Carsten Blanchard

Carsten Blanchard

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
- Carsten Adlric Blanchard​
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Date of Birth:
- July 31, 2011

Current Age:
- 16

Basic Appearance:
- Carsten is tall and with dark, slicked on his left hair, and green eyes. He also has a pierced ear.

- Carsten comes off as mischievous and easy to anger, but this attitude is because he wishes no one to get involved with him. He is also protective to his friends and family, willing to suffer for them and sacrifice himself, so that they won't get hurt. He also can come across as rather detached and downright threatening when he wants to. He is rather rude, and, though he appears civil, he is actually a very lazy person as he likes to ditch his classes frequently.

- Nathalie Blanchard
Nathalie is Carsten's cousin on his father's side. She is a part-veela and is studying as a 5th year in Beauxbatons.

- Albert Blanchard (father)
Albert is Carsten's father. He is intelligent, logical, extremely rational, and has a foul mouth.

- Ansel Blanchard (Brother)
Ansel is Carsten's younger brother. He is a little nicer and can be considered more bearable than his brother. Like Carsten, his friends see him as serious and cool though he isn't really like that.

- Eclair Altman Blanchard
Eclaire is Carsten's mother. She is good-natured and caring towards her family.

- Adrianne Kaethe Blanchard
Adrianne is Carsten's younger sister. She's very bubbly and clumsy at times.


Area of Residence:

Blood Status:
- Half-Blood

- Half- French, half-german

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
- Carsten's interest is on books, music as well as dark arts.

Additional Skills:
- He's reasonably good in almost all of those muggle martial arts. He is also a great pianist and guitarist.

- Carsten is very protective of his loved ones and is a quick thinker.

- He is easy to be angered and he has a rather foul mouth.

Describe your character in three words:
- Mischievous, protective, rude

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere were there is peace and quiet

- His cousin, Nathalie, and his siblings

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

Best school subjects:
- Probably potions as well as flying.

Worst school subjects:
- Divination

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:
- A wolf probably.

Your Patronus memory:
- The first time that his father had praised him for being a good son
1. I thought Pixie and Alois were his mates too! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! (Jokes)
2. Why does he have such a foul mouth?
3. Why does he want to appear rude and etc?

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