Can we go to the kingdom of far far away?!

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Madlyn Ateara

Part Giantess (7'6) 🦉 CoMC 3-4 🦁 Mother of 2
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Chayton's ❤
Madlyn Margera is lookin for her Stormy

As much As I adore the whole reality meets Potter world RP, I also very much enjoy the wackness and creativity that I come up with. Now I posted before for friends, I would say she has a few, which is great and all. Though wouldn't it be better if she had someone that she can related to right down the line?!? -Gasp- Yeah well, that's what I'm posting this request for someone to take up her best friend Stormy. Yes the Irish, part Giant aka Wackness who pretty much influence Madlyn to be the daring half giant girl she is right now. Now I know this will be a lot to create, cause you'll have to apply to be part giant (but you notice we don't have that many?!) and developing the character would be a hassle. (Yeah, I get it!) though I thought it be fun to try and see what happens between these two friends! Anything?! Well if you interested post here, just be mindful I tend to get distracted a lot xD but Madlyn, Makaylah, and Jaden are like my main students at the time. So there wouldn't be much of a problem there. If your interested post here, thanks to the one that takes here. I would go with someone I regularly Rp with over someone new, cause getting use to it tend to be the hard part for me at the moment. Thought I don't mind it all! Thanks for your time :D
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