Cain Brennan

Cain Brennan

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OOC First Name

xxxxxxxxxx the stats

the biography

name: adair 'cain' brennan
birthdate: 6th june
blood status: unknown
educated at: hogwarts house: slytherin
occupation: on the run
country of origin: ireland
currently located: new zealand

sexuality: bi-sexual
relationship status: single (always looking)

xxxxxxxxxx in detail

appearance: cain has very dark, black-brown hair, with a slight wave, that falls past his chin. he brushes his hair away from his face as a nervous habit, so it's usually swept back over his forehead. his eyes are a steely green-gray, wide and framed in thick lashes. the bridge of his nose is narrow and ramped, not heavy enough to be considered masculine, but neither delicate enough to be described as boyish. he has a soft chin, usually with a little stubble, and thin lips.

a medium tan covers a lean build and tall, often slouching figure. he usually wears casual designer clothes with fancy labels, but no longer with any source of income has been forced to shop a little cheaper.

volatile, devious, manipulative, egotistical, sardonic
articulate, charming, intelligent, romantic, teasing, friendly (sort of?)

loves sweets and sugar
almost always studying something
likes to be barefoot
prefers waking up early to staying up late

aoife elaire // mother // model for witch!fashion ireland // deceased
niall brennan // father // male prostitute // unkown

history: Aoife was a very vain witch from Limerick, Ireland. She was not married when she fell pregnant with Adair, and the father wasn't the man she was in a relationship with. Her boyfriend left her and the father, an unreliable and volatile callboy from Armagh, convinced her to go through with the pregnancy.

However, eventually the sight of her swollen belly in the mirror drove her mad, and she tried to poison herself in an attempt to kill the child. Niall, the callboy, used magic to kill Aoife and save the baby. He took it to a Muggle hospital.

Adair stayed in the hospital for two months, during which his Niall vanished. Having heard of him from across the country, the Wizarding Orphanage of Armagh came and collected him. He was adopted six years later.

He attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin. and soon earned himself a reputation as devious; a liar and a charmer. His classmates had mixed feelings about him. some reserved and cautious, others envious and admiring. He found his best friend in one of his classmates. They had a lot in common, both in looks and personality, and eventually and ironically renamed themselves 'Abel and Cain,' quietly spreading the rumor that they were brothers.

As a senior student and prefect, Cain (Adair) was most notably described as egotistical, sardonic and articulate. He appeared to develop a bit of his father's personality, too. He had a quick, fiery temper, and could hate and love within a day. His mood often reflected his relationships with the two loves of his life; his studies and his boys. Despite his careless and delinquent personality, Cain fell in love easily. He continuously had his heart broken throughout his school years, and during these periods became moody and aggressive. Only his closest friends stayed by his side.

After graduating Hogwarts, he and Abel formed their own gang within Europe. They had a total of seven members, never more and never less, and ran illegal business under the Ministry's nose. From illegal imports to assassination, they were well known for their black dealings. Even the Death Eaters sometimes called on them for more delicate proceedings. They became infamous and wealthy, and couldn't have been happier.

However, the group's late attempt to assassinate the head Auror went horribly wrong. Three of their members were killed, one imprisoned, and the rest were forced to flee the country. Abel went to France, where he had relatives; their only female member went to Italy where she had connections with the Muggle Mafia; and Cain was referred by the European Death Eaters to a smaller branch in the little country of New Zealand.

xxxxxxxxxx plotting ideas

cain loves drama and romance, and so do i! any kind of romantic drama would suit him. forbidden romances would be especially our cups of tea (student-death eater, auror-death eater, two-timing, prince-pauper-esqu, etc)

action and violence: cain gets angry at the most unusual things! he's more likely to plot your death quietly, and poison you or something, but if he loses his temper suddenly a fist fight might ensue?

tragedy and corn: embarrassing as it is, i like writing cliche, fluffy, sad, etc. want a character for an over dramatic plot? cain would be perfect! he's not too man to cry ;p

comedy: i don't mind if you want to use cain as the butt of a joke ^^. comedy plotting can be fun! (but don't be upset if he tries to take revenge, hehe.)

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