Closed Casing the Joint

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
Audrey was very invested in finding her way around Hogwarts. It was a huge school, and thankfully she was yet to get bored of exploring. There were plenty of secrets to be found, she was sure, but for the moment she was simply trying to get a lay of the land. Work out where things were, and which places were important to keep in mind. Like the hospital wing - even Audrey knew better than to try and pull anything on the nurses and anyone in the hospital wing. Not only would she get detentions for a year, it was extremely poor form. Other places, though, fair game. Especially the trophy room. Audrey leaned against the wall opposite the door, stroking her chin thoughtfully and trying to look extremely serious while she considered. There were the obvious options, like stinkbombs, or glitter. Eventually, maybe even changing up a few names on the trophies if she learned to. Mentally, she added it to her list of goals, thinking of the messages she could leave for anyone who looked closely enough. Audrey snorted, giggling a little as she went through the (incredibly immature) options. They weren't very clever, but perhaps by the time her magic was strong enough her humour would have improved. Maybe.
Emmy knew that she wanted to know where everything was before classes started. Not only because she didn't want to get lost herself, but so she could help anyone else that got lost. Being late to class was stressful, especially if it was because you had no idea where you were. She had already spent a lot of her time finding out what was around the Common Room, and finding the quickest route down to the Great Hall, but she hadn't quite explored the floors in between. All of her classes for the first semester were on the lower floors, so it was about time she found out where they were.
Strolling along the corridor, Emmy made a little note on her map that she was making, before looking around to see what was nearby. Her eyes landed on a girl that she was assumed her own age, giggling to herself. Emmy couldn't help but smile. She walked up to the girl, trying to see what she was giggling at. "Hey! Whatcha laughing at?"
Audrey hadn't really realized she was cackling like a bit of a madwoman staring at the entrance of the trophy room, but she wasn't necessarily embarrassed. Instead, she glanced at the girl who looked to be about the same age as her, and gave her a huge grin. "Thinking about how to make the trophies look better when we learn more magic," Audrey said, frankly. It didn't seem like there was any reason to make anything up, not as though it was a prefect or professor or something. This girl didn't look like she was going to cause any problems. "What do you think works better for top points earner? Biggest nerd or...something saying they smell." Audrey was intelligent, but let it never be said her sense of humour was mature or sophisticated.
The grin from the other girl made Emmy beam, immediately liking her. At first she wondered why making the trophies look better was so funny, but the girl continued to talk and it suddenly dawned on Emmy what she was meaning. She let out a loud giggle trying to think of something to say; insults weren't her biggest strength. "What about 'Too busy studying to shower' and then a big poo next to it with flies and smell drawings," Emmy cackled, "A bit wordy, but you get the point." She was actually proud of her suggestion, but hoped her mother would never find out she said it.
Audrey grinned widely, cracking up laughing at the suggestion. Sure, it wasn't sophisticated humour at all, but Audrey didn't care, she loved the suggestion. "Merlin, that's brilliant! I love it!" she managed to wheeze out between laughs. It was the type of humour her parents never allowed at home (even though she knew her mother would laugh at it anyway and then pretend she hadn't and had to sternly tell Audrey off). Of course, she wanted to get good grades, but she didn't want to be one of the weirdos who did nothing else but study. "Mayyyybe for Halloween you could have like...'didn't even wear a costume'?" she pondered. "Oh yeah, I'm Audrey, people get weird if you don't like, introduce yourself, I guess," she added, remembering her experience on the train.
Emmy beamed, over the moon that her suggestion had produced a laugh from this girl. She couldn't help but giggle along with the girl, her laughter was infectious. Emmy wished she could tell someone of how much she had made this girl laugh, but knew her mother wouldn't be impressed. Perhaps she ought to owl her brother, he would be proud of her for sure. Emmy laughed at the girl's comment. "Looks like this everyday." She added, feeling like she could get a hang of this insult thing. As long as she didn't have to say it to the person's actual face. "I'm Emmy. I guess it's good to know someone's name." She replied with a grin, her cheeks getting sore from the laughing. "I guess you are a first year too?"
Audrey snapped her fingers at the comment. "Snappy! So good." This was one other reason Audrey had been dying to get to Hogwarts. Peer review. Audrey liked bouncing ideas off people, she found, hearing what they had to add and seeing if it could improve her own ideas. Or if she could improve theirs. Sure, she knew she was clever, but she knew that you didn't become a genius alone. "Nice name, Emmy! Yep, I'm first year Ravenclaw," she said, proudly indicating the blue hair ribbon with which she had tied her hair up into an extremely messy ponytail. "I'm glad there's a heap of cool people in first year."

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