Broderick Finch

Broderick Finch

Well-Known Member
10 1/2 in., beech wood, unicorn hair core, hard


Full Name:
Broderick Corvidae Finch

Current Age:

Date of Birth:
June 12, 2025



London, England

Blood Status:

10 3/4 in., cherry wood, unicorn hair core, hard


Straight Black hair (from his mother)

Crystal Blue eyes (from his father)

Pale skin

Other Distinguishing Features:
-Big eyes
-thin lips
-Big ears

Broderick likes the sophisticated look. Button down shirts, sweaters, long pants. He could never wear shorts. Which is sad considering he's living in hot climates now, not the usual English wind and rain.


Broderick can be very shy and unsocial in new environments. He can't help being nervous around complete strangers. Although, once he feels somewhat comfortable around someone, he will start opening up. Once he opens up, he starts acting more social with you and will even start tapping into his sarcastic nature. Brod's sarcasm is completely all his own. The only personality traits he gets from his parents are his mother's kindness and his father's timidness. Yet, Broderick manages developing an entire original personality just for himself.

Good personality traits: He can be very funny and kind-hearted around those he's used to.

Bad personality traits: He is timid and can come off brooding when he's in his usual bad mood.

Most common mood: Content

Sense of humour: Bad jokes and sarcasm usually

Broderick's greatest joy in life: His parents and his books

Broderick's greatest fear: Not being good enough...

Why?: Broderick has always been very studious, but at times he can doubt his skill in everything. His low confidence will also get him in a state of depression. So, he starts thinking depressing thoughts about himself. Like feeling he's not good enough to achieve his goals. Sometimes he just feels plain stupid. Every few nights he will start thinking these things and cry himself to sleep in silence...

Broderick is most at ease when: He's reading

Most ill at ease when: A test is coming up

Enraged when: Someone's being stupid

Life philosophy: Knowledge is power

If granted one wish, it would be: Broderick would rather work towards something than wish for it.

Broderick Finch was born on June 12, 2025 in London, England. He was a quiet baby, never laughed or cried that often. Ever since he could remember he's known magic. His parents used magic for almost everything. From household chores to stirring their tea. When Broderick learned to could read, he could never put a book down. His mother and father both decided that they would home school him instead of sending him off to any kind of muggle school. It would be pointless since he was going to be going to Hogwarts anyway. But being home schooled also meant that he wouldn't start making any friends until he was about 10 or so. It was hard for him to socialize with the neighboring kids, and he always had to study for his home classes. He was taught the basics of each subject, just to prepare him for school. On his ninth birthday, he got a kitten, a Norwegian Forest cat. Broderick's mother thought it would keep him company, since he had no friends. He named his new friend Birge, meaning protector. If it's Norwegian might as well give it a Norwegian name. The baby kitten took to Broderick easily, they stuck together like glue. Everywhere the family went Birger would come too. When Broderick finally turned ten and got his letter of Acceptance to Hogwarts, his mother practically screamed and jumped with joy. While his father patted him on the back and smiled. His parents knew the school will help Broderick. Making friends, learning spells, making new experiences...

On the day he hopped onto the express headed for Hogwarts, his mother and father gave him a Journal. His father had one during his time in Hogwarts and wanted Broderick to carry one as well, since Brod had his father's love for writing. After hugging his parents both he stepped onto the train and left on his new journey to Hogwarts New Zealand.

First Year: During his first year, Broderick was more studious than social so he didn't make many friends or joined many clubs.


Mother: Angelina Fennel Finch
Age: 37
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Occupation: Veterinarian for both magical and non-magical creatures

Angelina comes from the, somewhat Pure blood, Fennel family. Her family isn't and never will be actually pure blooded, but nowadays Pure bloods are family magical lines that go back to the great-grandparents. The Fennel Family has so far frowned upon blood superiority, including Angelina. Angelina was always a chipper and strange girl, even as an adult, she'll act like a child. She was born and raised in England, and attended the original Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was sorted into Ravenclaw along with her first friend and future husband, Jonah Finch. In their sixth year together, Angelina finally asked out him on a date and their whole relationship blossomed from there. Through her years at Hogwarts, she studied magical creatures and animals throughout the world. Later she came to be a veterinarian for both magical and non-magical creatures. Need your dog checked or a dragon examined, she's the one to call. She was later married to Jonah and they agreed on only having one child, Broderick.
Father: Jonah Haythem Finch
Age: 38
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Occupation: Published Author

The Finch family has never been tolerant of those who were non-magical or were mixed with creatures' blood such as goblins. Jonah simply did not care, he was the Black Sheep of the family. He didn't care about blood, muggles, family, what was for breakfast... all he was concerned with was his mind. As a student at Hogwarts, he often got scorned for not paying attention in class enough, his head was always in the clouds. There was only one person who loved his aloof personality, and her name was Angelina Fennel. She never said "hey, listen to me when I talk," she said "hey, what are you thinking about?" He told her everything he thought about and she even suggested writing it down instead of always keeping it in his head. It was because of her that he became an author. That's when she became the only thing he ever cared about in the world. He put her in front of his own well-being. Seriously, he would go all out for her in a heartbeat. After their marriage, she had their son. Ever since, Jonah has only cared for two people in this world... Angelina and their son, Broderick.
Pet: Birger; Norwegian Forest Cat
Age: 2

Broderick was given Birger on his ninth birthday, and ever since they have been inseparable. Birger was given the Norwegian name of protector because of his protective nature towards Broderick. He's more of a guard dog than a cat and if he doesn't like you he will attack. Luckily people understand his warnings of loud hissing and meowing, so he's never attack anyone yet. Putting that aside, Birger can still be very sweet and loving around Broderick.

Horoscope and Chinese Zodiac

Starsign: Gemini

Element: Air

Ruling Planet/s: Mercury

Symbol: The Twins

Life Pursuit: To explore a little bit of everything

Vibration: Intense mental energy

Gemini's Secret Desire: To be ahead of the crowd

About Starsign Gemini: Those born under the sign of the 'Twins' are always on the move; thirsty for knowledge and new experiences. Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject. It's just that variety is the spice of their lives! Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that don't have the 'gift of the gab' are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages. In love, they look for a partner who can keep up with them mentally and physically! And, to quote Oscar Wilde, "there's one thing worse than people talking about you, that's people not talking about you." Whether Geminis like it or not, people are usually "talking about them". Together with Scorpio and Virgos, they are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes this is a subtle form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives. The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large.

Chinese Zodiac: The Snake

About The Zodiac Snake: Snake carries the meanings of malevolence, cattiness and mystery, as well as acumen, divination and the ability to distinguish herbs. In some places, people believe that a snake found in their court can bring delight. They often have a good temper and a skill at communicating but say little. They possess gracious morality and great wisdom. They are usually financially secure and do not have to worry about money. They have tremendous sympathy for others and would like to take actions to help their fellow human beings. They are determined to accomplished their goals hate to fail. Although they look calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate. They have a rich source of inspiration and understand themselves well. They are people of great perception. Women under the sign of the snake do well in housework but are irritable. They are likely to be jealous and suspicious. They should be cautious about what they discuss with others, as it might cause them to lose friendship and opportunities. They tend to overdo things. They prefer to rely on themselves and have doubts about other people's judgment. They are courteous with polite manners, but they can be headstrong. They are fickle and usually have problems in relationships or marriage problems.

Element: Fire
Finch Family

Father's Side

Altair Finch and Énna Finch (nee. Burke)
Grandfather and Grandmother


Ava Finch and Lucy Finch (nee. Moore)


Havik Finch

Mother's Side

Edwyn Fennel and Felicia Fennel (nee. Abbott)
Grandfather and Grandmother


Alacer Fennel and Beatrice Fennel (nee. Thompson)
Uncle and Aunt


Allison Fennel

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