🌹 Rose Giving But It’s Tuesday

Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer| ACCIO 📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (13)
Red rose for @Friday Weeks

Hazel knew most of the students around her age, so she knew Friday Weeks was a third year Gryffindor girl. She seemed pretty cool, stylish in her own way, but Hazel hadn't really talked to her before. She knew from asking around that the third years had a Charms class up next, so she waited by the door for them to arrive. She waited at the girl to get her attention. "Friday, hey, I have a rose for you." She said brightly. "Your name is so cool, by the way, so unique."
Friday glanced up as she came out of the charms class, yawning slightly, They'd done more boring theory, which had just been the worst. She couldn't even get excited about the rose giving with her mind filled with charms nonsense. She glanced though as a girl approached her, and gave a smile. "Oh yeah," she said to the rose part, trying to not appear too eager for it. "Thanks," she added abouther name, though she was sure that this girl didn't really think that it was cool.
Hazel smiled at the older girl as she picked her rose out of the basket. "It really is, I bet people don't forget your name ever." She said, handing the Gryffindor the red rose she had. "Here you go, happy Valentine's day!"

Friday took the red rose with a bright smile, figuring this would be from someone in the family. and the note confirmed it. Sunday. How sweet. Friday had not sent one back. "Happy Valentine's day to you too,"

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