Car Radio

Wyatt Finch

that funny feeling
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
Wyatt looked over the still water longingly, there was an ache in his stomach that a less introspective person might have thought to be hunger. He knew the feeling in the pit of his gut was unlike his unending hunger and unfortunately he knew where the ache came from. Some weird feelings he had for Marisol that made him feel sick, as if his body knew what was to come. He knew it was normal for people to feel these things for others, especially at his age, but that didn’t mean that the young Gryffindor was okay with it the same way Asaiah seemed to be. Everybody who knew him, even a little bit, knew his aversion to kissing and everything that could follow because he knew the risks that followed. So many germs would be spread if he were to do what his gut wanted him to with Marisol damn Woods but it seemed to not be enough to make him want to stop it. All the numbers that swirled through his mind or the case studies of similar variety could not keep him from thinking of how pretty she was at the Yule Ball when she forgot her rage for at least a few hours to enjoy time together. He wished for the days that all he really longed for was a good swell to surf or his dad working in the observation surgery. Now he thought of his ridiculous best friend’s brown hair and how it constantly smelled amazing. It was enough for a boy of weaker consistency to give in to the pull but he was not a sailor and she was no siren. Just a weird girl who happened to be his friend too.

The boy who was nearing his third year at a steady pace tried hard to not dwell on the ethereal feeling rushing through him as he sat with his ankles over the edge but without his feet touching the water. Although he was certain these pubescent feelings would cause his death, he knew that if he put even a toe in the cold lake now it would certainly be cause for the removal of certain appendages and he needed his toes. He wondered if there was a spell that could keep his body warm even in the cold water like this, although that was a little too familiar to the Slytherin that recently drowned so he could only say that water and magic were not to be mixed, even if they could be.
The semester was slowly coming to an end and Eleanor could not wait. She had missed her parents and was eager to hear lots of stories from her mother about the magical creatures she had come across during her time at work. The Hufflepuff still kept the dragon tooth she gave her last holidays in the pocket of her robes and was never really sure why. Dragon's weren't particularly her favourite but it gave her a reminder of back home where she felt much more comfortable in the place where she grew up. Nonetheless, she still felt comfortable at Hogwarts where she sat at the lakefront, making the longest flower chain in the world. She didn't know how long the longest one actually was but she wanted to beat it nonetheless. Her pile of flowers she had collected from around the grounds sat in front of her and the line of flowers she had already joined together reached out from the tree to the edge of the lake.

Eleanor happily continued to join more flowers together and eventually the flower chain managed to go over the lake where the flowers had begun to detach itself from the chain and fall into the water. They began to float away but Eleanor was determined to catch them. She reached out as far as she could before stumbling and clumsily falling into the water with a loud splash. Her first instinct was to panic and flail around. With that, she managed to lose the flowers. Sighing, she quickly swam to the edge and pulled herself back up, laughing at herself once she realised how stupid she had been. She now sat on the grass, saturated, all for a couple of flowers that she didn't manage to get back anyway.
Wyatt's train of thought had been disturbed when he heard a splash come from nearby and he looked around to see two arms flailing around rapidly. The boy stood up, ready to dive in and help whoever seemed to be drowning but suddenly the water had calmed and he watched the person swim back to shore. Concerned for them, not only for the fact that they could very well catch their death from the cold water, but because they could have secondary drowning. After a particularly bad incident back home with a big wave the boy had learned all about it when his dad had taken him to the emergency room just in case it had happened to him so the boy rushed over to the wet girl and asked rapidly, "Are you okay?" He knew the answer must be no, as she should be shivering from the ice cold water and the fear of it all. However that didn't mean he knew what to say about it now.
Eleanor was too busy laughing to notice someone watching her. It wasn't until they spoke that Eleanor looked up, her eyes reverting to their worried gaze. She didn't understand why they were so concerned but felt flattered that someone wanted to know if she was alright nonetheless, even when she obviously was. "O-oh I'm fine!" she exclaimed through giggles, her robes feeling heavy from the water. She proceeded to place her hands out in front of her and with her backside in the air she walked her hands towards her and stood up. "I'm sorry to have scared you. Are you okay?" she asked in return, feeling bad about making him have to feel worried. The coolness of the water didn't worry Eleanor too much as she squeezed her hair out on the grass, watching as the dirt patches turned into mud.

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