Broken Trio

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Geovanna Adler-Cade

protective ⚡ squad mother
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Pan (James)
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
12/2031 (30)
Hey all!

I am quite keen to bring back the babies of one of my original characters on the site, and with a plan in mind I am putting up this PD in the hopes of reviving my Corvus family! For all three I am looking for friends as well as enemies, and characters that could challenge what they believe in. I love complex plots, and would really like them to make a return since I've had their personalities in my head since 2010 =))


Ferrah Corvus
Ferrah is the youngest of the three siblings, and is a twin to Belladonna. She's about to head into her sixth year at Hogwarts Scotland. For some context, Ferrah's mother left the family in France and moved to New Zealand four years ago, and secretly remarried without their father knowledge. I've always regarded Ferrah to be the most similar to her mother, both in personality and appearance, and would like Ferrah during July and August to go against her family. Her siblings and father don't like to speak about her mum, but Ferrah wants to give her another chance. I would like her to go in secret to New Zealand in search of her. While it turns out that her mum has actually since moved once again, I would like Ferrah to meet some new people while she is in New Zealand. The Ravenclaw is quite relaxed and the most carefree of the Corvus children, and loves food and Quidditch!


Belladonna Corvus
While Ferrah has tried to be understand of her mums situation, Belladonna has not. About to become a Slytherin sixth year at Hogwarts Scotland, Bella hates her mother and blames her for the problems that uprooted their family when she left. She's quite angry and bitter, and this has come across in her personality to date. When she realises that Ferrah has disappeared without mentioning a word of her intentions, and her brother has just graduated the school, she will feel as though she's been abandoned. I have a few plans for Belladonna for once she has graduated, but I would definitely like for her to have someone to talk to and some things she can do to let off steam..


Keanu Corvus
Keanu is the oldest Corvus sibling. He's 18 and has just graduated from Hogwarts Scotland as a Gryffindor. Since their parents divorce and the siblings move to Scotland he's very protective over his younger sisters. Once Ferrah disappears he will be in a state of panic, and will be trying to locate her before their parents find out she's missing. Additionally he is also going to be attending a muggle University in September for work in Psychology, and so if there are any characters he could meet through this that would also be ideal.

This is a work in progress but let me know what you think :)

Hey Phoebe! :hug: I have a couple of suggestions...

For Ferrah, I have Cadell Owens-Lee who is in the same house and year as her and in the same school. I figure they could already know each other and could become really good friends! It's up to you if they meet at school or in New Zealand as Cadell frequents to New Zealand a lot. I think it would be good for them to RP as they both look like they need friends and Cadell needs to be developed a bit more so why not? :D

For Belladonna I was thinking maybe my character Alis Owens could be her friend. She's a Gryffindor in the year above her at Hogwarts Scotland but I still think they could get along. Alis would gladly let Belladonna talk to her about things and she's also a bit bitter when things don't go her way so they could be a good match too.

Let me know what you think!
-Kaye :wub:
For Ferrah or Belladonna, I have Emory Taylor, who has entered his sixth year in Hogwarts. He is twin to Emery and often switch places for fun. His twin is also in Ravenclaw. Both are notorious pranksters. Emory tends to go overboard and hurt people from time to time. He knows how to vent some anger in cause Belladonna needed it. Can't guarantee she won't be a victim of his misfortune.

And that's all I have for Hogwarts Scotland. I mean I have a sickly boy in Hufflepuff two years below but I don't think he would be of help to anyone.
I have Emory's twin Emery, I'd be happy to tag along in any threads you have with Tita!
Oooo I like these ideas! :wub:

Kaye - Do Cadell & Alis know one another/related? I was wondering what you think about the possibility that Ferah and Cadell have been friends for a number of years now, perhaps even best friends? Ferrah could have mentioned something briefly to her about her whereabouts or what she was planning on. Then knowing that Cadell and Ferrah are buddies, perhaps Belladonna interrogates Cadell for knowledge of where her sister has gone, resulting in Alis defending Cadell and pulling Belladonna off her back? Then Alis could talk/befriend Belladonna?

Kaitlyn & Teigs - "Can't guarantee she won't be a victim of his misfortune" I am a sucker for character misfortune >> I feel like the twins could be a good plot for when Ferrah returns in September. Since Ferrah is not one to shy away from pranks herself perhaps she and they are also already friends. I also think Ferrah would be slightly envious of how well they can work together as twins. Perhaps if Ferrah was seen to be supporting them and Belladonna is the victim of one of their pranks it would help her to direct her towards the decision of later moving back to France!

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