Calypso Circe Costas

Rosemary Soul

OOC First Name
Ceara xox
The Basics
Character's Name: Calypso Circe Costas
First Name: Calypso was a Nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia. The family legends say that Calypso's family is descended from her, though the validity of this is questionable.
Middle Name: Circe was an enchantress who drugged her victims, often transforming them into animals. Calypso was given this name when she showed signs of magic
Character's Birth date: 31 December 2018
Character's Age: 7
Heritage: Her family is Greek. A wizard or witch in the past, supposedly Calypso, put a spell on the island so that no one could find it, and it is unplottable. The residents of the island have not been in contact with the outside world since the time of the Trojan War.
Born and Raised She was born on the isle of Ogygia, and never left, but when she performed her first act of magic, she was banished from her home. She is now living in New Zealand.
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
Wand: None

Current School: Kowhai Junior Wizarding Acadamy
Hogwarts House: When she goes to Hogwarts, she will probably be in Slytherin

Hair: Long curly brown hair
Eyes: Dark brown, turn lighter when she is happy
Height: She is a short girl, even for her age.
Style: She usually wears long black jeans and a dark t-shirt
Other Distinguishing Features: None

A Little Deeper
Your Patronus: Her Patronus would be a wolf
Your Patronus memory: Her brother helping her escape, because she had always been convinced all her siblings hated her
Your Boggart: Her parents finding her, or her being forced to return to Ogygia
Your Animagus: If Calypso was an animagus, she would be a cat, able to beg sweetly for treats, but still fiercely independent
Mirror of Erised: Herself growing up off the island, with out her older siblings.

Calypso and Others
Friends: None
Relationship Status: Too young to care
Pets: She has no pets

Likes And Dislikes
Interests or Hobbies: She spends her time plotting how to get what she wants from the people in power, e.g. teachers and parents, and manipulating them
Strengths: She is very confident, she's very good at lying, and acting.
Weaknesses: English, and she is terrified of small creatures of any type, if they jump or crawl or slither or scuttle.
Describe your character in three words: Confident, conniving,
Favourite place to be: Forests, the bush.

Calypso had been able to get anything she wants since a young age, being not only the youngest, but the only female child. She had her parents wrapped around her little finger, and she used this fact to her advantage. They were more inclined to believe her, and when she lied about her brothers bullying her, they were punished. Whenever they tried to take revenge, her mother or father walked in, and it was taken as confirmation of what Calypso had said. Calypso is an ambitious, conniving girl who was brought up to think she was better than any one else, not because of her blood, which she couldn't care less about, but because every one else in the world were barbaric savages. However, recently, she showed her first signs of magic. Her parents locked her up while they decided her fate. Her youngest brother, Alexander, released her. She never really liked her parents, but she feels betrayed.


Petran Costas
Relationship: Father
Age: 57
Blood Status: Muggle

Agariste Costas
Relationship: Mother
Age: 46
Blood Status: Muggle

Agenor Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 30
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Eldest brother. Married when he turned 19. Has three children.

Hector Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 28
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Second eldest brother. Hilarion's twin. Unmarried.

Hilarion Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 28
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Third eldest brother. Hector's twin. Unmarried.

Tychon Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 26
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Fourth eldest brother. Married at 20. Has three children.

Brontes Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 25
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Fifth eldest brother. Married at 23. Has one child.

Coeus Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 23
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Sixth eldest brother. Married at 17. Has four children.

Eugene Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 22
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Seventh eldest brother. Unmarried.

Megapenthes Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 20
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Eighth eldest brother. Unmarried.

Léandre Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 19
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Ninth eldest brother. Unmarried.

Khronos Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 16
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Tenth eldest brother. Unmarried.

Anaxagoras Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 15
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Eleventh eldest brother. Unmarried.

Zosimos Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 13
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Twelfth eldest brother. Unmarried.

Euphemios Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 11
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Thirteenth eldest brother. Unmarried.

Phylip Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 10
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Fourteenth eldest brother. Unmarried.

Tobias Costas
Relationship: Brother
Age: 9
Blood Status: Muggle
History: Fifteenth eldest brother. Unmarried.

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