by the water

Logan Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Logan walked down the narrow pathway towards the lake. He had his bag slung over one shoulder and his books were inside. The sun shone down through the tree's and lit up the way. Even though it was light outside the thick canapy of the tree tops blocked out the sun.

As Logan sat on a large rockby the lake and took out a book from his bag.Looking out over the water he sighed happily as he opened his book and opened it at the fifth chapter. The sound of the water relaxing himas he read
Rhianne wandered out the lake for some refreshing air..She also knew that Logan Blackwood would be there as usual with his book..Since she had free time,she took the opportunity to spend her time with her cousin whom his parents appoints her as his guardian..This would be fun,Rhi thought since she doesn't have any brother or sister to look after..

Looking around the place,she located Logan on a rock and read one of his schoolbooks..Rhi whistled loudly as she bounced happily at his side.."There you are..",she greeted..

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