Candice Torres

Candice Sykes

Well-Known Member
<COLOR color="#000">Candice Torres
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<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><U>Basic Facts
Full Name: Candice Lily Torres
Birth date: 5th July
Blood Status: unkonwn
Hair colour: Blonde, sometimes dyed
Eye colour: Baby blue
Educated At: Durmstrang
Currently resides in: New Zealand, she has a flat in BRightstone.
Relationship status: Single!

Candice had a pretty good life until she was seven. When she was four, Her parents had another daughter, they named Melanie and, when Candice was six, they had a son called Samuel. The year after Sam or 'Sammy' was born Candice grew very attatched to the baby and the, now, two year old.

When Candice was seven an accident happened resulting in a house fire. Herself and Melanie, her little sister, were out of the house when it started so they were not affected. Sam was in the top of the house, in his nursery, and the flames didn't have a chance to reach him before the fire men arrived and he was saved. Unfortunately, their parents weren't so lucky and they perished in the fire. Sam was taken from the house, by the fire men, and placed into a muggle orphanage. Candice and Melanie returned after he was taken and they got separated when Candice tried to find Sam. Melanie was taken to social services and also placed into care but, as no one knew who she was, she was not placed in the same place as Sam and was given a new name. Candice got scared when she saw the body bags being carried out of the house and ran to the forest that was behind their house. Eventually she passed out and was found by the Torres family with no memory of anything that had happened or any of her family other than Sam.

Growing up she had different brothers and sisters that were also adopted in, most of them leaving as soon as they could. She was closest to the other three, besides herself, that stayed with Diana Torres in the house. Kyle Manhattan-Torres (25), Jason Ferris-Torres (23), Jacob Prenwit-Torres-(19)

She went to Durmstrang school for her education and, while she should've been bullied for her behaviour, her brothers protected her. She didn't have many, if any, real friends. When she left school she stayed at home for a few years until,. at aged twenty, she decided to get a job. Candice is now the owner of the muggle market. Also, at aged twenty, she got back in touch with her brother, Samuel Sykes, by complete chance of meeting him in the street.

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