Carson Shaw

Carson Shaw

OOC First Name
Willow Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Star Dust

The Basics
Character's Name: Carson Sandra Shaw
Carson - Son of the Marsh-Dwellers
Sandra - Defending men
Shaw - A thicket, small wood, or clearing in the trees; dweller by the wood.

Character's Birthdate: August 5th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Hometown: Obsidian Harbor
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Willow Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Star Dust
Willow wood has been used in ceremonies intended for enhancement of psychic abilities, honoring the moon as well as increase the essence of love in our lives.

Educated At: Salem Witches' Institute
Graduated in 2017/18

Hair: Carson has long curly brown hair that falls just past her shoulders. In the summer it lightens into the cooperish brown.
Eyes: One blue one grey
This is because Carson was originally going to have a twin it was never born because of Tetragametic chimerism

Height: 5'8"
Style: Carson settles for nothing less then brand name. She must always have the latest fashions no matter what. In front of her family and business friends she dresses classy and conservative but when she is with her friends or out shopping she enjoys wearing fun clothing that show off her assets.
Carson with friends
Carson with family

Other Distinguishing Features: Carson has a group of stars tattooed on her left hip.
A Diamond belly ring she always wears.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Carson is very vain and self centered. Her thoughts usually revolve around herself, and other peoples appearances. Carson always acts like she owns the room and that all eyes are focused on her. These traits have been drilled into her head through out her entire life. Carson knows how to act properly in public and in front of respected adults. However she can often seem rude in front of hers peers when she harshly points out what is wrong with people. Carson doesn't see this as mean, just simply correcting them.
Special Talents/Abilities: - Fashion
- Manners
- Acting like she's listening and interested

Mother: Cindy Olivia Shaw - Half Blood - 49 - Cindy is your stereotypical business mans wife. By day and in the public eye she is sweet as sugar, smart, and full of love for her husband and family. When she is out of the public eye however she is very cold and distant. She plans get togethers with the other wifes and acts like the perfect house wife. Cindy has a poor relationship with her children seeing as while they were growing up she never saw them. She can not stand her husband even though he tries.

Father: David Andrew Shaw - Half Blood - 57 - David is a kind man who loves spending time with his family, but usually doesn't have the time. David loves his work almost as much as his family and is happy to see his son following in his foot steps. David loves his wife and is always trying to please her but unfortunately she can't stand her husband. David still sees Carson as his little girl and often babies and is over protective of her. He regrets not being at home more as his children grew up. He owns a chain of wand stores in the Americas.

Older Brother: Marc Patrick Shaw - Half Blood - 27 - Marc takes greatly after his father in personality, but his mother in looks. Marc attended school at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic for all seven years of his magical education and as such has a firm grasp on both the French and English languages. Marc has been married for a few years now to a girl his family chose and fortunately the couple have come to love each other. Marc has a little girl age four and loves her to bits and pieces, he can't wait to have more children. Marc is the vice president of his fathers wand company and will one day take it over.

History:Carson was raised in her families house in New Zealand along with her older brother. They were raised by various nannies as both of their parents were usually over seas on business. From the time Carson could walk and taught she was taught how to act like a Shaw woman, from manners to style, to walking a certain way. Over the years Carson began to believe that she was better then everyone else. When Carson's older brother Marc started school the little girl was devastated because she loved her older brother was really the only family she knew. When Carson started attending school her parents decided on Salem Witches' institute so she could be closer to them. Carson had a small group of friends in school who thought they were better then everyone else, most of these girls were pure bloods. Carson gained many enemies because of her *****iness, however she saw herself as adored. Once she graduated Carson moved into a condo in Obsidian Harbor living off her families money acting as life is just one bug party.

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