Bridget Black

Bridget Black

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Character's Name: Bridget Black

Character's Birthdate: March 25, 2012

Blood Status: Mixed-Blood

Hogwarts House:Gryffindor

Hair: Long, thick, wavy dark carmely blond hair
Eyes: Blue green eyes (they change depending on what she wears)
Height: 5ft

Personality: She dosen't really care what people think about her. She tends to defie the rules and be bit of a troublemaker, and enjoys pulling pranks. She is extremly loyal to the people she cares about and protects and defends them no matter what and would do anything for them. Has a pretty short temper and anger problems espically when it comes to someone saying or doing somethng to someone she cares about. She loves to laugh and have fun, she's usally a very loud, outgoing, and outspoken person.

Dad: Unstable and unfit to take care of himself let alone his children
Mom: Commited suicide when she was 8
Brandon: Older brother and best friend was almost 18
Cole: Younger brother and other best friend was 4

History: Her mom commited suicide a year after her little brother Cole was born, she had a mental problem from a experamental spell that went wrong. Her brother Brandon was getting ready to move out and take Bridget and Cole with him, seeing there dad had been messed up and an unfit parent since their mothers death. Brandon had learned to drive from his friend who was a muggle born and was on his way to pick up some of Bridget and Cole's things to move into his house where Bridget and Cole were going to live with him and his friend in the muggle world. Cole had wanted to ride with Brandon back to his house, Bridget had some other things to get together so she stayed behind. Brandon and Cole got in a car accident on their way back to pick up Bridget and the rest of her things. They both were killed.

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