Cam needs some more friends

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Cameron Moriarty

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Hey guys. So I was messing around with Cameron and I happened to notice that he really doesnt have that many friends. Outside of his childhood ones, I believe he only has like one or two friends. And it makes me sad. So I posted in here to see if anyone was interested in being friends with my baby here :lol:
Personality said:
Cam is a very open person. He tends to say exactly what he thinks and he isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. Cameron has a very unusal sense of fashion and tends to dress in girly colours, but not girly clothes. He also likes to play the guitar. He’s not the best at it, but he tends to play it non the less. His favourite thing to do is to make friends as he is a very friendly person. He tends to get along really well with both men and woman; he also loves to shower his niece and nephew with presents. Cameron is also very open about his sexuality, if you ask he will tell, if you dont ask, he wont, but its usually pretty obvious by what he wears, or what he says, or even his actions make it pretty obvious. Put it this way the only way you wouldn't know was if you were a child and didn't understand it.

Any one interested?
Caysi can be one of his friends. She has a great personality; she is open, sweet, caring and thoughtful. :)
Yeah sounds like fun. Just the type of person Cam would hang out with :D
Yay :) Would you like me to start something or do you ? :)
Could you please, im starting another one at the moment :)
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