Career Prep Event

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Career Prep event [Approval ID#18987]​

What is this? The career prep event is a an opportunity for upper level students to learn more about specific careers, practice interviewing skills, and get ready for the world outside of the walls of Hogwarts New Zealand!

Who can sign up: Students: 5th – 7th years only! Students who are interested in participating and in 5th -7th year can sign up below and indicate career interest(s) they have. This can be specific careers or fields they’re interested in. If they’re completely unsure, you can also indicate that.

Career interests:[/b]

Professors/other school staff can apply to help students prep!
To apply, please send a PM with your character’s expertise/career based experience. Please note that everyone who applies may not be selected. The number of selections made will be based on the number of students who sign up and the interests they specify as well as focusing to spread the wealth among applicants.

When: Sign ups are now open and will remain open through January 21st for students. Any professors interested in participating should submit their PM no later than January 19th.

Part one of the event will begin on January 22nd and run through January 31st. Part two of the event will begin on February 1st.

How: The first part of the event will run as a rotation based seated event sort of like speed dating. Each staff and student will have between 48 and 72 hours (depending on the # of sign ups/profs, etc.) to roleplay discussing anything career related (or anything really) before moving to a new table and beginning anew. The difference between this and speed dating events is that there will be a list of rotation partners posted along with the first post.

The second part of the event will be a more general roleplay where all of the students and staff who signed up to participate can engage with each other. Maybe students gather around one adult to hear more about their life, maybe the students want to chat more with someone they were interviewed by. There will be food, beverages, and music.

Look forward to seeing how it goes! ^_^
Oooh, this is a great idea Cyndi! I may send you a PM as I'm slowly getting back on track so may be in a position to help out profwise but in the meantime:

Name: Aine Thompson
Year: 6th
Career interests: Magical law/government

Name: Michael Watson
Year: 5th
Career interests: Sports journalism/commentary, things to do with statistics
Today is the last day to PM your interest in joining if you're a professor/HNZ staff!
Last edited:
Name: Rosie Archer
Year: 6th
Career interests: Plants

Name: Leonardo Orr
Year: 7th
Career interests: Has no clue
Name: Monday Weeks
Year: 6th
Career interests: Law enforcement sorta

Name: Chaos Zhefarovich II
Year: 5th
Career interests: Power Ministry
Name: Axel Zhefarovich II
Year: 7th
Career interests:
no clue
Name: Felix Carnahan
Year: 7th
Career interests: no idea

Name: Margo Fox
Year: 6th
Career interests: Journalism/Writing

Name: Ethan Alexander
Year: 5th
Career interests: Magical creatures
Thank you to everyone who submitted a staff person. I'll be in touch soon. One more day to sign up your students!
Last call! Sign ups close in a few hours, and the event begins tomorrow.
(if I'm too late, sorry)
Name: Demetrius Wagner
Year: Sixth Year
Career interests: Magical Zoologist, anything to do with magical creatures

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