Calling All Creatures of The Night!

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I know I've been a bit neglectful of my characters, and i haven't gotten a bio for this girl even, but I thought maybe I should roleplay a bit and find out who Halina wants to be. I've got this image of a sweet, 14 year old girl attending Beuxbatons, being the angel to her family by day, and a mysterious runner by night. Halina is conflicted with who she should be, and who she wants to be, so I'm looking for some people to help her with that. I want to let them think she's miss goody goody, and then find out that she's actually a lot more... violent and exciting then they thought. Halina will hopefully eventually tell her family to shove of, and live by herself (I'm hoping this by seventeen)
EDIT: Here's her biography

Right now though, she lives in France until summer breaks, then is in Russia otherwise. She travels a lot, but her parents don't know. She is great in school, excels in all of her classes in Beuxbatons, and also is an alternate chaser on the quidditach team they have there. So, is anyone interested?

I also have a few more characters that need friends.
Tawny Lao is a home-schooled part-Goblin with dreams of showing the world just how big she is. She's 14, almost 15, and is looking for companionship, maybe even a boyfriend? if you'd like to know more about her, you can post here or PM me, and we'll talk.

I also have Lolli Lovre, who is one of the sweetest and most energetic girls you could meet. She is a first year Ravenclaw, with high expectations for herself, and a medical issue called Pituitary Dwarfism, where she may not ever hit puberty, or hit it late on. She'll look very young forever, though she doesn't let it get to her!

I also have Angela, she's going to be a 'drop out' (okay, she's gonna be home schooled xD )soon. And needs some friends to help her through it. She is 14 going on 15 also. If you'd like to know more about any of these characters, a post of PM will do. Thanks again!


P.S. Sorry about the horrible spelling, no spell check and horrible lag on this computer.
hey there...

I have this character Vayne, he's a first year gryffindor, and supposedly, he should have a topic running with Lolli, I've made that one already and PMed you Lolli the link... :)
Yes, I'm completely sorry. Been super busy with Christmas shopping, I promise I'll get right on that =)
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