Bruin Dumbledez

Bruin Dumbledez

Well-Known Member
Ebony Wand 15" - Dragon's Heartstring Core
Name: Bruin Notsosirius Dumbledez

Birth date: July 7, 2005

Blood status: Mixed

Hair: Used to be wavy brown and a little messy, but has recently opted for a closer cut look.

Eyes: Hazel, typically warm and friendly with a little bit of a mischievious glint to them.

Other important details: Bruin has a friendly smile which is his trademark, although can become moody, at which point you might want to look out. He was always a little big for his age, burly some might say, but still pretty athletic and has finally stretched out to just over 6 feet tall in his final year at Hogwarts New Zealand.

Bruin has a good sense of humour, albeit a little too sarcastic at times, but maintains his friendships by being a good listener and giving people the benefit of the doubt when things go wrong. Bruin can be a little impulsive, but will always accept responsibility for his actions when they get him (or others) into trouble.

Bruin knew very little about magic when he arrived, but has become a competent wizard through hard work and support from his friends and teachers. To be honest, Bruin is a bit of an overachiever having won Top Student at the school four years and puts an incredible amount of pressure on himself to succeed at whatever he tries.

Bruin has learned about werewolves and used to wonder whether such things as werebears might exist, particularly as he often dreamt about trampling through the forest like a big old grizzly bear. His table manners and propensity for long slumbers sometimes remind others of his bear-like characteristics. Strangely enough, he opted to pursue training as an Animagus and after several years of hard work has finally demonstrated the ability to transform into a large Brown Bear with hazel eyes and blond haunches.

Family: Bruin was born in a small mountain village in the Canadian Rockies. He is the only son of an elementary school science teacher (muggle) and a midwife (magical). Bruin did receive an odd Jade Lion figurine from his grandparents when they died unexpectedly in a car accident and is curious about learning more about its origins. There are no other significant links to famous wizards in his lineage that he is aware of, although he hasn't done too much digging in this area and one wonders what might show up if he did.

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