Candy Huberta

Caroline Huberta

Active Member
OOC First Name
Stealing my Dad's Wand!

The Basics
Character's Name: Candy Huberta
Character's Birthdate:28th of April 2015
Hometown: London, England
Blood Status: Pureblood (Approved)
Wand: Haven't got one yet!
Educated At: Not yet started wizarding school

-Shades of brown, lighter in the summer and darker in the winter
-usually straight(unless she gets them curled)
-beyond shoulder length.
-Sky Blue
Although Candy is just ten but as her mother owns a boutique in Paris and is very fashionable,
Candy has inherited all the fashion sense and style.
She does sometimes forget being elegant and princess like when she plays in sand or eats grass!
But on the whole she is very stylish for her age, wears the bright colors is elegant and pretty.
Other Distinguishing Features:
She has freckles on her face, some on the cheek and forehead and her skin is pale.

A Little Deeper
Candy is sweet and friendly with everyone and does not care about blood status and such but it is because of her parents that she has to be friends with only pure blood and rich people of the wizarding family. She is brave and likes to stand for the right and wants to break free from the rules of her parents. She is helpful and makes friends easily.

Special Talents/Abilities:
She is rather good at flying as it is one of her hobbies and practices it at home.
She has got the best children broomstick that is available in the market.


Candy was born in London in a wizarding hospital. As she was the youngest she was always loved the most and she enjoyed the attention of her parents. But as both her parents were very much intrested in making money they grew busier all the time and she was left with her care taker, Helen.

She enjoyed the company of her elder twin siblings Hayley and Casper. She played all sorts of wizarding games with them and rode broomsticks as she grew up. When she became nine, her siblings begun Hogwarts and she was left alone and became lonely and her parents decided it was time she learnt music, dancing and litreature. She is been taught this everyday by her tutor and she will finish this course before she begins school for which she can't wait.


Father:Andrew Huberta
Andrew is a business man who owns a cafe in London and in doing business usually forgets his family.He is from Germany but decided to settle in London after his marriage. Andrew is prejudiced and does not like anything to do with muggles and being a pureblood he finds all others inferior and wants none of his children to associate with muggles and muggle borns.

Mother:Abigail Ace
Abigail is the ideal celebrity mother. She is from England and was a model but after getting married she got her own boutique in Paris. She is always busy but she does spoil her children especially Candy since she is the youngest.

Brother:Casper Huberta
Casper is sweet and fun. He attends Hogwarts New Zealand and is in his second year in Gryffindor house. Although he is a bit of flirt and charmer with girls but Candy does not mind that.

Sister: Hayley Huberta
Hayley is fun to be with but she has her issues as she is a Slytherin, second year. She is friends with only some who are rich and famous and have good blood and looks like it is her who will follow the footsteps of Candy's parents because Casper and Candy are too good to be ignoring muggles and muggle borns.​

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