- Messages
- 38
- OOC First Name
- Anna
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Wand
- Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
- Age
- 11
Been gone a long time, I kinda lost my way, can't find it
And I caught a short ride to the grave and back this season
Latinate feminine form of Carolus which is the Latin form of the Germanic name Karl, which was derived from a word meaning "man" (Proto-Germanic *karlaz). However, an alternative theory states that it is derived from the common Germanic name element *harjaz meaning "army" (from behindthename).
Spanish feminine form of Florentius, which is the Latin name Florentius or the feminine form Florentia, which were derived from florens "prosperous, flourishing". Florentius was borne by many early Christian saints, and it was occasionally used in their honour through the Middle Ages. In modern times it is mostly feminine (from behindtheame).
Derived from Spanish moral meaning "mulberry tree", of Latin origin (from surnames at behindthename).
Carolina was born on September 8, 2051 and is the second of a set of twins. Her star sign is Virgo.
Carolina currently lives with her family, her mum and dad and twin sister in their suburban home in New Zealand. Carolina loves her family home and always feels safe and happy when she is at home. She loves to be in the backyard and garden and she loves her tree house that her father built when she was five.
Ignacio Morales and Ruby Morales. Carolina loves both of her parents and always feels safe and comfortable around them. She will always be close with her parents and is not afraid to ask them for advice or open up about how she is feeling. She loves that her parents are supportive of her and that she can always rely on them to take care of her if something goes wrong. She one day wants to pay her parents back for being so wonderful but she is unsure of how she will do this.
Carolina is currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand and is in her first year. She was sorted into Hufflepuff house and is happy with this placement.
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Fwooper Feather CoreLatinate feminine form of Carolus which is the Latin form of the Germanic name Karl, which was derived from a word meaning "man" (Proto-Germanic *karlaz). However, an alternative theory states that it is derived from the common Germanic name element *harjaz meaning "army" (from behindthename).
Spanish feminine form of Florentius, which is the Latin name Florentius or the feminine form Florentia, which were derived from florens "prosperous, flourishing". Florentius was borne by many early Christian saints, and it was occasionally used in their honour through the Middle Ages. In modern times it is mostly feminine (from behindtheame).
Derived from Spanish moral meaning "mulberry tree", of Latin origin (from surnames at behindthename).
Carolina was born on September 8, 2051 and is the second of a set of twins. Her star sign is Virgo.
Carolina currently lives with her family, her mum and dad and twin sister in their suburban home in New Zealand. Carolina loves her family home and always feels safe and happy when she is at home. She loves to be in the backyard and garden and she loves her tree house that her father built when she was five.
Ignacio Morales and Ruby Morales. Carolina loves both of her parents and always feels safe and comfortable around them. She will always be close with her parents and is not afraid to ask them for advice or open up about how she is feeling. She loves that her parents are supportive of her and that she can always rely on them to take care of her if something goes wrong. She one day wants to pay her parents back for being so wonderful but she is unsure of how she will do this.
Carolina is currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand and is in her first year. She was sorted into Hufflepuff house and is happy with this placement.
- Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
- Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
- Wood: A wand suited for a witch or wizard of lofty ideals, Applewood is not used well in the dark arts.
- Core: Fwooper feathers make wands that are great for use in Charms and Care of Magical Creatures classes. The wand caster should be warned that they will likely have trouble casting the silencing spell though. If rumors about this wand core are to be believed, it is said to slowly drive the wand wielder mad.
- Flexibility: Swishy: A wand which can quickly cast spells but may need to cast more than one to accomplish the job.
Carolina is mixed blood, and does not feel any particular way about this. She does not hold any prejudice in regards to blood status.
Carolina is mixed blood, and does not feel any particular way about this. She does not hold any prejudice in regards to blood status.
I can try to get by, but every time I start to panic
I'm a little bit shy, a bit strange, and a little bit manic
Carolina has a tall and lanky build and she has always been rather tall for her age. She does not feel any particular way about this and does not focus on her build at all.
Carolina currently has no particular style, as she only wears simple things like t-shirts and jeans, overalls and occasionally dresses. She doesn't have many clothing preferences and only really dresses for comfort or protection for when she is exploring forests, and the clothes she does wear are often ripped or dirty from her exploring. The only preference she does have in regards to style is that she likes to wear sneakers and shoes that are good for walking around outside, she does not like dainty or uncomfortable shoes as they often break or are too uncomfortable for her to wear for hours. Carolina does not like when she has to dress up and tries her best to avoid this if she can.
Carolina's eyes are brown and this is a trait she has inherited from both her mother's and father's sides of the family. She does not feel any particular way about her eye colour.
Carolina's hair is medium to dark brown naturally, and she keeps it long and parted in the middle. Though her hair is long it is often messy as she forgets to brush it because she is focused on being outside instead of her appearance. She never really styles her hair in a particular way and just lets it fall as it does, though she does occasionally tie her hair back if it is getting in the way or annoying her that day.
Carolina currently has no particular style, as she only wears simple things like t-shirts and jeans, overalls and occasionally dresses. She doesn't have many clothing preferences and only really dresses for comfort or protection for when she is exploring forests, and the clothes she does wear are often ripped or dirty from her exploring. The only preference she does have in regards to style is that she likes to wear sneakers and shoes that are good for walking around outside, she does not like dainty or uncomfortable shoes as they often break or are too uncomfortable for her to wear for hours. Carolina does not like when she has to dress up and tries her best to avoid this if she can.
Carolina's eyes are brown and this is a trait she has inherited from both her mother's and father's sides of the family. She does not feel any particular way about her eye colour.
Carolina's hair is medium to dark brown naturally, and she keeps it long and parted in the middle. Though her hair is long it is often messy as she forgets to brush it because she is focused on being outside instead of her appearance. She never really styles her hair in a particular way and just lets it fall as it does, though she does occasionally tie her hair back if it is getting in the way or annoying her that day.
I went to a wishing well, it sank to the ocean floor, Cut up by sharpened rocks, and
washed up along the shore, I reached for a shooting star, it burned a hole through my hand
Carolina is too young to understand or consider her orientations. This is not something on her mind at all and it likely will not be something she thinks about for a long time.
Too young to care. Carolina is too young to think about relationships other than friendships and she is not interested in anything more than friendship.
If Carolina encountered a boggart it would show as her childhood tree house burning to pieces. This would be a representation of her family and sense of security burning as well, as her biggest fear is losing the happiness she has at home and with her family. When casting Riddikulus the flames would then turn to fireworks and this would cause Carolina to laugh as fireworks always bring her joy, and she loves the sound of fireworks popping.
Carolina is currently too young and not adept enough at magic to cast a patronus, but if she could cast a full bodied patronus it would appear as a Pīwakawaka, otherwise known as a fantail. Pīwakawaka are native to New Zealand and known to fly close to people, and Carolina would be familiar with fantails and find the image of one cute and comforting as it is familiar. She also would identify with a Pīwakawaka as she would love the idea of being able to fly and live in forests.
If Carolina looked into the mirror of Erised, she would see herself with various stacks of herbology books in her own greenhouse that is partially outdoors, with plants overgrowing around her because they are so healthy. She would see native birds flying in and out of the greenhouse and making their homes in the plants as she studies herbology. Her dream is to always learn about her environment and do all she can to protect the environment and allow native birds and plants to thrive and this is why she would see this image in the mirror.
Carolina is too young to understand or consider her orientations. This is not something on her mind at all and it likely will not be something she thinks about for a long time.
Too young to care. Carolina is too young to think about relationships other than friendships and she is not interested in anything more than friendship.
If Carolina encountered a boggart it would show as her childhood tree house burning to pieces. This would be a representation of her family and sense of security burning as well, as her biggest fear is losing the happiness she has at home and with her family. When casting Riddikulus the flames would then turn to fireworks and this would cause Carolina to laugh as fireworks always bring her joy, and she loves the sound of fireworks popping.
Carolina is currently too young and not adept enough at magic to cast a patronus, but if she could cast a full bodied patronus it would appear as a Pīwakawaka, otherwise known as a fantail. Pīwakawaka are native to New Zealand and known to fly close to people, and Carolina would be familiar with fantails and find the image of one cute and comforting as it is familiar. She also would identify with a Pīwakawaka as she would love the idea of being able to fly and live in forests.
If Carolina looked into the mirror of Erised, she would see herself with various stacks of herbology books in her own greenhouse that is partially outdoors, with plants overgrowing around her because they are so healthy. She would see native birds flying in and out of the greenhouse and making their homes in the plants as she studies herbology. Her dream is to always learn about her environment and do all she can to protect the environment and allow native birds and plants to thrive and this is why she would see this image in the mirror.
It made its way through my heart, had fun in the promised land, On the narrowing line
what a way to sort my trouble, In a very short time, gonna pop, better duck and cover
Carolina has an interest in anything to do with plants, nature, and animals and she loves gardening and herbology. She will also likely choose care of magical creatures as an elective and will thrive in these subjects. She loves to nurture plants, collect rocks from the forest and shells from the beach, and simply loves to observe bugs and animals. She loves to explore her horizons and learn about nature and exist in nature and she loves to watch sunrises and sunsets when she gets the opportunity. Carolina likes to feel like she is one with nature and she cares about the environment and protecting nature so she would have an interest and hobby in cleaning up any rubbish while outdoors and also of conservation and allowing native New Zealand plants to thrive in the wild. Carolina loves animals and is fascinated by magical creatures and cannot wait until she is able to meet different magical creatures and learn about them.
Carolina is kind, open minded and accepting of others. She always tries to include others and doesn't judge or think of anyone as weird, as she in many ways considers herself weird and that people should always be treated well regardless of their differences. Carolina loves the outdoors and being in nature and taking care of the world and her environment so she always tries to be mindful of her surroundings. She loves animals and is always kind and generous to animals and loves to take care of animals and make sure they are safe. She likes to learn and is rather quiet and reserved in the sense she is happy to allow others to shine and have their moment. Carolina loves anything to do with nature so she will find any of her outdoor and nature related classes enjoyable and would likely go out of her way to study and succeed in them. She never focuses on being the center of attention nor does she seek this out and instead wants others to be given the attention so their strengths are appreciated. She would not consider herself modest but she definitely is in nature and she works hard at what she cares about and tries her best to simply be her best whether she gets recognition for this or not, and do what makes herself happy as well as what makes others happy as well.
Carolina while being kind is introverted and has a habit of withdrawing and losing herself in distraction. She finds it difficult to pay attention when she has something on her mind and both her mind and herself tend to have a habit of wandering away when she is supposed to be focusing. This will likely be a detriment to her schooling if she is not interested in a particular subject, as while she would actively learn the subjects she has interest in she would find herself on the other end with the subjects she doesn't like, and would therefore be unable to focus in these classes and learn effectively. Carolina loves the outdoors but can become lost as she explores the outdoors and forget to take care of herself, or forget to keep to the rules or her own safety when she wants to see the world. She can be considered to have her head in the clouds as she is rather flaky at times and if she has plans she can sometimes forget about them if she is having fun outside. She likes to wander and keep to herself most of the time when she is not with her sister and as a result she tends to isolate herself and this does keep her from making too many friends at times. While Carolina can be very trusting she can also be easily manipulated as she always believes what is told to her, and until she sees the truth, if she already knows the truth, or until someone tells her the truth she is likely to believe a lie.
The Adventurer: ISFP-A
People with the ISFP personality type (Adventurers) are true artists although not necessarily in the conventional sense. For these types, life itself is a canvas for self-expression. From what they wear to how they spend their free time, they act in ways that vividly reflect who they are as unique individuals. With their exploratory spirit and their ability to find joy in everyday life, ISFPs can be among the most interesting people you'll ever meet. Driven by their sense of fairness and their open-mindedness, people with this personality type move through life with an infectiously encouraging attitude. They love motivating those close to them to follow their passions and usually follow their own interests with the same unhindered enthusiasm. The only irony? Unassuming and humble, ISFPs tend to see themselves as just doing their own thing, so they may not even realize how remarkable they really are.
These individuals embrace a flexible, adaptable approach to life. Some personalities thrive on strict schedules and routines but not ISFPs. They prefer to take each day as it comes, doing what feels right to them in the moment. And they make sure to leave plenty of room in their lives for the unexpected with the result that many of their most cherished memories are of spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment outings and adventures, whether by themselves or with their loved ones. This flexible mindset makes ISFP personalities remarkably tolerant and nonjudgmental. They genuinely appreciate the diverse nature of the world, embracing people who may hold different opinions or practice unique lifestyles. It's no surprise, then, that they rarely try to convince people to change who they are or what they believe in.
That said, their go-with-the-flow mentality can have its downsides. People with this personality type may struggle to set long-term plans let alone stick with them. As a result, ISFPs sometimes have a pretty cloudy view of their ability to achieve their goals, and they often worry about letting other people down. They may find that adding a little structure to their lives goes a long way toward helping them feel more capable and organized without quashing their independent spirits (from16personalities.com).
Carolina has an interest in anything to do with plants, nature, and animals and she loves gardening and herbology. She will also likely choose care of magical creatures as an elective and will thrive in these subjects. She loves to nurture plants, collect rocks from the forest and shells from the beach, and simply loves to observe bugs and animals. She loves to explore her horizons and learn about nature and exist in nature and she loves to watch sunrises and sunsets when she gets the opportunity. Carolina likes to feel like she is one with nature and she cares about the environment and protecting nature so she would have an interest and hobby in cleaning up any rubbish while outdoors and also of conservation and allowing native New Zealand plants to thrive in the wild. Carolina loves animals and is fascinated by magical creatures and cannot wait until she is able to meet different magical creatures and learn about them.
Carolina is kind, open minded and accepting of others. She always tries to include others and doesn't judge or think of anyone as weird, as she in many ways considers herself weird and that people should always be treated well regardless of their differences. Carolina loves the outdoors and being in nature and taking care of the world and her environment so she always tries to be mindful of her surroundings. She loves animals and is always kind and generous to animals and loves to take care of animals and make sure they are safe. She likes to learn and is rather quiet and reserved in the sense she is happy to allow others to shine and have their moment. Carolina loves anything to do with nature so she will find any of her outdoor and nature related classes enjoyable and would likely go out of her way to study and succeed in them. She never focuses on being the center of attention nor does she seek this out and instead wants others to be given the attention so their strengths are appreciated. She would not consider herself modest but she definitely is in nature and she works hard at what she cares about and tries her best to simply be her best whether she gets recognition for this or not, and do what makes herself happy as well as what makes others happy as well.
Carolina while being kind is introverted and has a habit of withdrawing and losing herself in distraction. She finds it difficult to pay attention when she has something on her mind and both her mind and herself tend to have a habit of wandering away when she is supposed to be focusing. This will likely be a detriment to her schooling if she is not interested in a particular subject, as while she would actively learn the subjects she has interest in she would find herself on the other end with the subjects she doesn't like, and would therefore be unable to focus in these classes and learn effectively. Carolina loves the outdoors but can become lost as she explores the outdoors and forget to take care of herself, or forget to keep to the rules or her own safety when she wants to see the world. She can be considered to have her head in the clouds as she is rather flaky at times and if she has plans she can sometimes forget about them if she is having fun outside. She likes to wander and keep to herself most of the time when she is not with her sister and as a result she tends to isolate herself and this does keep her from making too many friends at times. While Carolina can be very trusting she can also be easily manipulated as she always believes what is told to her, and until she sees the truth, if she already knows the truth, or until someone tells her the truth she is likely to believe a lie.
The Adventurer: ISFP-A
People with the ISFP personality type (Adventurers) are true artists although not necessarily in the conventional sense. For these types, life itself is a canvas for self-expression. From what they wear to how they spend their free time, they act in ways that vividly reflect who they are as unique individuals. With their exploratory spirit and their ability to find joy in everyday life, ISFPs can be among the most interesting people you'll ever meet. Driven by their sense of fairness and their open-mindedness, people with this personality type move through life with an infectiously encouraging attitude. They love motivating those close to them to follow their passions and usually follow their own interests with the same unhindered enthusiasm. The only irony? Unassuming and humble, ISFPs tend to see themselves as just doing their own thing, so they may not even realize how remarkable they really are.
These individuals embrace a flexible, adaptable approach to life. Some personalities thrive on strict schedules and routines but not ISFPs. They prefer to take each day as it comes, doing what feels right to them in the moment. And they make sure to leave plenty of room in their lives for the unexpected with the result that many of their most cherished memories are of spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment outings and adventures, whether by themselves or with their loved ones. This flexible mindset makes ISFP personalities remarkably tolerant and nonjudgmental. They genuinely appreciate the diverse nature of the world, embracing people who may hold different opinions or practice unique lifestyles. It's no surprise, then, that they rarely try to convince people to change who they are or what they believe in.
That said, their go-with-the-flow mentality can have its downsides. People with this personality type may struggle to set long-term plans let alone stick with them. As a result, ISFPs sometimes have a pretty cloudy view of their ability to achieve their goals, and they often worry about letting other people down. They may find that adding a little structure to their lives goes a long way toward helping them feel more capable and organized without quashing their independent spirits (from16personalities.com).
Ariel: The Little Mermaid (1989)

Ariel is a bright, spirited, and headstrong mermaid princess with a strong passion for adventure and exploration. Her tendency to explore the more mysterious depths of the ocean (or more importantly, the world beyond the ocean) can lead to an array of problems to both herself and her friends, and in the confines of her personal life - as seen when she gets into an argument with her overprotective father, King Triton. Despite this, Ariel's selflessness, compassion, and intuitive way of thinking often resolve such problems, as she always takes full responsibility for her actions.
Ariel is extremely compassionate and loving towards almost all living things; more so platonically than romantically. This is most notably seen through her friendship with her closest companion, Flounder, and even her father's court composer, Sebastian, who, despite being against Ariel's recklessness and overly adventurous nature, is given a considerably large amount of love and respect from the princess, which is often reciprocated. With Flounder, she is comforting and patient, as well as protective, with the tendency to risk her own life for the guppy on various occasions. (from disney.fandom.com/wiki/Ariel)
Carolina is similar to Ariel in many ways, although most notably in her nature of having her head in the clouds and always exploring the world and with her mind constantly in another place. She similarly also has a love of befriending animals and is caring and kind to any animals she meets, seeing them as a companion and friend rather than just an animal. Carolina also likes to collect items similar to Ariel in the sense Carolina is always collecting rocks and shells, and various things she finds in her adventures, and Carolina embraces the things that makes herself and others different and she is not afraid to be weird (in the example of Ariel brushing her hair with a fork). She is loving and kind and enthusiastic about he subjects and things that interest her.
While Carolina has many similarities to Ariel, it is important to note she does differ from Ariel in a few ways as well, and this is most obvious in the fact Carolina is close with her parents and does not actively defy them as she respects the boundaries they set for her. Carolina also is not infatuated or in love with anyone, and even if she was in love or finds love one day, being in love would not cause her to defy her family nor would Carolina allow it to define her actions and force her to isolate herself from her family. Carolina would embrace her sense of self and focus on her own interests and what makes her happy rather than letting love consume her and this is the main difference between her and Ariel.
Ariel is extremely compassionate and loving towards almost all living things; more so platonically than romantically. This is most notably seen through her friendship with her closest companion, Flounder, and even her father's court composer, Sebastian, who, despite being against Ariel's recklessness and overly adventurous nature, is given a considerably large amount of love and respect from the princess, which is often reciprocated. With Flounder, she is comforting and patient, as well as protective, with the tendency to risk her own life for the guppy on various occasions. (from disney.fandom.com/wiki/Ariel)
Carolina is similar to Ariel in many ways, although most notably in her nature of having her head in the clouds and always exploring the world and with her mind constantly in another place. She similarly also has a love of befriending animals and is caring and kind to any animals she meets, seeing them as a companion and friend rather than just an animal. Carolina also likes to collect items similar to Ariel in the sense Carolina is always collecting rocks and shells, and various things she finds in her adventures, and Carolina embraces the things that makes herself and others different and she is not afraid to be weird (in the example of Ariel brushing her hair with a fork). She is loving and kind and enthusiastic about he subjects and things that interest her.
While Carolina has many similarities to Ariel, it is important to note she does differ from Ariel in a few ways as well, and this is most obvious in the fact Carolina is close with her parents and does not actively defy them as she respects the boundaries they set for her. Carolina also is not infatuated or in love with anyone, and even if she was in love or finds love one day, being in love would not cause her to defy her family nor would Carolina allow it to define her actions and force her to isolate herself from her family. Carolina would embrace her sense of self and focus on her own interests and what makes her happy rather than letting love consume her and this is the main difference between her and Ariel.
Can you figure me out? I got caught like a little kid stealing
Did I say it too loud? A bit hard or a little misleading
Carolina Florencia Morales was born on September 8, 2051 to parents Ruby and Ignacio Morales. Carolina was the second born of a set of twins, and from the day she was born has always been very close with her twin sister Aleja. Carolina spent her infancy and childhood never too far from her sister and she has always considered her twin sister to be her best friend, though she also enjoyed spending time alone occasionally. Carolina as she grew into a toddler began to show an interest in being outdoors and she loved playing outside in the family's garden. One of her favorite memories is when she was five, of her father building her and her sister a tree house in their backyard. Carolina's childhood had for the most part been happy and full of love, and when her and her sister finally turned 11 and received their acceptance letter to Hogwarts New Zealand, Carolina felt not only happy to finally learn magic but also confident her schooling would work out for her.
Upon arriving to Hogwarts New Zealand, Carolina was sorted just after her sister into Hufflepuff house. She hadn't expected or thought about which house she would be in, though she trusted the sorting hat had chosen the right place for her and was relieved she would spend her time at hogwarts in the same house as her sister.
the original template and coding is by Zazz, edits to the coding and template are by me, lyrics are from Wishing Well by Blink 182, name information is from behind the name, personality type information is from 16personalities and Ariel information is from the Disney wiki
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