Bridget Delilah Cross

Bridget Cross

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 13 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows ,
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together ,

Say Hello to
Bridget Delilah Cross!
But my life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows ,
That's how this refrain goes, so come on join in, everybody ,

Bridget Delilah Cross
Bridget - Anglicized from of the Gaelic BrÍghid, which is believed to be derived from brÍgh (strength). The name was borne by an ancient Celtic goddess, by St. Bridget of Kildar (451? - 523), an Irish abbess and patron saint of Ireland, and by St. Birgitta (1302? - 73), a Swedish nun and founder of the Order of the Brigittines.
Delilah - Derived from the Hebrew delilah (delicate). Delilah was the name borne in the Bible by the mistress of Samson.
Cross - Topographic name for someone who lived near a stone cross set up by the roadside or in a marketplace, from Old Norse kross (via Gaelic from Latin crux, genitive crucis), which in Middle English quickly and comprehensively displaced the Old English form cruc (see Crouch). In a few cases the surname may have been given originally to someone who lived by a crossroads, but this sense of the word seems to have been a comparatively late development. In other cases, the surname (and its European cognates) may have denoted someone who carried the cross in processions of the Christian Church, but in English at least the usual word for this sense was Crozier.Irish: reduced form of McCrossen.In North America this name has absorbed examples of cognate names from other languages, such as French Lacroix.
My parents saw this name in a magazine, although my dad didn't like this name at first he kind of had to grew into it. My mom demanded this name at my birth, which is a funny story to begin with, and the name Bridget is still with me till this very day. My dad picked my middle name, he rather would have seen it as my first name, but unfortunately for my dad my mom had the final saying. My dad knew an old lady named Delilah, Delilah was very kind and generous and my dad hoped I would turn out like her. Although I like both of my names I wouldn't mind having Delilah as my first name. Bridget isn't really special and I even had two Bridget's in my last class. Do you know how awkward it is to be called Bridget two or Bridget C.? Also the name is kind of posh, which I am totally not.

OOC: I dreamed about this name, which is totally bizarre. I am totally aware of that fact.
I don't really have any nicknames, but my dad calls me Bridgey, but he is the only one who can call me that. My mother sometimes calls me Lilah, but I don't really like that one, some of my friends can name me that, but that is very rare.
I am currently eleven years old, time has gone so fast. I don´t feel eleven or even close to that age. I am the leader of my friends group and when I host activities I feel mature and good. Eleven is still really young and I secretly hope to become a really old female.
I was born on the first of July in 2027 at 2:00 midnight. My mother gave birth to me at home, my dad was there too of course! The birth went on fine and I was born as a rather small baby.
Free spirit, Prankster, Event organiser, I love all my jobs, to host events for friends is my favourite one. I am too young for a real job and I probably want to be an auror when I have the suited age.
Derek James Cross
Judy Sam Cross - Jefferson
None, I do not mind the fact that I do not have any brothers or sisters. My parents had their handful with me already. I got enough friends to make up for the empty spaces at home, I do not feel lonely often, but sometimes I wish there was someone to talk too rather than to my parents.
At home we have a red cat named Summer. Summer is currently seven years old and she is a really sweetheart. When you are sad she comes to you and lays right next to you.
My blood status is half blood, in my dad his family there are some muggles, my muggle aunt is really nice and sweet to me. She would always bake gingerbread cookies for me and my parents. My mom's family is filled with witches and wizards, that does not make that side superior, I cannot stand some of my mother's family.
I do not really have an opinion about my blood status. I do not care about anyone's blood and I think all people should do that. It is stupid that some people are judged about blood statuses. We can't all be 'perfect', but being half blood has some perks. For instance it sounds really cool, like I am just half filled with blood.
I was born in England, in a little magical village close to Wales. We did not live here for long and that is the reason I cannot remember much about it. We moved when I was two and from that period we stayed at the other village. I saw pictures from my hometown, it looked nice and apparently I really liked it there. As stated above, I cannot really remember anything, only that the pink flowers in the neighbours garden smelled really nice.
We currently live in a magical village in Australia. I must say that the weather in Australia is way better then it was in England. We got lots of sun and a beach close to the village. In England I had never seen an ocean or the sea, now I am there a lot. I do miss the giant oak trees and other flowers, due to the extreme heat growing plants is not a real option. We have some plants in our garden, but they are magically kept alive. The town has a big park with a square in the middle, on the square is a fountain. They call it a wishing fountain, but I do not think I works. Once I wished for a million cookies, but they never came.
We live in a middle sized house, it stands alone from the others. It is a three story building and I sleep on the attic. No, there are no spiders there, if you wanted to ask that. Summer also sleeps in my room and my mom and dad sleep on the second floor. On the first floor is also a spare bedroom for sleepovers and guests. The bathroom is to the right of my parents room and then there is a staircase leading up to the attic and to the ground floor. On the ground floor is our kitchen, another bathroom, dining room and our living room. In our living room is a giant black piano which is totally adore. My mom lets it play by magic, but I wished I could once play it.
Ew, boys... or girls for that matter. Ew, both!
When you're near the raindrops disappears, dear ,
And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine ,

My hair has this reddish colour, I am not the biggest fan of it, since people did call me names when I was younger. I like the fact that it is kind of special and not every has this bright red hair. Some people are jealous, but I cannot see why. I burn easily with my really light skin and the red hair makes it even worse. When it has been sunny for a couple of days I return like a tomato.
My eye colour is green, which complements my red hair. My eyes are a dark colour of green and I got them from my mother. My dad has brown ones, but the green gen won this time. I heard that brown eyes are more common so I am pretty happy with my green ones. I saw a cat once and that poor old creature had the same colour as I have.
I have no clue how tall I am, I do not check how tall I am and I do not really care. I think I am a bit shorter than most kids are, but not by a large amount. I fit in with the rest so I guess you can call my height standard.
I am pretty small, but my exact weight I do not have clue what it is right now. I am so much outside that the time to weigh myself just is not there. I am fine with my weight and I eat normally so I do not need to lose some pounds.
I am fairly slim, but I think I got a pear shape. My hips are slightly bigger than the rest and my shoulders are too. It is too early to tell really, I am still pretty young.
I have no idea what my blood type is. I am never sick so they never had to test it. I hate needles so I do not want to find out anytime soon. I think it will be A something, both my parents have that.
I am a lefty, when I try to write with my right hand the text will be unreadable. With my left hand I can do more, such as drawing and writing. My handwriting looks really cute, if I might say that.
Aren't signatures for old people only?
I do not have one yet and I do not feel like scribbling on a page now.
People say my voice is kind of soft and cute. I never speak really loud, since I am pretty shy. They do say my voice is really clear and understandable when I speak a bit louder. I do not really know how my voice sounds, since when you see yourself back on a recording it always sounds so differently.
English and English... Yeah, I can only speak English. I am great at learning languages, but my mom does not know more languages then English. Also I am eleven and because I am homeschooled by my mom, I did not learn anymore languages than English.
I am allergic to bees, but it is not so bad anymore. I used to get a really big red spot when a bee stung me, but now it only hurts like hell. I still hate bees though, but they are good for their honey I suppose.
I do not care what I wear, I just take the clothes that are currently laying on top of my clothes pile. I does not matter for me what they are, but they have to suit the weather. I am not going out in a T-shirt when it's pretty cold outside.
Sophie Turner

My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows ,
That's how this refrain goes, so come on join in everybody ,

Secretly I really like to play ding-dong ditch, we play this in our street often. It is so funny when you see old people running around like crazy. I also like to organise parties for my friends, I know how they work and how to host them. My mother owns a small shop that sells magical party related items. I also like to play pranks on people sometimes they go too far, but then again I always try to not get the blame, that is the fun out of this all. I also started to like food, my mom and dad are not that rich and now I have been at Hogwarts, I like all types of food.
I do not like to be lonely or meet people that do nothing with their life. I must admit that I am kind of lazy too, but making plans is the beginning of life. I also dislike dogs, they are smelly and they rat you out when hiding. I also do not like to do activities that are useless with no main goal what so ever. Either I have to get something out of it, or I do nothing at all.
I am very sweet and nice to people when they return the favour. I love to help out where I can and I often see the good in people. I study for school, but not as hard as I probably could. I like reading, reading has a purpose and I like doing things with a purpose.
In stressful situations I have the tendency to chew on my nails. Also I can be pretty impatient, I do not like to wait when I am excited for something. When I need to get up for school I can be pretty lazy and grouchy, I am not a morning person and I totally hate the start of the week. My parents have to drag me out of my bed in the morning to get me up.
My mom and dad are my everything and I want to be like them when I am older. Well, I want to be like my mom and when I am older I maybe want to love a boy I can grow old with. I love my parents to bits and I hope they will see me grow up. I want my mother's looks and my dad's personality.
I do not believe in god or in any other higher power. My parents are also no believers and I think that the fact that I do not believe comes from them. I have no opinion on believes, but I would respect everyone who thinks about it differently.
My zodiac sign is cancer.
Those born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the zodiac's enigmas. It is fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of contradictions. Compassionate and caring with friends, family and lovers, yet they can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Endearingly eccentric on one hand, and on the other, insecure about how others see them. Like their astrological symbol - the Crab - Cancers can appear hard and insensitive on the outside. However, for those of us who know and love a "Moon Child", we understand that deep below lies a softness and sensitivity that makes them so very special.
Impatient - I am very impatient and I do not like waiting. I got this from my mom probably. It is not the best thing in my personality, but it is still a part of me. I am not always impatient, but when I am excited, it seeps through.
Shy - When I do not know a person I can be extremely shy, but although I am shy, I still register everything I see. Some people would call this cute.
Clumsy - Sometimes I fall over my own two feet. When I am stressed I do not look where I am walking and then I can easily walk into people. Falling down kind of hurts a lot when it happens on tiles, I wore knee pads for a long time to counter this.
Smart - I am pretty smart and knowledge I read stays with me. I do not have to do anything for this and this made me kind of lazy. I love to learn things about subject I care about.
Control freak - I plan out everything and everything has to go according to plan. I can get rather crazy when my plan is not going as I wanted. Also I organise things with certain patterns, if you know me better you will certainly start to notice.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, everything that's wonderful ,
Is sure to come your way, when you're in love to stay,

In my village are no schools, so I was home schooled by my mom.
I did not mind being home schooled, it was the best for me and my condition. My mother liked teaching me and I love my mother so I loved getting taught by her.
I liked English the most, English is a really useful language in my eyes.
English is a really useful language, although I am not the best speaker combine that with my shyness its really horrible, but I love the fact that people from all over the world can understand me.
The least favourite class is math in my eyes.
I am not good at this subject and I absolutely hated it. My mother wasn't great at this either and she could not teach this subject very well. Although I love my mother to bits, I do not see a math teacher profession in her future.
Due that my mom taught me, I could never skip a class. Unfortunately she would pull me out of my bed if I did not want to come out for the day. I wished I could sometimes skip a day or two, school is not always fun and I wished I could have the adventure of skipping once.
Is sure to come your way, 'cause you're in love ,
You're in love and love is here to stay ,

<SIZE size="50">WAND:
Curved 13 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Length: A strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a Walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.
Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.
I love my wand, but the fact that it is 13 inches exactly kind of scares me. I do not have a real opinion about my wand, I know I am bonded with it and I take great care of it. The most important part for me is that it works and the wand does work wonders.
I got my letter when I was eleven and my new school is Hogwarts New Zealand. I immediately made some plans about what I would and could do at Hogwarts. I am super excited to attend though.
I was excited and I wanted to go as soon as possible, unfortunately I had to wait. It was a pain to wait so long for my new school. From what I have already seen it looks amazing. The halls and secret passages it is all so surreal. I am sure I have enough things to do in these seven years.
I was pretty scared for the sorting, but my mind went to a whole other world. I could not stop thinking about one hundred things simultaneously. Which is not a good thing I might add, it was so stressful hopefully I won't have to be sorted again ever.
Bridget arrived at the castle of Hogwarts, she had talked to some of the other students, but they had bored her slightly. None of the other students had any clue, what they wanted to become later in life and what they would do at Hogwarts. Bridget need the structure and had made plans to make her stay as time efficient as possible. The large bit of parchment that was peeking out of her bag had planks for new ideas she had come up with. When they finally arrived at the castle, Bridget was pretty tired and her mind was on the path of sleeping, but she would not have time to sleep anyway. The first thing on her agenda was exploring the castle, for the fastest way to classes. Bridget was lazy and she did not want to walk any longer then she would have to. Her last name would be called out pretty soon, but Bridget did not care in which she would be in. All houses had their qualities, some were just a bit better, but that was a whole other story. Bridget started to grow impatient when she saw all the tables that would be soon filled with food. Her parents were not rich and the food that would be displayed here, was nothing she had ever seen in her short tiny life. ''Ugh, how long do you think this will take, I know the hat is smart and all, but this is ridiculous.'' She said to no one in particular, someone would have probably had heard her and the thought of that, was not a good one. A giant strand of red hair covered the left side of her face, although she was hiding behind it, she was scanning this hall with every minute this ceremony lasted. ''Cross, Bridget'' ''That is me.'' And she stepped forward, to let the hat make the final decision. She was not shy anymore at that moment, this was way more important than her foolish childish shyness. She hoped for Ravenclaw, that was the most productive for her. At home she had researched all the houses and Ravenclaw topped them all with a mere 5 percent.
"You're smart but not wise. You're driven though, very driven in all that you do. You'll reach your goals in...Slytherin!"
I am currently a first year at Hogwarts New Zealand.
I will graduate in seven years from now.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful ,
Is what I feel a-when we're together, brighter than a lucky penny ,

My favourite color is blue, blue is the color of the sea and of the sky where I can dream away. Blue is calm and vivid at the same time, I just love blue a lot.
My least favourite color is yellow, yellow bothers me for some reason. Yellow makes me a bit depressed and I just do not like the color of bananas. I have heard lots of people dislike yellow, which is kind of odd.
My favourite season is spring when people are happy and outside. Go to the beach or walk in the park. Spring brings the best out of people and lets people blossom. Spring is the time the water at the beach is nice and the weather is not overly hot.
My least favourite season is winter, everything dies and looks so sad. Winter makes me even more clumsier. I tend to slip on the ice and snowballs hurt really bad when they are thrown at the wrong angle. Also in the winter I do not want to get out of my bed it is that bad. I do like the fireplace and gingerbread cookies, I wished Santa came in spring.
My most favourite month is probably May. In May I do not have to help my mother in the shop and it is just a good month for me. I has some holidays and it is just a cute name for a month. How could anyone hate May?
I hate November the most, the month seems useless for me. Nothing really happens and the weather is way too hot. I cannot be outside for long, otherwise I probably burn alive. The sun is not my favourite planet by far. November could be cancelled anytime for me.
My favourite place to be is my room, studying my books about various subject. In my room I have everything I need in hands reach. My room is a place that was designed by me and for me. It looks like me and it feels like me. This is my home and it could never be replaced.
My least favourite place is our basement. The light is broken and it is filled with spiders and I do not know what not. I am way too scared to enter our basement, I rarely even go there and if I have to go it's in and out.
My favourite holiday is in May, it has the best weather for me and in this holiday I feel the best. The year is almost half way and everything is starting get better. In May we have the most visitors to our shop, so we can buy better food.
I do not really have a least favourite holiday, holidays are great for sleeping longer. I love sleeping so I do not mind more holidays. If I have to say one it's autumn break. Autumn break comes too fast, you just started school and immediately you get a break it does not seem right to me for some reason.
Sunset definitely, although I do not like getting up, I am a real night owl. At night I can be alone and be myself, walk around outside with the stars giving off their faint light in the sky. Sunset means that the night will enter and everyone will go to sleep. Sunrise means for me that it is still way too early to get up and I should go back to sleep soon.
Coding Done by Emzies
Lyrics: Lesley Gore - Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows



First year, First wand
Bridget buys her first wand for her adventure at Hogwarts

Little Explorations
Bridget is hosting a party for all first years, this means a lot of preparations. She also meets a new friend.

The Beauty of Silence
Bridget is outside for the first time and meets some people.

This is my home now
Bridget meets a new Ravenclaw, named Olivia.

First Year Shenanigans
Bridget hosts a party and all first years are welcome!

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