Carson West

Carson West

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Carson Blair West
Carson was named after Kit Carson who was a famous American Scout. Since her father is a huge History buff it was no surprise that her first name came from the books that he slaved over. Blair was the name of Carson's grandmother. West of course is the given surname and plays no part in the naming of Carson.

Date of Birth: Novemeber 15, 2013

Current Age: 11 years old

Basic Appearance:
Carson is average in height for her age of eleven. Though she is on the skinner side of the spectrum. Not being overly skinny, Carson does have little to no curve to her eleven year old body. Bright blue eyes are gifted to this young girl as well as naturally brown hair. Though it is uncommon for a brunette to have blue eyes, Carson seemed to luck out in this department due to the fact both her parents have blue eyes. Her hair is normally straight though with some time and effort, loose curls or even just waves can be accomplished. Her normal hair style is just having her hair down, though this young child finds it helpful to put her hair back into pig tail braids or just throwing a hair band in to keep her hair out ofh er eyes. This blue eyed beauty also has a fashion sense that will turn heads. Having a muggle mother fashion designer, Carson gets the latest fashion, that her mother finds fashionable. Carson's style ranges quite a bit due to this fact. Leather jackets are usually her jacket choice as well as a plentiful amount of necklaces and jelly bracelets. Carson doesn't wear a lot of colour on a day to day basics. Though when colour is thrown into the wardrobe of this newly accepted Hogwarts New Zealand student, she had plenty of it. From a day wearing all black and grays to a day wearing bright yellow, is nothing out of the ordinary for this little fashionista.

Carson is just a happy person. She hasn't been through any major hardships. She hasn't dealt with bullies or anything of that sort. All growing up she had a loving mother and father and even grandparents that were by her side. With all this one would expect to have Carson be a happy go lucky type of girl. Having a mother that is all into fashion and a father that is all into books, Carson is lucky enough to get both ends. She has the smarts and love for books. The only catch is History is not Carson's favourite subject like her father. Instead Carson is in love with English and on occasion Math. Much like her mother, Carson is into fashion and looks, but more for the artist viewpoint not the superficial viewpoint. Carson sees fashion as an art, a way to express herself. And with this outlook, she loves throwing on outfits each day creating a new masterpiece.

She does not care to play sports on a regular basis. She likes to play from time to time if a group of friends is enjoying a game, but if given an option to play some sort of sport or just to lay outside under the stars or sun, Carson would just lay about. That's another thing about this little brunette's personality, she loves to relax. Not exactly just being lazy but enjoying her surroundings. Never has she been the type to speed through life without stopping to smell the roses.

Nothing about Carson is shy. She is very outgoing and loves to talk. Sometimes this gets her in trouble when she never wants to be quiet or when she tells something she probably shouldn't. Though she can be trusted with secrets, sometimes this young girl has a habit of opening up and spilling a few things that she should have not said aloud.

Mother: Delilah West (used to be Magnest)
-Muggle Fashion Designer, Very Independent, Loving Mother, Age 36
Father: Damien West
-Muggle Salesman, Lover of History, Spends loads of time with his nose in History books and in muggle muesums, Independent, Age 38
Grandmother: Blair Magnest
- Mother of three, Mother of Damien, Retired, Age 65
Grandfather: Richard Magnest
- Father of Three, Father of Damien, Retired, Volunteer Firefighter, Age 63
Grandmother: Tina Richardson
-Mother of one, Mother of Delilah, Social Worker, Age 55
Grandfather: Nick Richardson
-Father of one, Father of Delilah, Police Officer, Age 56

Pets: No pets due to Damien's allergies.
Carson does want some type of pet though she isn't quite sure which type yet. She really wants a dog but those aren't allowed at Hogwart's she's been told. So maybe a kitten of some sorts.

Area of Residence: Born LA, California. Raised their her whole life as well.

Blood Status: Muggle Born

Heritage: Carson doesn't know her roots exactly. She knows she is part Irish with a bit of Germany mixed in. Her grandmother said that she once had a bit of Native American in her, though Carson still doubts this fact.

Special Abilities: None

Interests or Hobbies:
Carson loves to look up at the clouds and pick out the shapes that she sees. She loves to throw outfits together and just hang out with friends. Back home she was fond of swimming and walking on the beach. Carson does love reading but mostly fiction books with a long and interesting plot line. For some reason she is not fond of fairytales though and never has been. Fairytales include stories such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Beauty and the Beast. Carson has a love for the stars and even owns at telescope back home just so she can gaze at the stars for hours picking out all the constellations and such. If she had to pick a favourite sport, it would be beach volleyball.

Additional Skills:
Carson was learning a bit of spanish at her old school since second grade and plans on continuing learning by herself in hopes to as her mother says "increase her knowledge of the world and culture around her". Carson can't really play any instruments or have much musical talents. But she loves to dance, not professionally, and sing, also not professionally.

Strengths: Good Personality, Outgoing, Hard working

Weaknesses: Sometimes has a big mouth, Spends too much time getting ready, easily distracted

Describe your character in three words:
Happy: Carson is just an overally happy person. She really has no reason in her life not to be. Of course there are a few ups and downs but no one's life is perfect
Outgoing: Carson doesn't see any reason to be shy when there are so many people out there to meet and greet
Relaxed: Carson is a really relaxed person who doesn't see the need to stress and rush about life

Favourite place to be:
The beach: Carson loves the beach and spends all her free time there. It is going to be a little shock not to have the LA beach in her close reach anymore while at school.

Carson had her friends at home and sure she is going to miss them and going to be missed. Her best friend back home was Liz who is a shy girl that Carson took under her wing. For years they were unsepartable. Now it is going to be hard to be apart, but they have no choice

Hogwarts House:
Carson is not really educated on the different Hogwart's houses. She just wants to be in one no matter what it is. There's a chance Carson can be in any one of the houses but Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw might be the two most likely.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

Best school subjects:
In Carson's old school her best subjects were math and English. Since she has never taken any classes at a Wizarding school she is not sure which subjects she will be best at.

Worst school subjects:
In Carson's old school her worst subject was Geography. She is not sure what her worst subject in Hogwarts New Zealand would be.

Extracurricular Activities:
In her old school Carson was part of the drama club. She wasn't much into school spirited sports or club other than drama so Carson is not sure if that is going to change when she enters her new school or not.

Plans for your future:
Carson really doesn't think about her future. She is afterall only eleven years old. The only that that's crossed her mind is making the grades and working her hardest. She wants to make her parents proud. As for a future career, she doesn't know any magical careers in the wizarding world. Up until she discovered she was a witch she wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps, kinda. Not designing clothes but opening her own clothing and accessory shop.

Your Patronus: Carson's patronus would probably be an eagle. She has a love for birds and the eagle in her mind is a bird for protection

Your Patronus memory: Carson's memory that would create her own patronus would be that one day at the bench that Carson met Liz. Carson was playing with a group of her friends and Liz was alone. It just always stands out as a day full of fun, adventure, and a day in which Carson met her true first best friend.

Your Boggart: Carson's boggart would be her extreme fear of sharks. Even though she loves the beach with all her heart something about sharks scare her senseless.

Your Animagus:
If Carson ever becomes an animagus she would like to become a dove. Again this plays into her love for birds as well as the fact she loves doves thinking they are peaceful and all over loved creatures.

Mirror of Erised: Though Carson is a happy person, if she looked into the Mirror of Erised she would probably she herself with a younger sister. The type of sister that will be a mini me of her, a little girl that Carson could put under her wing and help her out. Being an only child doesn't seem to bother Carson but deep down she does hope for a sister.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
"You Write Such Pretty Words. But Life's No Storybook"
I got a letter from gram today. She said she would be visiting soon after I got back from New Zealand. Yes New Zealand. It's going to be nothing like LA. But I get to go to school there. Right now I'm only going to visit and see what the place is like. It should be fun. New place. New Adventure. New people. I'll let you know how that goes. Other than that's nothing really new. Oh wait! Did I forget to mention the school in New Zealand is a Wizarding school. Yep. Didn't think it was possibly. It's like a Storybook. Something that I've read in the past. Now it's real. I can't wait. Always knew something great would happen. Well maybe I didn't know. I just hoped. Hopes and dreams sometimes come true. Guess its just finally happening. Well anyway. Great news I guess. I'm going to miss Liz but she promised we'd stay in touch. She also promised she'd be strong and make more friends when I'm gone. I wouldn't want her to be alone. I wouldn't leave if I didn't think she could keep that promise. Well bye. Going to go to the beach. It's nice enough out and I so need a good swim or run.
Hey, I've got some questions:

How would Carson react to bullies (either bullying herself or others, if she witnessed it?)

How did Carson's parents react to the Hogwarts letter?

What does Carson hate most?

If Carson could change something about herself physically, what would it be?

If she had to choose to have only one of the following for the rest of her life, would Carson pick chocolate or potatoes?

Describe Carson's worst enemy.

What were the best and worst days of Carson's life?

That'll do for now. :) Look forward to the answers.
((Thanks for the questions. Sorry it took me so long to get to them))

001. How would Carson react to bullies (either bullying herself or others, if she witnessed it?)
Since Carson has never really been in that situation, it would certainly surprise her that people could either be that mean to her or to anyone else for that matter. Her first reaction would probably to stop the bullying if it was someone else being pushed about or try to make peace if it was herself who was on the end of the bullying. Carson has no problem speaking her mind, so there would be no doubt that she wouldn't hesitant to stand up for what she believes in and tell someone that bullying in any form is wrong.

002. How did Carson's parents react to the Hogwarts letter?
Both parents were shocked beyond belief. Her father was even doubtful that Hogwarts New Zealand was such a place until he and Carson researched it. Her mother was more in disbelief that her daughter would be going to a school where uniforms were required. After the first shock wore off, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Her parents always believed Carson would turn out to be someone special and this was just proving their theory.

003. What does Carson hate most?
Other than sharks, Carson hates the thought of being caged up for too long. She would hate if she had to spend a whole day inside of her house or inside in general alone.

004. If Carson could change something about herself physically, what would it be?
If she could change something about herself physcially it would probably be to be a few inches taller. Carson doesn't mind that she is average height but she notices all the models that her mother uses for her fashion shows are tall. There is just something about being tall that attracts Carson, like it stands for gracefullness and all that is fashion.

005. If she had to choose to have only one of the following for the rest of her life, would Carson pick chocolate or potatoes?
Carson would probably pick potatoes. She is not too fond of junk food and/or chocolate as it is. Living on it for the rest of her life would probably drive her mad. Potatoes on the other hand can be good baked, mashed, and just made in multiple ways.

006. Describe Carson's worst enemy.
Now this is a more difficult one for at the age of eleven she certainly isn't thinking about her worst enemy. At the moment, it would probably just be someone who dislikes Carson, someone who is against everything Carson loves and stands for, and of course someone who doesn't give a care in the world for anyone but themselves.

007. What were the best and worst days of Carson's life?
An eleven year old doesn't have many days to pick from as for best and worst days. At the time Carson's best day would probably be when she met Liz. Her worst day would have to be moving away from her home in LA. Now the move seems like a bad thing, even if Carson claims it to be an adventure and is secretly excited for it at the same time, she is going to miss her friends and the roots that she already has there.

What was your reaction to getting into Gryffindor?

What do you think of all the stairs there are to get up to the Gryffindor tower?

What do you think is the best thing about Hogwarts so far?

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