- Messages
- 219
- Sexual Orientation
- Homosexual
- Wand
- Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather | Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
- Age
- 6/2016
Full Name:
Camille Denise Jones
Date of Birth:
June 13 2016
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Blonde hair with green eyes and tanned skin. She has a birth mark on the inner side of her thigh that is shaped almost like a heart.
Personality :
Camille has many different sides to her personality. She is calm, cool and collected when you first meet her, but then once you get to know her, you will discover that she is a big human rights activist. She will protest anything. Even at such a young age. She has been in jail twice because of her protesting. She is really kind once you get past the whole insane activist persona. She is loyal and hard working. She loves everyone and rarely finds a bad point in anyone. If she does however thats when she will dislike you as the bad point usually had to be major. Like her step father abusing her and her family.
Immediate Family:
Camille has a rather average family. She has two younger brothers and a younger sister. Her mum and her step dad as well as her father. Also living with them is her aunt and cousin.
Mother-Camila Jones(Caridad) -aged 36- Pureblood- Camila is a very caring and loving person. She was educated at Salem academy and after graduation moved to America where she met her husband. Cammy and Camila get along very well and she showers her daughter with gifts as she tries to make up for genuinely not realising what was happening to her.
Father-Carter Jones-aged 38- Pureblood- Carter was a strong willed and determined young man. He was kind, generous and loved his family to the ends of the earth. He worked in the ministry in America and even though he was often away on a research adventure he always made time for his family. Often he would even take Cammy to work with him. He died when Cammy was four.
Younger half brother - Justin Jones-aged 9-Halfblood- Justin and Cammy get along very well because they are close in age. She used to protect him when his father got angry. He is a very good basket baller and he is a sweet natured kid.
Younger half brother- Daniel Jones- aged 8-Squib- Daniel and Cammy get along ok, but theyre not the best of friends. He likes to call her names because she is very active about her views. He is also a squib.
Younger half sister- Hayley Jones- aged 6-Halfblood- Cammy and Hayley are good friends. The only problem is that because shes young she doesnt understand so Cammy doesnt spend much time with her.
Other family:
Stepfather- David Sanchez-aged 35- muggle- David is a manipulative and abusive man. When Cammy was little and her mum was at work he use to beat on her he never touched the others because they were too young, but eventually when they got old enough he began to beat on them too. It was only when Camila discovered bruises one day that she hexed him and immediately left with all the kids. He has been looking for them ever since.
Aunt-Bonita Senchuvez- aged 32- Pureblood- Bonita and Cammy get along fairly well. She helps Cammy with all her campaigning and is the leader of their environmental group.
Cousin- Catalina Senchuvez-aged 10- Half-blood- Catalina and Cammy get along great as they are the same age. They are very close and are best friends as she is in with Cammys activist ideas.
Cammy has a small cat named Deddia and a small dog named Amarkai.
Area of Residence:
Blood Status:
hoping for pure
Interests or Hobbies:
In her spare time Camille can usually be found campaigning against the wrongs that people have suffered in her life. She is a big environmental activist as well as for other numerous causes.
Additional Skills:
Cammy is a killer when it comes to racing. She is athletic and so she is a very good shirt distance runner.
Her independence, her bravery, her reflexes, and her strange ability to make friends
Being unpredictable, doesnt really like rules and zoning out when in a class.
Describe your character in six words:
Kind, sweet, funny, peaceful, athletic, patient.
Favourite place to be:
Camilles favourite place to be is a small abandoned building in Miami where her environmental group have their private meetings. When she is in Hogwarts she enjoys the Greenhouses.
Drew and Hannah Handler. She also has friends back home in American who will be missed dearly.
Hogwarts House:
Camille doesnt really know what house she wants to be in, but she likes the sound of Gryffindor.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Camille would like to be on the Quidditch team when she is old enough and really wants to do well in her classes. She also want so become part of the ministry.
Best school subjects:
Camille will probably do very well in Herbology as she loves plants, though she would probably protest to the way that they are treated as she would want to set them free.
Worst school subjects:
I think her worst class would be muggle studies, as she already knows about muggles and would find it a boring class.
Extracurricular Activities:
Camilles extracurricular activities include protesting and rallying.
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Camille would like to be on the Quidditch team when she is old enough and really wants to do well in her classes. She also want so become part of the ministry.
Your Patronus:
Camilles patronus would be a dove as she is kind and does not tolerate violence, as she is peaceful.
Your Patronus memory:
Camilles memory is when her biological father was alive. They were a big happy family and it was just her, her mother and her father. Her siblings hadnt been born yet.
Your Boggart:
Camilles boggart would be her step-father coming back to take her away from her mother and siblings. He was an evil man and used to abuse her and her siblings as children. Camille remains in the hope that he would never find them.
Your Animagus:
Camilles animagus would be a cheetah as she is athletic and patient.
Mirror of Erised:
Camilles deepest desire is to see her biological father again.
A page from your diary:
Camille didnt keep a diary as she never had the time to write in one.
Camille Denise Jones
Date of Birth:
June 13 2016
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Blonde hair with green eyes and tanned skin. She has a birth mark on the inner side of her thigh that is shaped almost like a heart.
Personality :
Camille has many different sides to her personality. She is calm, cool and collected when you first meet her, but then once you get to know her, you will discover that she is a big human rights activist. She will protest anything. Even at such a young age. She has been in jail twice because of her protesting. She is really kind once you get past the whole insane activist persona. She is loyal and hard working. She loves everyone and rarely finds a bad point in anyone. If she does however thats when she will dislike you as the bad point usually had to be major. Like her step father abusing her and her family.
Immediate Family:
Camille has a rather average family. She has two younger brothers and a younger sister. Her mum and her step dad as well as her father. Also living with them is her aunt and cousin.

Mother-Camila Jones(Caridad) -aged 36- Pureblood- Camila is a very caring and loving person. She was educated at Salem academy and after graduation moved to America where she met her husband. Cammy and Camila get along very well and she showers her daughter with gifts as she tries to make up for genuinely not realising what was happening to her.

Father-Carter Jones-aged 38- Pureblood- Carter was a strong willed and determined young man. He was kind, generous and loved his family to the ends of the earth. He worked in the ministry in America and even though he was often away on a research adventure he always made time for his family. Often he would even take Cammy to work with him. He died when Cammy was four.

Younger half brother - Justin Jones-aged 9-Halfblood- Justin and Cammy get along very well because they are close in age. She used to protect him when his father got angry. He is a very good basket baller and he is a sweet natured kid.

Younger half brother- Daniel Jones- aged 8-Squib- Daniel and Cammy get along ok, but theyre not the best of friends. He likes to call her names because she is very active about her views. He is also a squib.

Younger half sister- Hayley Jones- aged 6-Halfblood- Cammy and Hayley are good friends. The only problem is that because shes young she doesnt understand so Cammy doesnt spend much time with her.

Stepfather- David Sanchez-aged 35- muggle- David is a manipulative and abusive man. When Cammy was little and her mum was at work he use to beat on her he never touched the others because they were too young, but eventually when they got old enough he began to beat on them too. It was only when Camila discovered bruises one day that she hexed him and immediately left with all the kids. He has been looking for them ever since.

Aunt-Bonita Senchuvez- aged 32- Pureblood- Bonita and Cammy get along fairly well. She helps Cammy with all her campaigning and is the leader of their environmental group.

Cousin- Catalina Senchuvez-aged 10- Half-blood- Catalina and Cammy get along great as they are the same age. They are very close and are best friends as she is in with Cammys activist ideas.
Cammy has a small cat named Deddia and a small dog named Amarkai.
Area of Residence:
Blood Status:
hoping for pure
Interests or Hobbies:
In her spare time Camille can usually be found campaigning against the wrongs that people have suffered in her life. She is a big environmental activist as well as for other numerous causes.
Additional Skills:
Cammy is a killer when it comes to racing. She is athletic and so she is a very good shirt distance runner.
Her independence, her bravery, her reflexes, and her strange ability to make friends
Being unpredictable, doesnt really like rules and zoning out when in a class.
Describe your character in six words:
Kind, sweet, funny, peaceful, athletic, patient.
Favourite place to be:
Camilles favourite place to be is a small abandoned building in Miami where her environmental group have their private meetings. When she is in Hogwarts she enjoys the Greenhouses.
Drew and Hannah Handler. She also has friends back home in American who will be missed dearly.
Hogwarts House:
Camille doesnt really know what house she wants to be in, but she likes the sound of Gryffindor.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Camille would like to be on the Quidditch team when she is old enough and really wants to do well in her classes. She also want so become part of the ministry.
Best school subjects:
Camille will probably do very well in Herbology as she loves plants, though she would probably protest to the way that they are treated as she would want to set them free.
Worst school subjects:
I think her worst class would be muggle studies, as she already knows about muggles and would find it a boring class.
Extracurricular Activities:
Camilles extracurricular activities include protesting and rallying.
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Camille would like to be on the Quidditch team when she is old enough and really wants to do well in her classes. She also want so become part of the ministry.
Your Patronus:
Camilles patronus would be a dove as she is kind and does not tolerate violence, as she is peaceful.
Your Patronus memory:
Camilles memory is when her biological father was alive. They were a big happy family and it was just her, her mother and her father. Her siblings hadnt been born yet.
Your Boggart:
Camilles boggart would be her step-father coming back to take her away from her mother and siblings. He was an evil man and used to abuse her and her siblings as children. Camille remains in the hope that he would never find them.
Your Animagus:
Camilles animagus would be a cheetah as she is athletic and patient.
Mirror of Erised:
Camilles deepest desire is to see her biological father again.
A page from your diary:
Camille didnt keep a diary as she never had the time to write in one.