning Japanese, Chinese, Korean, English, French and several other languages since she was little. She decided to stay quiet and not to bother the couple, even though she felt a sad feeling left out.
The girl didn't seemed friendly, she was kicking him away and Chihiro didn't know why.
[color=#darkgreen]Kai laughed a bit, "Well for one, I think I need to refresh you on your japanese." He sighed and then held her wrist, "...Chihiro, she was my fiancee at one point. But... It didn't work out..." Kai replied and looked away from the girls, "Look Ellie- I actually just want to talk. And we might as well talk in english as a courtousy, no?" He stared in her eyes hopefully, trying to see if there was any way she would stay.[/color]
Eleona looked at him and growled bitterly, "Didn't work out? I would say that." Even after all they had been through her hand still burnt up at his touch, "We'll talk in english then." She turned her face to Chihro and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry..." Eleona didn't want to seem mad at the girl, however it was hard to contain herself, "Fine, Kai. Let's talk. How about let's talk about the way you used me? Or maybe the way you cheated on me? Oh! Or maybe how I absolutley loved the way you were totally fake?" She had held this all in for some time and was actually happy to get it out.
Chihiro was about to leave but she stopped after hearing what Eleona said. "I'm sorry... I know this isn't my business but... What happen?" She asked as she eyed Eleona and then Kai, she felt bad for them even though deep inside, Chihiro didn't want Kai to be with Eleona just because Eleona wasn't Japanese and Chihiro was hoping that Kai would have a Japanese fiancee. The family was proud of their race, including Chihiro, she was proud being Japanese and would want to keep it that way.
Eleona looked at Chihiro, "I doubt he's told you any of this but Kai used to be my best friend." She paused and glared at him, "Then our fathers set us up. At first I thought it would be fun, you know, kind of like a Disney movie type of thing? But no." Eleona closed her eyes, "One day I was just walking around, then just stumbled upon Kai. The thing was, he wasn't alone. He was snogging with my ex-best friend, well the girl one." She looked at Chihiro apologetically, "I'm sorry if I'm kinda pulling you into this."
Chihiro listen to Eleona and widen her eyes after finding out that he was snogging another girl. "Did... You?" She asked him and stare at him for several minute before crossing her arms. "You're a disgrace" She said in Japanese as she stare at him coldly. "Do you have any reason why you did that, Kai chan?" Beside Eleona isn't Japanese she thought. "Very sorry that he did that to you" Chihiro bowed, she may not know who Kai was but he was representing her race and she didn't want other people to look down at them just because a Japanese boy ruined the reputation.

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