Bryan Bishop

Bryan Bishop

Active Member
OOC First Name
This is a super W.I.P so, yeah. Don't judge.

The Basics

Character's Name: Bryan Bishop

Character's Birthdate: September 30, 2001

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Blood Status: Squib

Sexual Orientation: Openly Straight (Closeted Bisexual)

Educated At: Los Angeles All Boys College Preparatory Academy

Occupation: Stage Magician


Hair: Bryan has dirty blond hair. It's style varies, although it's usually at least relatively short.

Eyes: Bryan has very vibrant blue eyes

Height: 6'1”

Style: Bryan is usually very well dressed. Two or three piece suits, or maybe a nice shirt, tie and vest.

Other Distinguishing Features: He's really a pretty good looking guy overall.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Bryan's quite the smooth talker. He's suave and good with the ladies, but he's not one for staying in one place long. Hence why a life on the road suits him so well. He has trust issues, although he does his best not to show them. Bryan doesn't really do long term relationships very well. Platonic or romantic, they both never seem to work out in his favor. He has absolutely no relationship with any of his family. Which, he feels was their fault. It's not his fault they were complete pricks, right? He's never been to a psychologist, nor does he ever intend to. He's more or less content with the way he is living his life. Although from time to time he does wish to establish some real long term relationships with people. He just finds it very difficult.

Special Talents/Abilities: Bryan possesses considerable skill in the field of stage magic(ex. David Copperfield). Which includes the ability to engineer and perform illusions in front of audiences on a stage. He's also decent at street magic (ex. David Blaine), which mostly consists of slights of hand and close-up magic. He's overall quite the performer and is good at pleasing a crowd.

Bryan is also quite the smooth talker. He's good at pleasing people, and particularly excels at speaking with women.

History:(A history of your character's life. Growing up, schooling, loves, hatreds, everything and anything leading up to their present-day 'self')

Family:(Include any relatives your character has [parents, siblings, children etc.] and some on them

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