Candy Cane Crazy

Lenore Harvelle-Ateara

Little Goblin l Writer of children's books l ☆
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Chante ♥
Straight 9 Inch Flexible Applewood wand with a Phoenix tail feather core
Len pondered through the castle and had no clue were to go. She didn't know this Daniel and didn't want to come over as a total stalker. Len forgot why she had signed up again and she was scared. Her ears hidden in a beanie and shuffled around awkwardly in the kitchens to find this boy. In the end she wanted to return the stupid candy cane and tell someone else to deliver it. She was way too afraid to meet new people. Len didn't want to wait to get judged. Until she spotted someone that fitted the description of the boy. ''Hey, you are Daniel Rosemary right, I got a candy cane for you'' She whispered to him.
Dan wasn't around the area of the kitchens because he was hungry, as he wasn't at all, but it was the place closest to the common room and he was patrolling the corridor with arms folded across his chest. When he saw a much younger student whisper something, he was about to ask the girl why she was out of bed this late but he stopped himself short. For one thing, it wasn't after curfew and for another, she had whispered something to him. "Oh. Uh, yeah that's me," he said, sending the girl a smile to make her feel more at ease. Why was she whispering anyway? "Thank you," he said politely.

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