Candidate Debates!

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OOC First Name
Witches and wizards,
Citizens of New Zealand!

It's time to pick the new Minister of Magic!

To help you decide, there will be a candidate debates.

If you have any question your character would want to ask to a specific or all Minister of Magic candidates - I'd love to hear them!

How it happens In Character?: Everyone is asked to submit any questions, if they have one, via box that is placed nearby Ministry of Magic
If you want to roleplay your character throwing in his or her question(s), you can do that right here.

PM me this form:

Form said:
All or specific one:

I'm sorry, but not all questions will be asked.

Thank you!

Astrid Ziurgrimch
If you haven't sent in your question, time is running out!
This is the way to have your character actually involved in a site wide plot. Participate!! ;)
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~The HNZ Site Staff
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