Carter Taylor

Carter Taylor

Well-Known Member
- Full Name: Carter Lee Taylor
- Birth Date: December 14
- Current Age: 10 years old
- Basic Appearance: Jet black hair, straight, long, Dark blue eyes (almost grey), quite muscled for a young girl, slightly tanned
- Parents: Sindy (28, Muggle) and Leytham Taylor (29, Magical).
- Siblings, if any: Family dog: Choo-Choo
- Area of Residence: Tossa de mar, Spain
- Blood status: Half

- What would their Patronus be? A Boxer dog because she shares traits with them such as a trusting nature but gets defensive over her people.
- What would their Boggart be? Her parents having another child.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A boxer dog, for the same reasons shown above.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Her parents liking her for who she is.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? A memory of when she was little when her parents gave her a grand piano

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Decmber 24 2021​

Well I just got my birthday/christmas presents. You will never guess what I got. I got baggy jeans, boy style, a load of shirts, man sized, and a bunch of skate shoes, male design. Do you get the feeling their trying to tell me something. I swear, my nana is the only person in this family who registers that I was actually born a girl.

I'm not saying I don't like the clothes, they are cool, I just wish my family got me some girly stuff aswell. Oh! I didn't tell you did I? I went shopping on my own the other day, not like I have anyone to go with anyway, and bought some more make-up as I was running out. When I got home Sindy saw me coming in, guess what she said. "Why'd you buy that lot for?" Seriously! I swear she actually doesn't realise I am a girl. I swear Leytham's just as bad, he's given me new nicknames like 'butch' and 'dude'.

I have to go now, It's time for my cake, guess what the icing design is. A car, I don't even like cars! Anyway, maybe tomorrow will be better, I get to see nana and papa.

x Carter x
Hello Carter,

A few questions...

1. Why would your boggart be your parents having another child?
2. It seems from some of your answers that you suffer from low self esteem, is there a rift between yourself and your parents that caused this?
3. Why do you call your parents by their first names and not as 'mom' and 'dad'?
4. Do you have any hobbies or interests?
5. What house would you like to get sorted into?
6. Do you have a favourite colour?
7. What do you think your favourite subject might be?
8. What magical school did your father attend?
9. Will you be brining a magical pet with you to Hogwarts?
10. What do you hope to achieve in your time at Hogwarts?

1. Why would your boggart be your parents having another child? Because, if they have another kid, they're probably going to have a boy and then they will ignore me even more than they already do.

2. It seems from some of your answers that you suffer from low self esteem, is there a rift between yourself and your parents that caused this? Everyone in my family except one person is constantly wishing I was a boy. It doesn't help the view when you look at yourself.

3. Why do you call your parents by their first names and not as 'mom' and 'dad'? They aren't much like parents to me and they say it makes them feel old.

4. Do you have any hobbies or interests? I like dancing, drawing, singing, writing and partying. I kind of like fashion but not the fashionable fashion, if that makes any sense?

5. What house would you like to get sorted into? I don't really mind to be honest, they all sound pretty cool.

6. Do you have a favourite colour?
It's purple, though occasionally I like pink more.

7. What do you think your favourite subject might be?
Probably care of magical creatures, I love animals.

8. What magical school did your father attend?
He was home-schooled by my Nana mostly though he spent his first year in durmstrang.

9. Will you be bringing a magical pet with you to Hogwarts?
Probably not, unless I can save up enough money to but one.

10. What do you hope to achieve in your time at Hogwarts? I'd like to make some friends, it sounds silly but I don't actually have any at the school I'm in at the moment.

Hope I answered them nicely :D

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