Brielle Rose

Brielle Rose

Active Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Gabrielle Sofia Rose. She goes by Brielle, as she has a half-sister called Gabriella who is known as Gabby. Often, Brielle is called Gabby, which she doesn't mind but she prefers Brielle as a name.

Date of Birth:
- Sixth of June, at six in the morning

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Her hair is blond, and always seems to be messy. Her hair is a wig, as Brielle had cancer when she was nine and her hair hasn't grown from the chemotherapy. Brielle likes fashion, and prefers dresses over jeans. She also likes fedora hats. Brielle is small for her age, but no so tiny that it is extremely noticeable. Her skin is pale from lack of sunlight.

- Brielle is a person who doesn't like letting anyone close to her. She simply doesn't trust anyone. She can be a nice person, but her habit of not trusting people gets in the way. Brielle often seems bossy and she likes to put on an act that she thinks she's better than you. Once you actually attempt to get to know her, Brielle can be a very sweet person. Brielle is a little bit of a nerd, and loves comic books. She doesn't like telling people this, and she is mean to other nerds.

- Brielle has four sisters, and two half-sisters who don't live with her. She is the second eldest of her sisters. All her sisters are witches, but her eldest sister Aurora didn't want to go to Hogwarts. Her parents, Gracie and Justin divorced after Gracie found Justin cheating on her. Brielle pretends that Justin is dead.

- None, the family rent a house than doesn't allow pets

Area of Residence:
- NZ, near a beach.

Blood Status:
- Half-blood. Gracie is a muggle, and her daughters are witches.

- French from her mother's side and Irish from her dad's side

Special Abilities:
- None

Interests or Hobbies:
- Superheroes, comic books, fantasy, fairy tales, piano, flute

Additional Skills:
- Fast sprinter, but sucks over long distance

- Kind

- Not trusting

Describe your character in three words:
- Secretive, lost, worried

Favourite place to be:
- By the lake at Hogwarts

- None, though her sisters Gabriella and Vivienne are the closest to her.

Hogwarts House:
- Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- None, she just wants to finish school.

Best school subjects:
- Astronomy

Worst school subjects:
- Potions

Extracurricular Activities:
- None, she spends all her spare times reading and studying

- *insert here*

Current Job:
- None

Plans for your future:
- No plans, yet. She would like to be an author

Your Patronus:
- She's too young to have one yet, and her personality isn't extremely developed

Your Patronus memory:
- Um... Not sure.

Your Boggart:
- A doctor. She is terrified of doctors.

Your Animagus:
- Some sort of bird

Mirror of Erised:
- Friends.

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