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Full Name:
Caleb Alexander Shaw
Date of Birth:
25 October 2007
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Caleb is roughly 6"1 which may appear tall to others but makes him the shortest man in his family. He has tanned skin and a scruffy look about him; often paired with stubble across his face and obviously un-brushed hair. His green eyes are made up of many different shades and often show his emotions clearly as he is unable to hide them well. He has a strong build as he often exercises to relieve stress. Caleb also has a tattoo just below his left collar bone.
Caleb is usually happy and willing to mess around. He takes any responsibility he is given seriously but tries to make it as fun as possible to do. He is extremely devoted to anyone who he is close to and would be willing to defend them as far as is necessary. If someone was to threaten his close friends or family he would become very easy to anger. He has often found that in stressful situations not related to him personally he can remain calm well and keep things under control. Caleb does not like bullies and is unafraid to step into a situation that has nothing to do with him if he feels someone is being treated unfairly (For example; a child being bullied or someone being beaten up).
Currently, however, Caleb is grieving for the loss of his father and brother so he is not happy all of the time and is, instead, very angry. He is attempting to drown his sorrows and doesn't care about his personal safety and is more than happy to interrupt a fight knowing he will get hurt.

Daniel Shaw

Maria Shaw
Cameron Shaw
Deceased (presumed)
Area of Residence:
Currently New Zealand, previously Salem, America
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood - Pure blooded mother and half blooded father
Special Abilities:
Interests or Hobbies:
Caleb enjoys exercise and working out. He also enjoys helping people if that can be counted as a hobby. Currently he is very interested in whiskey.
Additional Skills:
Knows how to fight muggle style.
Knows how to hunt muggle style.
Level Headed in Stressful Situations
Angers Easily Over Those He Loves
Wears His Emotions Openly
Describe your character in three words:
Loyal, Active, Family-Man
Hogwarts House:
Caleb did not attend Hogwarts as he was in America; attending Salems institute instead.
Best school subjects:
Defence Against The Dark Arts
Care Of Magical Creatures
Worst school subjects:
History Of Magic
Extracurricular Activities:
Football (American)
Current Job:
Unemployed, previously an FBI agent
Plans for your future:
Currently N/A
Your Patronus:
"Eagle - Divine spirit, air, the sun, power in battle, protection from evil, clear vision, success, prosperity, wealth, intelligence, renewal, courage."
Your Patronus memory:
Currently unable to form one, previously the first Quidditch match that he went to with his father and his brother
Your Animagus:
"Cunning(can be a trickster). Inner vision. Able to see and face challenges with clarity. Invisibility. Able to shape shift realities. "
Mirror of Erised:
His entire family alive again
A page from your diary: