Cassandria Trisha Linaklely-Walsh

OOC First Name
Cassandria Trisha Linaklely-Walsh


-Full Name: Cassandria Trisha Linaklely-Walsh

-Birth Date: September 24th 1987

-Current Age: 37

-Basic Appearance: Long brown hair, brown eyes, average height.

-Parents: Bonnie Linaklely and Robert Linaklely (both deceased)

-Siblings, if any: She has two sisters who she's never met and knows nothing about.

-Any other family:
Husband: David Kendle Walsh
Daughters: Kadie Stella Walsh (17)
River Sasha Walsh (8)
Serenity Summer Wash (5)

-Pets, if any: None

-Area of Residence: Paris

-Blood status: Mixed Blood

-What would their Patronus be? A Swan because they are beautiful and elegant but still ferocious

-What would their Boggart be? Losing any of her children

-What would their Animagus form be? Swan.

-What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?

-What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Her first baby.
Hi there. :) I have a few questions to ask you. They're simple really, just hoping it'll help develop your character. :)
I asked them IC, but you can answer them IC/OOC, however you wish.

Are you parents wizards? Just one, or the other, etc? What are their views on magic?

How did your parents die?

(This one's OOC). How did she come about having two other sisters?

What is your occupation?

How old is your husband, and how did you meet?

Why did you wait a few more years after your first child, before you had two more?

Do your children get along with each other? With you and your husband?

Do you ever wish to have sons?

Why don't you have pets?
Are you parents wizards? Just one, or the other, etc? What are their views on magic?
I've never met my dad because he was married when he was dating my mother but my mum is a witch and she said my dad was. I love magic. It makes things so much easier. I don't know how muggles cope. Life must be hell for them.

How did your parents die?
My mum died in a car accident when I was in my twenties. I don't know how my dad died. I only know that he's dead.

(This one's OOC). How did she come about having two other sisters?
Her dad had an affair with his wife when he already had two daughters. This resulted in Cassandria's mum getting pregnant with her.

What is your occupation?
I don't have a job. I spend every day trying to become a model. It's my husband that brings in the money.

How old is your husband, and how did you meet?
He's 41 and I knew him in school. It wasn't until after school that we got together though.

Why did you wait a few more years after your first child, before you had two more?
I was worried about ruining my figure too much but my husband managed to persuade me to have more kids.

Do your children get along with each other? With you and your husband?
I get along with Kadie and my husband gets along with my younger two daughters but River and Serenity are very different to Kadie

Do you ever wish to have sons?
No. They have no idea what they are talking about and they prefer to roll around in mud than to watch what they look like.

Why don't you have pets?
They ruin every outfit with hairs and muddy paws. It's difficult to look good when you're covered in dog hairs.

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