Brielle Rose

Brielle Rose

Active Member
OOC First Name
Gabrielle Sofia Rose
<COLOR color="#9300C4">


Character's Name: The name she was born with was Gabrielle Sofia Rose. Though she loves her name, she loves the name Brielle as a nickname for Gabrielle. Some people call her Gabby, which is quite understandable. She doesn't mind being called Gabrielle or Gabby. The name Gabrielle means 'God is my might", Sofia means 'wisdom' and Rose, quite obviously, means the rose flower. Brielle's family crest has a deep burgundy rose on it, which symbolizes 'unconscious beauty' and rose leaves, which are a symbol of hope. The Rose family surname is usually kept by females in the family, and won't be changed when married. Often, the male side keeps their original name.


Character's Birthdate: Brielle was born on June the sixth, and six in the morning. Her Western star sign is Gemini, the sign of the twins. The life pursuit of a Gemini is to explore a little bit of everything, and a Gemini's secret desire is to be ahead of the crowd. Typical Gemini people enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject.


Blood Status: Brielle is a muggleborn witch. The only magical blood in her family is her Great-Great-Great-Aunt Edeline, a muggleborn witch who never had children.


Hogwarts House: Brielle was sorted into Slytherin. Slytherin house values "ambition, cunning, leadership, resourcefulness" and their house colours are green and silver. The Slytherin mascot is a serpent, which symbolizes deceitfulness, poison and guardianship.


Appearance: Blond hair, a little curly. She hates wearing her hair tied up so it falls below her shoulders, stopping just before the middle of her back.

Her eyes are quite large compared to her other features, which make them stand out quite a bit. Her eyes are pale blue and almost look transparent. Brielle's eyes sometimes give her a vacant expression, which she detests. Brielle writes with her left hand, and her handwriting is often described as 'a dog's breakfast' by her teachers. Brielle is not tall, though she isn't considered a midget. She stands at 4"9 at the age of eleven, and will hopefully grow. Her body shape is that of a normal twelve year old girl, though perhaps an eleven year old girl who doesn't love exercise. She is by no means overweight, just slightly chubby. She'll get slimmer with age.

Brielle doesn't usually wear anything that makes her stand out from the crowd. She likes the colours white and blue and often wears long sleeved shirts and jeans.


Brielle is a very shy and secretive person. She doesn't like to interact with other people at all. Brielle is most likely to be hiding in her dormitory, absorbed in her paintings. Brielle doesn't see the point in having friends because she doesn't like to trust anyone and for her to actually have a friend, she would have to trust them. She is a little bit paranoid about... Everything. She thinks that there are people who can read your thoughts and she is worried that people will use her thoughts against her.

Brielle is very intelligent and a little bit of a nerd. She loves learning random facts that don't mean anything to anyone else. School doesn't bother her too much. She easily passes, but doesn't like to get above a pass. Average grades are good. She doesn't like the idea of people telling her how well she did with her work, so she simply doesn't try hard in school. She thinks that being average will show 'The Man'. She's slightly rebellious, in an extremely pathetic way.

Brielle is neither an optimist or a pessimist. She is both. She is optimistic at times, but pessimistic when people are involved. She doesn't really like people much. Brielle has trust issues and doesn't believe in love at all, period. She thinks that love is strictly for fairy tales and whoever wrote all the fairy tales was a wishful thinker. This doesn't stop her from loving fairy tale stories and wishing madly that they were real.

♪ Stutters when she speaks
♪ Fiddles with her hair nonstop
♪ Bites her lip when nervous or embarrassed
♪ Never cries
♪ Prefers walking barefoot
♪ Bites her nails when bored
♪ Wears fake nails
♪ Automatically flinches whenever someone comes too close
♪ Always makes a wish at 11:11
♪ Wakes up at exactly 11:11am, makes a wish, then goes back to sleep.
♪ Sings in her sleep
♪ Cracks her knuckles
♪ Prefers pens to quills
♪ Bites on the end of her pen when thinking
♪ Hands are often covered in ink
♪ Paints her nails almost obsessively
♪ Doodles on everything
♪ Plays the flute, the piano and the acoustic guitar


+ Pretty things
+ Vintage
+ Music
+ Books
+ Drawing
+ Feathers
+ Drawing
+ Dream Catchers
+ Keys
+ Folklore and Mythology
+ Car Trips
+ Long Walks
+ Romance Stories
+ The Stars and The Universe
+ Antiques
+ Lace
+ Sea Shells
+ Music Boxes
+ Necklaces
+ Charm Bracelets
+ Promises
+ Computer Games
+ Fairies
+ Nature
+ Snow
+ Roses

- Disruptive people
- Overly outgoing people
- Being hugged
- Being Without Umbrellas
- Sad Faces
- Big Dogs
- Swimming
- Idiots
- Roses

Agyrophobia: Fear of crossing the street. The one reason she likes being at boarding school: no roads to cross.
Aichmophobia: Fear of anything sharp such as needles or broken glass.
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched. Brielle can't stand it when people try to hug her, or even just accidentally brush against her.
Disposophobia: Fear of throwing anything out. Her dorm room is full of shiny wrapping paper and other colourful papers that she thinks are pretty.
Ombrophobia - Phobia of being rained on. Not the rain itself, which she actually likes, but actually being outside when it rains.
Scoptophobia: Fear of being watched. This is a phobia that Brielle wants to get over, and the reason why she hides in her dorm most of the time.

♪ Tomato
♪ Shellfish




Gracie Rose
Mother | Thirty-Nine | Muggle
Gracie committed suicide when her eldest daughter and husband died.


Justin Green
Father | Forty | Muggle
He died in a car crash. [TBC]

Evelyn Green
Aunt | Thirty-Two | Muggle
Evelyn is a little bit odd, but loves her son and niece very much. She works as a waitress and is always busy with work, taking on extra shifts to support her small family.

Amy Rose
Sister | Twelve | Muggle
Amy died in a car crash along with her father when she was twelve. She and Brielle were very close, although there were five years between their ages.


Hadran Green
Cousin | Fifteen | Muggle
Doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong. His father died when he was little, and Hadran doesn't get to see Evelyn a lot. He ditches school a lot, and when he is actually at school, does everything possible to get kicked out.


Gracie and Justin were best friends when they were kids and basically grew up together. They eventually began dating in high school, and got married when they were twenty. Their two daughters, Amy and Brielle were born five years apart, and Gracie encouraged the two girls to play together and bought them girly dresses and fairy wings to wear. Justin, who loved his daughters but wished for a son, treated his nephew Hadran like his own child seeing as Justin's sister Evelyn was too busy to take care of him and the boy had no father.

When Brielle was eight, Justin and Amy were killed in a car crash. Gracie shut herself in her room for days to grieve for her husband and daughter. Hadran had been sent to a camp over the summer, and refused to come home and accept the fact that his adoptive father and cousin weren't going to be there. With her mother hiding away and Hadran too far to reach, Brielle felt totally alone. Evelyn visited Brielle's house to see how her brother's family was dealing with everything, and spent a few weeks looking after Brielle and Gracie.

Gracie began getting sick. The doctors said she was still grieving and that there was nothing for it but rest and time. Gracie killed herself two months after the accident. Evelyn became Brielle's legal guardian and the family moved to Dunedin, away from all the memories. Brielle didn't want to be sad about her family being gone. She pretended that they had never existed, and told everyone that Evelyn was her real mother and that Hadran was her brother and not her cousin. People believed her, and Brielle came up with more lies. She found that she enjoyed lying to people.

On her eleventh birthday, Brielle received a letter to a school. She had just been expelled from her former school, and Hogwarts seemed like an okay place for her to go. Hadran was furious with her for deciding to leave him. Brielle had no other friends apart from her 'brother', and it was the same with him. Brielle went to Hogwarts, and wished that she hadn't. The concept of magic was foreign to the young girl, and she swiftly decided that she didn't like it very much. Brielle didn't like to be bad at anything, and she didn't have the choice to quit magic like she had before with piano lessons and other things. Brielle didn't want friends, so she didn't make any. She spent her first year studying so she would be better than everyone else at magic, and sketching anything that moved.


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