Can someone explain please?

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
What are with all the rose threads I keep seeing?
So the Rose topics are an IC event run by some of HNZ's members (Alexis, Steven, Abby). Characters sign up to deliver roses, which other characters have sent to each other. The event is set around IC February for valentines day and the whole event culminates in the valentines day dance held in IC february.

Here was last IC years sign ups: and the directory of all the roses sent during last IC years is:
You can look at that to find out more about it.
The rose threads are from an annual event that takes place every In Character Valentines Day, where characters deliver roses to one another :) There'll probably be signups for the next one in the nearish future, it's a lot of fun!
So the Rose topics are an IC event run by some of HNZ's members (Alexis, Steven, Abby). Characters sign up to deliver roses, which other characters have sent to each other. The event is set around IC February for valentines day and the whole event culminates in the valentines day dance held in IC february.

Here was last IC years sign ups: and the directory of all the roses sent during last IC years is:
You can look at that to find out more about it.
Hey :)

Just before Valentine's, some wonderful board members organise an in character Rose delivery event. Characters choose to send either yellow (friendly) pink (crush) or red (love) rose to their appropriate recipients and come Valentine's day the roses are evenly distributed between volunteers around the school who give them out to the addressee. Roses also usually come with a note :3

I was going to write an answer to this but the replies above explain it all perfectly:)

You can expect a topic about the valentines roses to be posted in the Plotline and Story Development section around March 1st
I'm going to move this to our FAQ section for when the next person asks. :)
Thanks everyone :) all your answers have been really helpful
There is a similar event to this happening now. Candy Cane Delivery. You should sign up!!
Rhianne Clivey said:
There is a similar event to this happening now. Candy Cane Delivery. You should sign up!!
and what is candy cane delivery, may i ask?

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