Caradoc O. Britchlove


New Member
OOC First Name
Caradoc Britchlove
phoenix feather core, 9 3/4", poplar, intricately carved, dark coloured
Full Name:
Caradoc Octavius Britchlove. I hates my middle name and nicknames.

Date of Birth:
December 12, 1994

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Shaggy dark brown hair, blue-grey eyes, 45'4", tend to wear formal, dark clothes, and I always wear combat boots.I have a burn scar on the underside of my left wrist from my father's cigarettes. I have one streak of red in the hair that hangs into my eyes that was accidental magic when I was five.

I'm kind and generally sweet. I care for everyone and everything, and have a strong sense of right and wrong. I'm sarcastic sometimes, but that usually means I'm sad or angry, and I try not to let that get into my professional work.

Father (James Kent), age 54. Abusive, alcoholic, but brilliant.
Mother, deceased (Ellis Britchlove, pureblood) was very loyal and smart, but once married, became a defeated punching bag for her husband. Was in Slytherin at Hogwarts, but told me to be myself and be who I wished, and not who others wished me to be.
Grandfather (Ares Britchlove) Thinks like most purebloods, and disowned his daughter when she married a muggle
Grandmother (Hespa Britchlove) Softer than her husband, she still cares for me and sends me things while at Hogwarts, became very dear to me in my first year.
When my father saw my Hogwarts letter, he beats me so badly, I didn't wake up for 72 hours. I was finally happy to get away.

- I have a falcon. Cinder is small for his type, like me, and is a red-brown colour, hense his name. I have him because his mother used to belong to my own mother, and I needed a way to contact people, but owls are tacky.
Yes, I always bring him with me. He's how I have contact with people, instead of having an owl.

Area of Residence:
I've always lived in rural Ireland, on the islands where no one lives. Because I grew up there, I am a very good climber.

Blood Status:

My father's family is all from England, while my mother's roots can be traced back to Scotland and Ireland.

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Potions, reading, writing, avoiding broomsticks, politics and how I can fix mistakes and loopholes in laws, avoiding bullies, climbing trees, making strange puns and jokes

Additional Skills:
I speak hebrew and french for no good reason other than something finding something to do as a child. I try to avoid brooms as much as possible, I don't think they're sturdy enough, but like I said before, I'm a pretty good climber from growing up climbing trees and cliffs. I'm also a pretty good swimmer.

Anything schoolwise, or workwise.

I have a hard time sleeping at night, so I'm tired all the time.

Describe your character in three words:
kind, sweet, angelic

Favourite place to be:
In the Forbidden Forest, I love nature and enjoy being there.

I'm kind of a loner

Hogwarts House:
Was in Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
I want to be a healer.

Best school subjects:
Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Arithmacy, Herbology, Charms

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:

Plans for your future:
I want to be a Healer.

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:
The last time my mother sang to me the lullaby she used to put me to sleep as a child, right before she died.

Your Boggart:
My father, as I've said before, abusive.

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
Being handed an Order of Merlin for discovering a cure to being a werewolf.

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