Carson West

Carson West

Well-Known Member



Character's Name: Carson Blair West
Behind the Name: Carson was named after Kit Carson who was a famous American Scout. Since her father is a huge History buff it was no surprise that her first name came from the books that he slaved over. Blair was the name of Carson's grandmother. West of course is the given surname and plays no part in the naming of Carson.
Character's Birthdate: Novemeber 15, 2013
Hometown: Los Angeles, California, USA
Blood Status: Muggleborn


Wand: Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
And More: Coconut is a perfect wood for spells involving handy work and is brilliant for defensive magic, the star dust adds an effect of mystery, and a mystical power to make powerful spells, even stronger. This wand is not for the quiet or shy.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
The Hat's Words: "Shhh! How am I to sort you with all your thoughts muddling about your mind. Just relax. You needn't sort yourself! That's why I'm here! Your father says Ravenclaw? Hmm. I could see that. You're bright, and love to learn.... Your mother thinks Slytherin? I suppose you do look out for yourself a fair deal, but not to the extent that many others who sit beneath me do. No, you're no Slytherin. You like adventure, hmmm? Yes, I suspected as much. Pay your parents no mind - there is a reason they haven't my job. You're certainly a GRYFFINDOR!"
Reasoning: Carson believes she made it into Gryffindor due to her adventurous side. Hopefully she is brave as well, as of the time of the sorting, Carson has never been in a situation that tested her bravery.


Hair: A simple brown and naturally straight. On occasion and which lots of work, Carson will attempt to curl or just wave her hair. Sometimes even that doesn't work though. Carson's hair doesn't frizz like the hair of many others. She sometimes wishes that it would instead of staying exactly how it is the same every day. Her hair has the habit of falling into her face. When this occurs she usually just tucks it behind one ear. However this doesn't last long and it once more falls into her face almost covering one eye. This doesn't bother Carson at all, but it drives her mother crazy. Normally her hair is just straight down, but on some occassions Carson will pull it up into a messy bun or two pig tail braids.
Eyes: Carson has crystal blue eyes that are sometimes entrancing. It is odd for a brunette to have blue eyes but it fits Carson quite well. Her eyes, in her opinion, are one of her best features.
Height: Average for an thirteen year old girl: 5 foot 1 inch
Weight: 95 pounds. Carson is on the slimmer side of the spectum for weight but by no means is she too skinny.
Style: This blue eyed beauty also has a fashion sense that will turn heads. Having a muggle mother fashion designer, Carson gets the latest fashion, that her mother finds fashionable. Carson's style ranges quite a bit due to this fact. Leather jackets are usually her jacket choice as well as a plentiful amount of necklaces and jelly bracelets. Carson doesn't wear a lot of colour on a day to day basics. Though when colour is thrown into the wardrobe of this newly accepted Hogwarts New Zealand student, she had plenty of it. From a day wearing all black and grays to a day wearing bright yellow, is nothing out of the ordinary for this little fashionista.
Other Distinguishing Features: Carson has a birthmark right on her left shoulder. It's a small birthmark and is barely noticable. When Carson was younger her mother told her it was a beauty mark that meant she was destined for great things. Secretly Carson still believes this.


Personality:Carson is just a happy person. She hasn't been through any major hardships. She hasn't dealt with bullies or anything of that sort. All growing up she had a loving mother and father and even grandparents that were by her side. With all this one would expect to have Carson be a happy go lucky type of girl. Having a mother that is all into fashion and a father that is all into books, Carson is lucky enough to get both ends. She has the smarts and love for books. The only catch is History is not Carson's favourite subject like her father. Instead Carson is in love with English and on occasion Math. Much like her mother, Carson is into fashion and looks, but more for the artist viewpoint not the superficial viewpoint. Carson sees fashion as an art, a way to express herself. And with this outlook, she loves throwing on outfits each day creating a new masterpiece.

She does not care to play sports on a regular basis. She likes to play from time to time if a group of friends is enjoying a game, but if given an option to play some sort of sport or just to lay outside under the stars or sun, Carson would just lay about. That's another thing about this little brunette's personality, she loves to relax. Not exactly just being lazy but enjoying her surroundings. Never has she been the type to speed through life without stopping to smell the roses.

Nothing about Carson is shy. She is very outgoing and loves to talk. Sometimes this gets her in trouble when she never wants to be quiet or when she tells something she probably shouldn't. Though she can be trusted with secrets, sometimes this young girl has a habit of opening up and spilling a few things that she should have not said aloud.

Mother: Delilah West (used to be Magnest)
-Muggle Fashion Designer, Very Independent, Loving Mother, Age 36
Father: Damien West%

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