Brian Simons

Brian Simons

New Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
The Basics
Character's Name: Brian Simons
Character's Birthdate: June 6
Hometown: (Coming Soon)
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Hogwarts House: Durmstrang Alumni
Hair: Short and spiky, black/dark brown color
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6' 1''
Style: Darker colors, cool but comfortable.
Other Distinguishing Features: (Coming Soon)
A Little Deeper
Personality: Brian is a player, he knows it but that's just the way he chooses to live life. He is in a band with his cousins and is very family oriented even if he's not ready to start one of his own.
History: Brian was adopted at a young age and has no memory of his biological parents. He was adopted by Marie Taylor a single women who took good care of him. He grew up close with his 'Mother's' sister's children, Atticus and Alfie. They may be where he learned so much about girls and how many to date at once. They were his cousins, not by blood but it didn't matter, they grew close and they even introduced him to there cousin Adam and that's when the band got was started.

Marie Taylor: Mother
Blood Status: Unknown
Age: 50
Occupation: None
She passed away of natural causes a few years back. She was Brian's adopted mother but they meant the world to each other and he was devastated when she died.
Alfie Tyler: 'Cousin'
Blood Status: Squib
Age: 18
Occupation: Band Member
Alfie and Brian are the same age and are best friends. They like the same things and do a lot together, they are also apart of the same band.
Atticus Tyler: 'Cousin'
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Age: 19
Occupation: Band Member
Atticus and Brian have a good relationship, Alfie was always closer to Brian, but family is family and they did get to know each other well and get along good.

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