Building up something special.

Lauren Abbott

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OOC First Name
A new day with new adventures. Lauren saw everyday as a new challenge, where she could do something good in the world. Lauren had meet some really nice people in her own house, but also the others. Lauren was not looking for a friend, but it has to be the right moment. People liked Lauren, and that was something she was happy about. She had a great time at hogwarts, it was all she ever dreamed off. Lauren was wondering if her brothers were thinking the same about it. Sometimes she missed them, she was not a person who likes to be alone. But just as every normal person, she was sometimes lonely, or felt just like it. Her brothers Ethan and Nathan are having their own friends, and were spending time with them. It was just not, that they were so close by each other. Lauren was high in the gryffindor tower, and the Abbott brothers were down in the kitchens. Lauren talked to some Slytherin and Hufflepuf students, but just not with a Ravenclawer. It was not so, that Lauren disliked them. But she never had the chance to talk to one. She did see students in the lessons, but Lauren was sitting next to some Gryffindor students, who were talking to her. With all this things to think about, there was also lessons. And for lessons, you must do assignments. It was just a lot of work, and you must read a lot. Lauren decided to go the the libery. In the gryffindor tower, she was always so derivative when there were people. If Lauren was reading something she looked around her, and then she saw a handsome boy walking. And when that happens, Lauren just had no focus anymore to the book. Lauren did well on classes, but reading and very much, was just not something she liked.

Arriving in the libery she saw a lot of students, and one woman who was telling everybody to keep silence. Lauren smiled, the lady was just that standart libery person. Lauren saw ofcourse a lot of ravenclawers, this was a place they liked. But she was wondering how it was in there tower? There it must be very silence, a lot of students loved to read, and to read you need silence. Lauren was fascinated by the different houses of hogwarts, everyone was so different. And mostly you saw the houses separated from each other, they were always sitting in groups. That was something Lauren liked to change, so when a group of gryffindor students, were asking if she would sit by them, Lauren refused with a smile towards them. Thanks! But i need to go somewhere else. Lauren grabbed the books she needs, and finds a sit by a table with a ravenclaw girl. How will she react? Will she be angry if i interference her in her reading.Lauren takes a sit, and saw the girl reading. She was not looking around her, so Lauren started to read a book about charms.
Today was probably going to be the same as any other day. Ryleigh would sit in the common room for a while, wander around the castle grounds and end up in the library, which happened a lot. Seeing she hadn't really made any friends yet and also had no relatives wandering around the castle she had no one to talk with. She had met some people of course in lessons and the common room, but they just didn't seem very interested in building up a friendship with her. She missed her uncle quite bad sometimes, because he would always listen to her and she could always make him laugh.

Ryleigh's feet moved across the hall and she entered the library. It wasn't really busy in there. There was a group of Gryffindors, who seemed to have quite some fun and were silenced all the time by the librarian. Also there were quite a few Ravenclaws, some sitting in little groups and others by themselfs. Ryleigh asked herself if she should just go and join one of them, but she'd probably interrupt them and they'd find her annoying. She sat down at one of the empty tabels and opened the book she had been carrying all along. The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Her uncle had given it to her, just before she went to Hogwarts. He told her that though it wasn't a long book, it was rather interesting, so Ryleigh decided to give it a try.

She got lost in the book and her own thoughts for a while, until she noticed someone sitting on the other side of the table. The girl who was sitting across her had blonde hair and Ryleigh guessed she had to be around the same age as her. Should she say something? For once Ryleigh ignored what her head told her, which in this case was often "no", and decided to talk to the girl. "Erm, hi." She stuttered, trying to think of something to say. "I- Erm- How long have you been sitting there? I didn't notice you sitting down, you see.." Yeah, great move Ryleigh. Could you sound any more dorky?
Sitting in the libery was not something Lauren did often. But this was just a adventure for her, and some books are just not that bad. Maybe she would meet some new people in a diffrent zone. It was very beautiful in the libery, and Lauren did understand, why people liked it in here. There were a lot of students, but it was also silence. The table with Gryffindor students, they seem to have fun, but not for long. The libery lady came and gived them a word.

When Lauren started to read her book about Charms for first years, she heard a voice from a girl. It was the Ravenclaw student in front of her at the table. Lauren was surprised that she would leave her book, and just started to talk to her. Lauren started smiling at the girl, she had brown hair and brown eyes, it was a pretty girl to see. The girl was kinda cute, she studdered a little, and was nervous, she could see. Lauren looked at the girl, and closed her book. This was more interesting than charms. Oh hey! I just arrived here a few minutes ago, i did not want to interrupt you in your reading. So i was silence, but you did notice it now. Lauren was trying to made this girl relax, she did not have to be afraid of her. Lauren did now talk to a Ravenclaw student, that was something she wanted. I am Lauren Abbott by the way, i am from Gryffindor, from the other tower you know. Lauren smiled at the girl, and hoped that she would feel more convertable. In a conversation, Lauren did talk much. Sometimes people liked it, but others just don't. Oke let's hope this girl surprise me, just more than she already did.
With her book laying closed on her lap Ryleigh waited for an answer from the girl, at least she hoped that the other girl would answer. "Oh, well you didn't interrupt me as you might have already noticed." Ryleigh smiled at the girl, observating her for a bit. She looked like one of those populair girls who almost everybody likes. Someone who people would want to be friends with. She could've gone and sit anywhere she wanted, probably next to anyone she wanted. So why did she choose to sit down at the table were Ryleigh was sitting?

"Nice to meet you, I like your name!" Ryleigh responded to the introduction the girl gave her. She told her she was a Gryffindor and Ryleigh wasn't suprised at all, she had already figured that'd be the House the girl was in. "My name's Ryleigh, Ryleigh Millet." A loud sound echoed through the library and Ryleighs neck twisted, in search for the source of the sound. It seemed that the group of Gryffindors were being send out of the library by the librarian, and one of them acidentally dropped a book. Ryleigh tried not to chuckle and looked back at Lauren. A lot of questions floated in her head. Did she have any siblings? How was she finding Hogwarts? Did she have a lot of friends already? Seeing she couldn't ask all those questions at once, Ryleigh decided to ask one at the time. She needed to get this conversation going. "So, erm, do you have any siblings attending Hogwarts too?" She smiled, hoping Lauren wouldn't find her rude.
It was a surprising thought of Lauren, she liked it actually in the libery. There were so different people, at every table there was sitting a different group, with a different personality. The houses of hogwarts were separated from each other, and that was something interesting. Lauren wants to know more about the houses and why you are sorted into the house you were in. The sorting hat, decides in which house you were, but could he be wrong?

The girl with the brown hair was responding to Lauren. And so did Lauren towards her.
''Oh, i am happy to hear that, i noticed it indeed. I did not aspect it really i must say.'' Lauren smiled at the girl, the ravenclaw student was looking at Lauren she saw. Lauren liked to now her thoughts. Lauren was very easy in talking about her feelings and emotions towards people, she liked to talk about what she was thinking. That was something where people can make use of, and Lauren was to young for understanding that now. It seemed like a nice girl, and a little bit shy. But she started to sound enthousiast and more convertible.
'' Thanks, i like i too. Everyone should be proud of their name i think.'' Lauren already told that she was a gryffindor student, but later she thought. Stupid, my uniform ofcourse. Very smart Lauren, happy for Ravenclaw you did not be in their house. The girls name was Ryleigh, it was a name Lauren did not heard a lot. ''Wow, you have a beautiful name too Ryleigh. I never heard of it before!'' Lauren looked behind her, and saw Ryleigh looking towards the Gryffindor table. The loud students were being send out of the libery she saw.

It was happy for Lauren she was sitting now here by Ryleigh. Lauren was laughing for a moment of pleasure, then she looked back towards Ryleigh. It was a moment of silence, Lauren did not want to talk all the time. But maybe the girl finds it good if she was doing that, so she could answer to her and just feels step for step a little more with confidence. Lauren looked at Ryleigh, she would want to now so much more about her. Ryleigh seems like a smart kid, pretty and maybe she would have a lot of friends. But Lauren was thinking she was looking for one to be there for each other, just as Lauren. Lauren wanted to ask her something, but then Ryleigh was talking, and that was another surprising moment.
I do have yes, i have two brothers. One is actually my twin-brother his name is Ethan and my other brother is Nathan. They are the same age as me, and are sorted into Hufflepuf. Lauren was smiling when she talked about her brothers, maybe the boys liked this girl, and they could hang out sometimes. And you Ryleigh? Have you meet some nice people here in the castle? Lauren was playing with her long blonde hair, it was straight and very long. Lauren saw a pretty hufflepuf boy walking at them. Lauren smiled a bit towards the boy and waved a little. How is your adventure at this time at hogwarts? Is it nice in Ravenclaw? Lauren liked that the girl taked some intressed to Lauren. Maybe it was destiny that brought two young first years together.
After the Gryffindors had been send away Ryleigh lowered her voice a bit, she loved the library and it was good for her that she was talking to someone, but she didn't want to be send out herself. She hadn't been at Hogwarts for a long time, but in the time she had been here she could often be found in the library. The fact that it was quiet out there for most of the time was something Ryleigh really liked. She was able to read, without getting distracted by other students.

"Your brothers sound like good guys." She smiled towards Lauren. Most Hufflepufs she had seen seemed like nice and friendly people. Lauren told her one of her brothers, Ethan, was her twin. Ryleigh wondered if they would look a lot alike or were still quite different in looks, because you also had twins who didn't look anything like each other. Ryleigh smiled unknowingly, liking the fact that someone took the time to talk to her and that that person was friendly too. "So do you and your brothers look alike? I mean Ethan probably looks a lot more like you than Nathan, but do they also have some things about them that aren't really different?

When Lauren asked her if she had met any nice people and how she was finding her time at Hogwarts Ryleigh thought about the conversation she had with another boy from Ravenclaw, he asked her almost exactly the same. "I haven't met a lot of people yet, nor do I have any siblings wandering around the castle. The people I have met though were all very friendly." She responded, not mentioning Lauren was actually the second person she had met and talked to. The year had just started and she was sure she'd met other friendly people along the way. "Ravenclaw is amazing, I don't think any other House would've been that great for me. What about Gryffindor?"

Lauren did not noticed, that she was in the libery anymore. When the gryffindor students were send away, Lauren must laugh. But her sweet high laugh, galmed true the libery. Maybe it was a little too hard? Some students were looking angry at her, so when she looked at Ryleigh she kept her voice down. Lauren did notice that Ryleigh did the same. She liked this girl, she was not afraid to ask things. And Ryleigh supprised Lauren a lot, maybe it were just prejudices. Lauren did not now a lot about Ravenclaw, so she thought of the standard thing of Ravenclaw students. But that was unfair, she would admit, not everyone is the same. There were also nice Slytherin people, and that is something what not everybody saw.

Oh that is sweet, they are really. They should like you i think! But don't say that towards Ethan, then his ego grows, if that is even possible.
Lauren smiled at Ryleigh, she hoped she liked jokes, but who doesn't like them? Ryleigh was really on the move, so she started to ask more, and Lauren did answer them all. Yes, my twin-brother Ethan looks a bit like me, he is also blond, just as my father. He has the same personality as me. Not everything but a lot. Nathan looks from the outside more like my mother, but he has his own personality. He have some things in common with my brother or me. I think more with my brother because they are in the same house. Nathan is a little bit quieter, than me and Ethan. When Lauren talked about her brother, that always made her happy. She loved them a lot, and was hoping to introduce Ryleigh to them. Thinking about their personality and things incomment, was a thing to think about. They were all three diffrent, but also the same.
Ok, do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes the people are here very kind, but i don't like Slytherin girls much. They are not all the same, but some, like that Brittany girl. I don't like bullies, i stand up for the victim. The girl was social, she met a lot of people she said. And it was something see could see in the talking. It is good to be happy in the house you are, Ravenclaw looks really great. What are some things you like to do? Then Lauren wanted to ask something, what would this girl like to do? Reading she was guessing was one thing, but what more.
Gryffindor is amazing! I am so happy, sometimes i miss my brothers. But it is the good house for me, i love adventures a lot.
Lauren placed a blonde tress behind her ear.
Noticing that Lauren had lowered her voice too Ryleigh smiled. In her eyes this might be the start of a potential friendship. Lauren's laugh echoed trough the library and her face when she noticed people were looking at her was priceless. The librarian looked their way, but soon noticed they kept their voices down so went back to her work.

"Well, I guess we'll only know that if I meet them sometime." Ryleigh laughed, getting more comfortable with talking to Lauren. "You know, when you talk about them I can see that you're proud of having them as your brothers." She tried to hide a bit of the jealousy that was inside her. Ryleigh didn't have any brothers or sisters, she was her parents' only child, but they disnowned her when they found out she was a witch. They brought her from England to New Zealand, where her uncle lived, and still does. She had been living with him in New Zealand since she was six, but there was still a bit of her British accent left when she spoke.

"No, I don't have any." Ryleigh answered Lauren and quickly added something. "Brothers or sisters, I mean." She sighed. Lauren started telling about the people she met and about how she loved Gryffindor and how amazing it was. She also said that she sometimes misses her brothers, but Ryleigh knew that Lauren probably bumps into them sometimes. Maybe she'd even go searching for them, or they for her.

Ryleigh was asked what she likes to do in her spare time and she doubted about what she was going to say. She loved a lot of things, you know. Most of them made her sound like a someone people would call a typical Ravenclaw. "I, erm.. I like to read.." She carefully answered, trying not to sound too dorky. "I also love Quidditch, but I'm not that good at flying, so I prefer watching it above playing it. I wish I was good at flying though, but I guess a lot of people do."
There voices were lowered, so they could talk just with not a curious librarian behind them. Ryleigh responds at Lauren, and so did Lauren towards her. Lauren noticed that Ryleigh felt more comforable, she heard it in her speaking and saw it on her face. Lauren must learn a lot about people, you can trust and not. But she did know a lot of emotions, and the most of happy ones.

''That is right, i am very proud. They saw me always as equal, so it was not in my family that girls were under boys. If you know what i mean.'' Lauren felt a little sad, to heard that she was so happy about her family, and Ryleigh was just alone. It can be diffrent reasons, why she is alone. But maybe she did not want to talk about it, it was a thing she was not sure of to ask. So Lauren decided to leave it for now. Maybe another place and another time, it was just the first talk. They will learn more about each other eventually Oh i am so sorry, i mean it must be very silence.. how is that for you? Maybe it was nice to be alone, but Lauren could not imagine that it was fun. You get all the attention or just not from your parents. But having brothers and sisters was wonderful. Now maybe this subject was not a great thing for her. That is so cool! I do love Quidditch, but i am also not good at flying, i love to watch the games. And i like the boys on there broom, with their hair in the wind. The captain of Gryffindor is so handsome, did you ever notice it? They had things in common, and Lauren really liked this girl. Ryleigh, i must say, that i did not know much about Ravenclaw, and the different houses and personality of houses. But i am supprised by you, ofcourse you love reading. If it is a good book, i do too. You are the first ravenclaw student were i speak with and i think you are a nice girl. Lauren hoped that the girl would understand what she was saying.
Ryleigh smiled when she heard Lauren talking about her brothers, she could hear how happy Lauren was with having them. "Yeah, I know what you mean. It stayed silent for a while, but then Lauren spoke again. The words coming out of her mouth formed an apology and Ryleigh shook her head. "Oh, that's okay. It isn't really silent when I'm at home, you know. I mean my uncle and me have quite some fun together. Though I often wish I had a sibling the same age as me, so I wouldn't always have to bother my uncle."

Lauren now started talking about how she also loved Quidditch, but she too wasn't that good at flying. After that she talked about boys and Quidditch, especially the Captain of the Gryffindor team. "No, I haven't noticed." She chuckled, noticing that Lauren sure loves boys. Talking about Quidditch, Ryleigh hoped the Ravenclaw team would win the upcoming game, against Slytherin. She hoped they would do good this season, maybe even win!

"Thank you!"She smiled at Lauren. "You're not that bad either."Ryleigh jokingly added. She was quite sure that Lauren and her would become pretty good friends, or at least she hoped. She'd have someone to have a lot of fun with, but also someone she could talk with.
Lauren saw actually Ryleigh her smile, for the first time in there conversation. This time it wa a real one, she could see. Ryleigh had a great time, she was guessing. And Lauren liked that, a lot of people felt convertable with Lauren. After some silence, Ryleigh respond to Lauren her apology.''Oh i am glad to hear, if i say something that makes you onconvertable or you do not like the subject, you can tell alright?'' Lauren smiled sweet towards Ryleigh, and respond to her words.You live by your uncle? It is good to hear you have a great connection. Fun is very important, but may i ask why you live with him? After Ryleigh said that she would'nt always have to bother her uncle, Lauren laught a little. But looked behind her, if it was not too loud.

Lauren was grown up with children with her, but Ryleigh was just with her uncle. Ryleigh did not noticed, that the gryffindor captain was handsome, but she looked ofcourse more towards Ravenclaw. But Lauren thinks that Ryleigh does not have much intrest in boys. You cheer ofcourse for Ravenclaw, is there teamcaptain pretty? Does Ravenclaw it good at the competition? Lauren loved to cheer at quidditch, and she was hoping that Gryffindor would win the cup!

Your welcome, oh ok! That sounds acceptable. Lauren liked the fun she has in her. She laught at this answer, now at this point she knows more about her. But maybe it was just for one time? But Lauren had convidence in this friendship, if Ryleigh did'nt want it. She just went reading, but that was not what happend. Yeah, first friend in the house!
Lauren had quickly turned around after she laughed, hoping she hadn't laughed too loud. No one seemed to notice and this again was one of the things Ryleigh loved about this place. You could just sit there, without anyone noticing you, almost as if you were invisible.

"I live with my uncle, because-"Ryleigh's voice faltered a bit and she bit her lip for a second. "Because my parents disowned me the moment they found out I was a witch. My uncle is a wizard too, you know, so they decided to drop me off at his house and just never pick me up again." She blurted out in one breat and looked at Lauren in a moment of silence, hoping that she, despite the speed with which Ryleigh had spoken the sentence, still understood what Ryleigh was saying.

"I do, yes." Ryleigh answered Lauren's question about Quidditch. Now she knew for sure that Lauren loves boys, even at this young of an age already, she associated them with a lot of things. Ryleigh chuckled. "I don't know to be honest, I can't really tell that from only seeing him high up in the air above the Quidditch field. And well, they lost their first game of the competition to Slytherin, so we'll see about that."

Ryleigh noiced she and lauren were quite different. Lauren was very open and kind of spontanious, while it took Ryleigh quite some effort to talk to a stranger so openly, let alone be the one to start the conversation. She was happy she did though, because this seemed to be the first friend she made this year.
Ryleigh told why she was living by her uncle, and when Lauren heard it, she was feeling sad for her. Lauren walked towards the front, and went sitting next to Ryleigh. She does not like to see people unhappy, and maybe she asked for a thing that really hurt her. But she talked about it, she could keep it for herself too. That is horrible, are they uhm not wizards? They did not understand what it was, don't they? It is good to hear that your uncle could take care of you, but the way how it went. I feel so sorry for you, are you ok? You seem really happy now at hogwarts, but it is not something you like talking about am i right? You can tell me if you only want it, you know that right. Lauren looked at Ryleigh and give her a cheer up smile. You're right, but i see them sometimes walking through the doorways. Ah that is sad, i like Ravenclaw much more winning. Slytherin is playing well and so rough.Lauren hoped that Ryleigh would not be irritated by her intressed of boys, she can't do anything about it, she was still eleven. But she felt good around boys, and maybe that was because she was growing up with a house full of boys. So another thing, but what do you think about the lessons? Can you keep up with all the work.
Lauren talked quite a lot, but it actually didn't bother Ryleigh. It felt good talking to someone without having to talk too much herself. "They're Muggles, yes, which makes me a Muggle Born. My uncle isn't actully related to my dad, he was adopted you see. I am great, I don't really think about them a lot, why should I think about people who forgot me?" Ryleigh replied. Everything she said was true. Why would she think about her parents? The only thing she wanted was to forget them, but she understood she could never get them entirely out of her memory.

"Yeah it was a pity, but they did play a good match." Lauren was right Slytherin did play a bit on the rough side, but they always did. It would be rather boring sometimes if they didn't actually. "The lessons are pretty amazing. I'm just learning all these things about magic and it keeps getting more and more interesting. I can keep up with the work pretty good, yeah. What about you?"

Ryleigh listened to the answers Lauren gave her before looking at her book. Right that was why she came here in the first place, she had to finish it. She looked at Lauren and felt quite guilty for what she was going to say. "I, erm- I'm sorry but I have to end our chat here. I still have some homework to finish, but my books are back in the common room." Ryleigh told Lauren, hoping she wouldn't find her rude or anything.
Lauren was just talking a lot, and she was hoping that it did´nt bother Ryleigh. But she seems like a girl, that was not the person that begon a conversation, and yet she started this whole thing. Oh wow, i never met someone. I think we are all the same so don't get me wrong. It seems like a big adventure, but you are raised by your uncle, so it seems like you are educated by him about magic. It is good to hear you are ok, and i think it is for the best. Lauren smiled sweet, towards Ryleigh. Lauren listened to answers that Ryleigh gave, about the lessons. I love the lessons, just not all. I don't like a lot of reading, but i don't hate it. I am just more a do person, like spells learning things etc. I can keep up the work too, that is something i am proud of. It is very much, but it went good. Ryleigh told that she must end their chat here. She had to finish homework, and by the word homework. Lauren her eyes turned big, and scared. Oh ofcourse, you remind me of a assigment of charms. I don't know if i made it for tomorrow. But we will see. Lauren looked at her book, of charms. It was very nice to meet you Ryleigh, i think i will go to the tower of Gryffindor. I just borrow this book first, and i will see if i go to the gryffindor tower or stay her. It is here a lot more silence. Lauren picked up her book, and looked at Ryleigh. Who was just sitting there. I hope to see you again soon, but i will know for sure. Lauren smiled one time at Ryleigh and waved she walked towards the libery lady.

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