But I'm scared!

Andy Hydran

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Andy wondered the hall of Hogwarts with his head down in sorrow. He was alone today; he had to fend for himself, in this crazily scary school. He had been here since first year and still things managed to make him jump. Like the portraits. Andy did not like the portraits, they were mean and liked to scare him all the time, it wasn't very funny to Andy when they would all start screaming for no apparent reason. But the portraits and Daniel found it very funny indeed. That was mainly what was getting Andy down, the lack of Daniel presence. Daniel was Andy's Hufflepuff protector; he was supposed to stop Andy from being scared to death all the time by the scariness of the school. Whenever people actually saw Andy, he was super glued to Daniel. Daniel was his older cousin after all, though he was only five days older.

But today Daniel could not be with Andy, for he was suffering from the flu and did not want Andy near him, he knew that Andy was scared of disease and did not want to make Andy sick. But Andy couldn't help but blame himself for Daniel's illness, if it weren't for Andy's actions earlier this week, Daniel would still have his Hufflepuff jacket and would have gone straight to the Hufflepuff dormitory when the daylight turned to darkness and the warmth of the afternoon turned to the cold of the night, but Andy was scared of the dark and insisted on Daniel walking him to Ravenclaw tower. Now Daniel could be possibly dying! Everyone knew that the flu turned into pneumonia and pneumonia could make Daniel slip into a coma and then Daniel could become brain-dead! Andy felt horrible for doing this to his cousin, how could he be so selfish?
Andy sighed as he reached the lake, it was rather warm outside, so it was safe for Andy to come.

The lake sparkled slightly, but this did not make Andy smile, water was scary to Andy, he could swim, but he didn't like to, water moved too much for his liking, he barely drank water, so why would he swim in it? ''Poor Daniel...'' He muttered sadly, feeling sorry for his hyperactive cousin that was now possibly dying from the flu.
Lola had not had time to experiment with something that she had seen in the muggle world that summer. One of her older brothers had gotten himself a girlfriend that dressed all kinds of weird with gas masks and the like. Lola had nearly written her off as another one of her brother's cries for attention then she saw the girl dance. It was a very odd sort dance but it seemed like her two left feet couldn't mess it up because all one was doing with them was moving one in front of the other. It was all about the hands and Lola took to it very well. She still made some mistakes but she thought it was fun. This was what doing out by the lake.

She put her hands up above her then wound them down, bringing them around her then extending them. to add something to keep her ADHD riddled mind entertained she had made it a game. Bouncing around her was a small light sphere which she had found out how to make from the end of her wand. It wasn't hot to the touch or anything but it was a bit bright. Lola when over the moves that her brother's girl had taught her while keeping the ball in the air. That was a challenge seeing as she had to do it with what ever part of the body was available at the time that the ball was going to hit the ground.

At this point it was Lola's hip though she hadn't made it bounce right so she ended up making the ball bounce away from her and sraight on to a boy that looked like he was thinking. "A little help here please?" She asked as she walked up to him. What a sight Lola must have been. She hadn't traded in her traditional Salvadorian clothes or her tomboyish baggy jeans just yet but she thought it would be fun to ware what the girl had been wearing when she showed her the dance. A red and black plastic looking skirt with net stalking and knee high boots with large silver buckles running up the sides. A black tee and detached red and black striped sleeves decorated her top half. The thing that really would give most people a heart attack was what looked like a heard plastic germ mask which covered her mouth. Lola took the germ mask off and gave the boy a bright smile.
Andy was worrying again, he would have started looking at the clouds in an attempt to calm his heart rate down, but the sky was clear, something Andy didn't like. A clear sky meant a bright sky. What if he happened to look up and accidently looked at the sun? He would go blind! What would Andy be able to do blind? He would have to quit school, possibly life. There was no way that he could go back to his father blind, his father would surely throw him out of the house and never look back. Then what would Andy do? Wonder around until he got hit by a car? No. Clear skies were evil and caused nothing but destruction.

This was why Andy had his eyes closed, so he would not look at the sun and become blind, so he would not have to quit school, so his father would not throw him out and so he would not be hit by a car. Andy called out slightly in shock when something hit him. Andy was quite small; he looked about eleven or even ten, so the ball knocked him down to the ground.

When Andy heard a female voice, he looked around and saw... a thing... Andy was close to a heart attack. Here he was, minding his own business when a thing that seemingly belonged to a Sci-fi book was talking to him, looking at him, being in his general space and gobbling up his air. Andy wasn't even sure if the thing was human, perhaps it was some sort of magical creature that existed for the sole purpose of making him go in cardiac arrest? ''What are you?'' He asked quietly, his voice was small and sensitive, just like he was, his face showed all the fear he held for the thing, which was an awful lot. ''Please don't hurt me...'' He whimpered, sitting back up, blinking slightly when the thing appeared to have a mouth, this gave the image of humaniodness, which made Andy feel slightly better, but did not make his frightened posture change much. ''Who are you?''

OOCOut of Character:
Lola tilted her head. "Hurt you? Why would I want to hurt you?" She asked hen narrowed her eyes playfully. "Unless... Your the one that stole the cookies from the cookie jar! ADMIT IT!" She cried pointing at him accusingly but then dropped her hand laughing. "Kidding! Name's Lola Caracola. Think I've seen you in a few combined classes with the Gryffendors which is my house by the way. Who are you?" She asked happily. Not for one moment did Lola think that the boy was actually scared of her. Who would be? Lola wouldn't hurt anyone unless they threatened to hurt her or her friends first.

There where usually two reactions to Lola "Cherry Cola". One was joy that they had met someone as energetic as Lola or two compleat and utter loathing from her talking so much. Hyper active and loud it was rare for Lola to sit still for too long, even for classes which she had to take special medicine in order to be able to sit through them. She never told the doctors that prescribed her the meds that they didn't take away all of her hyperness because she didn't want it to go away. "While we're at it have you seen where my ball went. I can make another one of course but I kinda like the way that one came out." She said looking around. It was a ball of light so it shouldn't have been that hard to spot unless it had fallen into the murky water.

Lola twisted her lips thinking. "Have you ever gone fishing?" She asked him suddenly. Lola was no sure that her light ball had gone into the water meaning that she would either have to go in after it or she would have to fish for it. Either way it was going to turn into a rather fun afternoon outdoors seeing as she didn't have much else to do with her time other than homework and she didn't want to get to that in a hurry. Not like she could concentrate anyway. Too many thoughts going around in her head at once and not one of them seemed to stick long enough for her to complete it.
Andy watched in shock-horror as the girl tilted her head and asked why she would hurt him. Wasn't it obvious? She was practically standing over him, well, that's what it felt like to Andy. When she started screaming at him, Andy nearly died, this was too much for his little heart to withstand, this was the worst day of his life, he wanted his cousins to be with him, he wanted Drake, or Justin to scare the girl away, he wanted Daniel to carry him to safety, he wanted Hazel to get him a nice, warm cup of chocolate milk with little pink marshmallows in them. But Andy was alone, so alone, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't find anyone, all he could do was hope that the girl just went away or at least stopped being so terrifying!

When the girl stopped yelling and told Andy that she was kidding, Andy sighed with relief, at least she wasn't going to kill him... Andy was more mortified when the girl announced that she had seen him in classes, Andy never saw her, though he sat with Drake in classes he had with Gryffindor and was too busy worrying about something to look around at people. ''Andy...'' He mumbled, this girl was very hyperactive and didn't seem to notice Andy’s vibes of fear, or she didn't care, either way, Andy was still terrified.

All Andy could do was nod slightly, the ball had flown into his sleeve, he pulled it out and held it to the girl. His pale hand shaking slightly from anxiety and utter panic, he was surely going to faint after this, he was sure he would join Daniel in the hospital wing, this girl was terrifying, nothing could be more horrifying to Andy than this girl, except maybe a waterfall growing legs and chasing him, but waterfalls didn't spontaneously grow legs and chase people, so he didn't have to worry about that. ''H-here...'' He stuttered out of shock, his hand was shaking so much that the orb could fall and run into the water at any minute, so he hoped that the girl would grab the ball and leave as soon as possible.

Andy was slightly shock at Lola's next question, it was rather abrupt and this made Andy a little less worried, it reminded him of Justin and Drake because they were always asking him silly and abrupt questions. But this didn't mean Andy wanted to hear this girl ask him questions. That meant that she would probably want to stick around, Andy could barely look at her without becoming frightened. ''No...'' he answered, wanting the girl to leave him alone so he could tend to his heart rate and his sudden lack of colour.
Lola took her light ball from his shaking hand and smiled wide. "Cool! Now I don't have to fish for it but I was sort of hoping I would have to so I could try and bribe the Giant Squid into getting it for me. Would that be cool? To see the Giant Squid that lives in the lake? I bet it's just big teddy bear too and people are scared of it. I bet all you have to do is give it a bit of food and it's alright." Lola said as she started to bounce the ball up again. It was then that she noticed that the boy was shaking.

"Are you sick or something Andy? It's kind cold out so it could be that your getting something bad. I got something not too long ago. Was sneezing up a storm but then I went to the nurse and she fixed me up right away. Maybe that's what you need a pepper up potions or something then we can make figures out of the smoke that comes out of you ears." Lola said seemingly all at once. She shot off her words as soon as she thought almost as soon as they came into her head and once she was excited there was no stopping her. Lola was excited right now she had met a new person. She was always happy to met new people ever someone as twitchy as Andy. Fear of her was the last thing that she though could have been happening there.

Giggling Lola hung the germ mask around her neck for safe keeping then started to make the hand movements of the dance she had been doing earlier but on a smaller scale so the ball wouldn't go anywhere. "Maybe when you get better you can play Pong with me and my friend Mitoas. I know he would like to learn this too it's fun and it's a dance too so we can't look stupid doing it right?" Lola said with a large smile. She bounced the light ball on her elbow then aimed it at her new friend to see if he could catch out of the blue. She couldn't understand why it had such reaction from him earlier. The ball was roughly the size of a Snitch.
Andy stiffened at the mention of a giant squid. Andy didn't like squids, especially giant squids. Andy couldn't help but think this girl was crazy, she wanted to see the qiant squid? Infact, she seemed to want to meet the giant squid. Andy had to get away from this girl, he had to get help for whatever illness she was suffering from. "I don't think it is a good idea to disturb the giant squid." He muttered softly. Andy didn't want to think of the troubles that could happen. The giant squid might be angry and hungry for all they knew!

Andy couldn't believe that the girl asked him if he was sick. Andy couldn't remember the last time he had been sick, it just never happened to him, perhaps because he carried detol in his pocket and other things to help him fight germs, they were everywhere afterall. "I don't get sick..." He explained in his usual quiet voice. Andy didn't know how to yell or speak with a loud voice, he never had to. Andy shook his head slightly, he couldn't believe that the girl could talk so much and fit so much into a sentence. "And I don't think it would be fun to have smoke come out of my ears..." He added, though this was more of an open thought, meaning he was almost inaudible.

Andy was still shaking, he couldn't help it, his body couldn't stop shaking out of fear and worry. Andy could feel his heart trying to push through his ribs and run away from the girl he found to be so frightful. Andy had no idea what the girl was doing when she started doing what she was doing earlier, to Andy, she was doing some sort of weird rain dance thing, he didn't understand why she was acting this way. "What is Pong?" He asked, now that he knew the girl was going to stay here and probably not go away, he knew that he had to speak to her and not just sit there quietly. Andy frowned slightly when he learned that the girl had friends, how could such a terrifying girl have any friends? Surely it wasn't just Andy that found the girl totally terrifying. Andy wasn't sure if the girl was okay in the head, dancing like that make her look slightly crazy. "I don't dance." He explained. Andy couldn't dance. He feared breaking a leg too much, he couldn't even watch people dance because he would worry about them too. Andy flinched slightly and jumped back, but still managed to catch the ball, he didn't like it at all. Andy did not like things flying in his direction, especially if not two minutes ago they had managed to knock him over. Andy gave the ball back to the girl, his pale fingers grasped the ball weakly, he looked petrified, because he was.
Lola smiled wide. "Well you wouldn't know because most people wouldn't know here or in the muggle world for that matter. It's new and old at the same time if you can believe that. Well the point of the game is to get the ball past the other person without letting stay with you for too long. You can juggle the ball a little bit but you can't let it stay with you, if you do you give the point to your opponent. You play sets of three meaning if you can get the all past the other person three times then you win." She said as she took her ball back. It was good that the boy could catch even if he was looking like he could faint at any moment. It looks like he had a blood thing going on.

Lola crossed her arms in front of her as she made the light up ball go up again. She started to do full scale moves. Well those that she knew anyway because she wasn't good at it yet but she liked to do them. She may not have been very good at industrial dancing but she was having fun with it. After juggling the ball with whatever body part had been available to her for a bit she looked at Andy and saw that he was indeed pail for some reason. "Are you sure your not sick? One of my brothers gets all pail when he's blood is getting weak or something and he has to eat something or faint or something like that. Maybe we can go inside and get you something to eat so you can feel better." She suggested.

Andy was an odd one indeed. It seemed liked he had no since of adventure or fun at all. This was something strange to Lola because she had never in her life known a moment where she wanted to slow down. She always had to be doing something whether that be dancing like a girl who loved to ware crazy wigs or chasing after a soccer ball or chasing after a quaffle or doing her school work Lola was always up to something. "This kind of dance isn't hard at all look" She commented on the last part and started to move again.

OOCOut of Character:
She should look something like this
OOCOut of Character:
Gosh... I think I'm scared too xD

Andy nodded slightly, the girls explaination was good, but that did not make him want to play 'Pong', it sounded dangerous and it made Andy worry. Lola was taking to the wrong Hydran, Andy knew that this would be a game Daniel would play, he liked all sorts of games. Andy started feeling a little light-headed, his heart-rate was still up and he was paler then ever, he was surprised that he was still awake, his breathing was slight also, this girl was terrifying him to death. "I don't think I would like to play...' He muttered, he really didn't want to play, though he was sure Lola would not understand.

Andy shook his head a frowned, he just escaped from that castle, he was not going back until absolutely nessesary, or Daniel spontaniously popped out of the ground and walked him back, or one of his other cousins. Though if he fainted he would end up in the hospital wing also, where really sick people were. What if he caught something? What if he died? Andy shook his head again, but at his thoughts this time, he was not going to faint, he was not going inside and he was not going to eat. Andy didn't like eating, it was scary. "No, I don't eat very much." He explained, not realising how ridiculous his explaination was, his family never made a big deal about how much he ate.

Andy grew rigid when Lola started dancing like a crazy person who was about to attack him, well, that was Andy's opinion anyway, to anyone else it probably looked strange, but not scary. "I don't dance, Lola.' He insisted, looking away, some of his stubborn nature showing through his frail structure. "I injure myself..."
Lola was not going to give up easily. Andy didn't eat which she didn't know why, he didn't seem like a vampire or something that didn't eat normal food. She shook her fake plastic foils so they made a sound that sounded something close to rattle though she was sure that it would put in mind the image of a rattle snake. She didn't like that much but it was something. "You can not be clumsier than me, I once had to get thirty seven stitches in my right knee because I rode my bicycle into into a sidewalk and landed on gravel and a pole that nearly went through my whole lower leg. If I can do this so can you. We'll take it slow see. You just put your arms over your head then bring them down in a with both hands together then split them apart and twirl them up again." She said while doing the move herself.

Lola wanted to show this boy that at least this part was safe. The arms where not catching on anything nor where they brushing against her ears because she had them are enough away. Her legs where not moving at all for the time being so there was no chance of her accedently doing anything to him or herself. All the while Lola wondered if he really was as alright as he said he was. Andy seemed not to do a lot of things. He may not even read due to paper cuts that may bleed to death something that Lola laughed at the moment it hit her thought stream. "One can never bleed to death from a paper cut." Lola said out loud as she waited for Andy to copy her.

Another odd thing that she noticed about him was that he was very apt at saying no. It was a good thing that he didn't seem compleatly lost. Lola had been starting to think of ways bring him round to a few things. Andy of course would have been not invited to the Midnight Society because it would scare him into a coma just thinking about going into the woods during the day Lola assumed, never mind during the night time. Still with all the clear marks that Andy was afraid Lola never once thought that maybe it was her very presence that was causing Andy to be afraid.

OOCOut of Character:
Both me and Lola think it looks cool! :p
OOCOut of Character:
Well, Andy and I both have our tails between our legs at Lola's random dancing :tut: :D

Andy shivered slightly at the sound of the foils, it sounded like a rattle snake. Andy didn't like rattle snakes, they could bite him, then the wound could get infected and he could die, or the poison could go through his small body and still kill him. Andy frowned more when the girl didn't give up, she was really starting to upset him. Andy didn't really get angry, but he did get upset when in a stressful situation. This one qualified the minute he saw Lola. Andy blinked in shock when he heard the girls story, though he had had worse happen to him, he was not going to bring up all wounds as a topic of conversation, so he simply refused to do the dance. "I think I would rather sit here quietly." He said, pulling his knees to his chin and closing his eyes slightly. He knew that he looked like a little child trying to hide from the boogy-monster, but he didn't care, right now, Lola was as scary as any monster, fiction or real.

Andy opened his eyes slightly when Lola blurted out, what seemed to be a fact, but it was incorrect. "If the paper cut is large enough and a piece of paper gets inside and it has fresh ink on it, the ink will enter your blood stream and poison your blood, then you would die of ink poisoning, from a paper cut." He corrected. "Or if a piece of wood or something else managed to enter the paper cut, so no, paper cuts can kill you." He explained. He did not say this in a rude way, in fact, he spoke as if he was scared of her reaction to his correction and he was, that and the fact that that had to be the longest sentence he had said to Lola since they meet, something that was unintentional.

Andy held his breath when he realised that he was breathing very heavily now. He held his breath to try and calm his heartrate, but when he started to feel his lungs fight for air, he allowed himself to breath, unaware of the fact that he had gone a light shade of blue. Andy ran his hands through his soft, fluffy hair and sighed, he continued wacthing the seemingly carefree girl do her dance thing, and for a micro-second, he showed signs of a smile, but this was quickly stopped when he realised that he would not be able to dance like that. Andy did like dancing, but he would never be able to, it was far too scary for him to manage it without having a heart attack and dying half way through the dance.
Lola decided to keep the movements slow and keep the light up ball off the ground with her hips instead of her hands. It was harder but since she was doing this kind of thing anyway. "Now we move from the realm of possibility to probability. How many people do you know right on the very edge of the paper, even if they have a lot to say on a subject. People make margins by default so it's very unlikely you'd get ink in the wound right after you've had a paper cut. As for for the paper cut for wood being big enough for wood to get in or something else like that you would have to feel no pain in order to keep slicing. While it can happen I think it actually happening is slim to none." Lola said. She didn't look it but she knew a little about this kind of stuff.

She had yet another older brother to thank for that. Lola had five brothers and all of them where different. One of them was an artsy type while another one was a book worm. One of them was a prep while another one was a bit of punk. One of them liked the darker side of life who's greatest amtion was to be a mortition so he could look at dead bodies all day. Though Lola had thought him a bit weird she had com a cross a book that contained odd deaths in it. Lola despite her kind nature had laughed at a silliness of a few of them. "It like having Narcolepsy and falling asleep in a giant oven. It's possible but not probable." She finished with a nod.

Lola noticed that when talking about accidents and things like that Andy had opened up a little bit. What other improbable things where buzzing around in that head? Maybe he was like his death loving brother and liked to think about stuff like that. Looking at him Lola would say that he was pail enough for it but it didn't seem like he had the stomach for it. "On the other hand there a few other ways that accidents happen all the time but where's the fun in life if you take a few chances right?" She said while allowing the ball to slip down near the ground only to have her foot catch it then send it flying up towards her head. Lola let it rest on the top of it then started to make it balance there.
Andy nodded slightly. What Lola said was probably true and Andy had heard the same things many times, did that comfort him? Nope. Did it help him? Nope. Did if change his thoughts? Nope. "It is still possible." He said, more of his stubborn nature showing. Andy was unknowingly very stubborn, but if he ever knew this, he would probably try to change it and would probably fail, like he always did when he tried to change his personality.

Andy rolled his blue eyes slightly, he didn't like giant ovens either, in fact, Andy didn't like kitchens all together, he didn't like the noises refridgerators made and he didn't like the heat ovens gave off. The fact that he often fell over on tiles and kitchens usually had tile flooring did not help change his opinion of kitchens. "If something can happen, it will happen." He said simply. "Whether it's very possible or highly unlikely, it will happen."

Andy frowned slightly. There wasn't much fun in life for Andy, there was always something around him that made him uncomfortable, the only place that was the closest to 100% perfection was Ravenclaw tower, it was better then his own house, but Hazel was there and she heavily babied him, to the extent that when they first came to Hogwarts New Zealand and were sorted together, she tried to get into the boys dorm and tuck Andy in. It was ridiculous, she treated Andy like an invilid, he wasn't an invilid, he was just a scared person that happened to worry a lot, there was nothing wrong with that, right? "Why do you like that dance?" He asked, his curiousity getting the better of him. But if he was going to suffer with this girl, he might as well know a little bit about her before he fainted.
Lola nodded. "Exactly, then why worry about it? For all I know I could die right now because I swallowed my light ball and chocked on it. Does that stop me from playing with it no. If it's time for me to die then it will happen whether I'm bungee jumping off the Astronomy Tower or sleeping in the Gryffendor Dorms. Besides if you had read the deadly viruses book that my brother Leonel has you would be pretty fearless too. Or never want to touch anything again." Lola finished as she bounced the ball off her head in a way that it bounced on her knee.

Lola shrugged. "Normally I don't. I have two left feet and no rhythm. My brother Christian got a new girlfriend who likes this kind of stuff and I saw her dance one day. I asked her if she would teach me how to do it and she did. I didn't suck at it right away and that's why I dance Industrial now. It's easy and it's fun." She said with a wide smile. Lola loved to have fun and to help others have fun. Things where always better with other people or at least that's how Lola saw it. There was nothing more fun than a club. Her brother's girlfriend had taken her to one that allowed all ages in and there had been nothing more fun than to be there with everyone seeming to have fun. She had wanted to go the next one but this one had been eighteen and over so Lola couldn't go with. As upset as she had been Lola agreed to be taken back home.

"I do everything I can to have fun. My brothers and sister taught me that and the children in my neiborhood too. We used to play all the time together. Even though I'm an accident magnet I still play stuff like soccer." She said with a bright smile. She loved soccer and other sports most of all if she could she would love to be president of the Muggle Sports club if she could. "What is making you so shaky?"
Lola's explaination did not help Andy one bit. Her talking about death and how it was going to happen hit a very sensative nerve. Andy's mother had died from falling off a cliff and Andy had always blamed himself for it, never getting over the fact that he was powerless to stop her and now lived his life in the slow lane, thinking twice before doing anything so he would have to feel that way again, though the pain never really left, it just got buried over worries and fears. Andy didn't know what would happen if he stopped worrying one day, it seemed so impossible. "I think it is better to live carefully than to die young." He explained, rubbing his neck as he always did at the thought of his mother.

Andy nodded slightly in acknowledgement of the girls explaination, but failed to make him feel more than slight jealousy, for she seemed to have a few siblings that she could talk to, but Andy had no-one to talk to, accept his cousins, but that was different, they didn't know everything about him, stuff that a sibling would know, like if he snored or if he cried at night. Siblings was one of the things Andy wished he had, but knew he would not be able to withstand. "You're lucky to have brothers...' He muttered, though this another loud thought that was very hard to hear, he said it so quietly. "But I think I will pass on the dancing."

Andy nodded, so Lola had a sister too. Andy had always wanted a sister, they seemed like fun, he knew a boy through one of his cousins that had four older sisters and he said that they were a lot of fun to mess with, but Andy didn't want a sister so he could tease her, he just thought that it would be fun to have a sister around, because he had a small idea of how brothers behaved around eachother because of Drake and Justin and didn't like the thought of having a brother throw him on the ground and bite him, or smack him with frying pans and push him into trees, it didn't sound like fun. "My cousin plays soccer." He said, hoping to shift the conversation from his potential dancing to his cousins, it was a much easier subject for him, even though to other people it seemed more of a personal thing to be talking about your family, Andy thought it easier than talking about why he didn't or couldn't do something.

Andy couldn't believe that the girl could not tell why he was shaking, no matter how much he spoke to Lola, his body was reacting as if she was a threat because she was ticking a lot of boxes, she was standing in his general space, looked like an alien, bounced around like a crazy person, had knocked him over and was trying to make him do something he did not want to do, this to Andy, was a very scary and dangerous situation. "I'm shaking because..." He stopped for a second, just to think. Perhaps this girl did not realise how intimidating she was being right now, perhaps she did not realise that she was making Andy's heart run overtime. Andy then shook his head, it had to be obvious, she obviously did not care very much about him, which was understandable to an extent, she didn't know him, why would she care about him? Even people that were supposed to love Andy, such as his father, didn't much care for him. "Because I am frightened." He finished, looking down slightly and resting his chin back on his knees, waiting for Lola's reaction.
Lola stopped the ball on the end of one of her boots then looked down at Andy. "Scared of what?" She asked wondering why anyone would be scared out here. There was nothing even remotely frightening around the lake or the grounds. They stayed pretty still most of the day unless there was a soccer game going on or something like that. The students made the world of Hogwarts loud which was the way Lola liked it. She liked being a part of the action around school even if it was standing on a wooden box and supporting the Gryffedor were-Prefect. Lola had no clue that it was her that was causing the young boy to shake like leaf. In fact whatever it was she was already planning to get rid of it.

Lola was fearcly loyal like that. She was the kind of friend that pushed another one aside so she could get into the fight for them so they didn't have to get hurt while still being avenged. Lola had gotten it again from her family. Yes her brothers liked to fight and push each other around if someone that wasn't family messed with them in a not right way it all over but the crying. She remembered one instance when Leonel got into a scuffle at school and it turned into a three on one because Micky and Christian got involved and pummeled the offending bully. Lola had gotten involved in a few fights herself when her sisters had gone at it with some girls on the other side of town. No one messed messed with people she cared about.

Lola shook her head a little when she remembered the first statement her made. "Work hard, play harder, die young and leave a good looking corpse. Or at lease that what Micky would say" She said giggling a bit. Her brothers, though all muggle, where something special in their own right. At least to this short, sport bundle inexhaustible energy. "I say there are limits but pushing them is what makes things worth doing. Not just in sports either in school too. I mean those with the high grades have to be doing something special to get them right?" She asked more the heavens than Andy. Lola never did very well in her exams but she understood well enough.
Andy frowned slightly, he couldn't understand how the girl could be so clueless. Andy was fine until she appeared, dressed like she was going to drag him into the woods and kill him. But he didn't want to tell her now that it was she who scared him so much, he knew that she would most likely either get angry at him, laugh at him or feel unbelieveably guilty. Andy didn't want any of those reactions, it would make him feel worse. "Don't worry..." He answered, trying to stop himself from shaking so much, but it was impossible, he felt like he was going to fall apart where he sat.

Andy frowned. Dying young was not on his To-Do-List, he wanted to be very old when he died and if that meant he had to be careful, he would be. "I don't think it is good to die young, even if your corpse is 'good looking'." He said, still resting his chin on his knees. He started rocking slightly to calm himself down. The sky was too clear to watch clouds and the lake was not anything interesting. Lola wasn't something Andy could bare to look at at the moment and everywhere else there were flowers and bugs, so his closed his eyes once again and sighed.

Andy had to agree with what Lola said about school, education was a very important thing. "Yes..." He said quietly, his eyes still closed. "Education is important and it is very important that you put in 100%, but that does not mean you can't tone things down when you just live." He said, trying to tone the girls madness down, for his hearts sake.
Lola couldn't help herself. She flung herself around Andy's neck and squeaked. "You are too sweet worrying about the feelings of others other than your own when your clearly uncomfortable with something. Too cute!" She said her voice going slightly high pitched she pressed her head against her in a tight hug. There was something about Andy that made her need to hug him like that though she wasn't developed enough top actually suffocate him like one of her sisters or her mother. Caracola women tended to be well gifted round the chest area which made hugs like this very hazardous to the health of those reserving them.

He might as well get rid of any hopes if Lola calming down now she was off in cute overload. It happen at times when she saw cute things. As tomboyish as she, Lola went into a fits of girlishness when she looked at puppies and kittens or things with cute print on it. She tried to control it around her brothers or she would be made fun of for weeks afterwards but at this moment it didn't matter to her. Lola payed no mind that she may have invaded his personal space or that something like her touching him may put him over the edge of fear but Lola couldn't fathom that anyone being scared of her.
Oh gosh she hugged him xD

Andy's eyes snapped open when he felt someone touching him. It was a completely mortifying experience and Andy truely thought he was going to die, very very soon, his heart just stopped, it had obviously had enough and decided to leave him. Andy could hardly breathe, not because Lola was suffocationg him, though she could be to blame, it was because Andy didn't like being touched, by anything especially a girl that he found to be absolutely terrifying. All blood in Andy seemed to leave with his heart and he grew very pale, and he realised something that he should have noticed when he first met Lola. She was the Devil's right-hand man, or girl in this case. She was sent from Hell to kill Andy, there was no other explaination for it, the way she acted, dressed and now she was hugging him, someone was out to get him and Andy was sure this was not just his paranoia, Lola Caracola was trying to kill him and this new explaination did not make him feel any better, in fact, it made him worse. Andy felt what ever energy and blood he had in him seem to evaporate magically out of his body, he knew that hugs were supposed to help people, that was what he had been told, but Andy didn't let 'strangers' hug him, so this seemingly random hug had a consequence for Andy, it made him faint.
Sorry it's so small, but there wasn't really much to say, he is in too much shock to speak :p
Lola did the only thing that she thought natural for her to do. She looked down at her chest. She thirteen but she hadn't developed the chest that was needed to knock someone out. That's why she hadn't been careful when she hugged the boy. She looked down that the fainted Ravenclaw and sighed. She got up then grabbed Andy by the arms. She was going to have to drag him all the way to the Hospital wing because she didn't know the levitation charm that could move bodies. Well more like she didn't remember it. She got all the way to the doors of the entrance hall when on of Lola's friends found her and helped her by casting a levicorpus on Andy. When asked what happened Lola shrugged. "I guess I have a future as the crazy aunt with the suffocating hugs." Lola said more as a joke than anything else.

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