Brenna Dunayevskaya

OOC First Name
Karuka ^_^
Under construction! Hard hat zone!

TheTruth: Brenna Deyanira Athanasia Marise Dunayevskaya

TheLies: Brenda Emily Dunayevskaya


- Has an imaginary friend called Bee

"No. Absolutely not. Brenna will not go to this "wizarding school"! She will ruin the family name!" An aunt shrieked. Memories of the earlier conversation fluttered through Brenna's mind. The decision about Hogwarts was not an easy one, and a lot of Brenna's family had participated. "It is the child's decision, we cannot force her to stay. Brenna Deyanira Athanasia Marise," The Elder addressed her, using her formal name, as was custom. "What do you choose?"

It had been the biggest decision of her life, and Brenna was beginning to regret her choice. Seven years were a long time. Leaving the Dunayevskaya home meant that you could never return. Brenna knew this, and she hated herself for being so stubborn. So stubborn that she would not listen to her sisters and cousins when they told her not to leave. So stubborn that she pretended not to care when all her possessions that she could not take to Hogwarts were thrown into the fire and destroyed.

Brenna already missed her home. Home was such a strange word. Now this castle was to be her home. She could feel tears spring to her eyes as she thought of her old life. No![/b] That Brenna no longer existed. Her new life was very different from her old one. She had new parents now, foster parents. She had a new life story, and all of it was a lie. Brenna was used to lies though, and she was sure she could pretend to be a normal eleven year old girl.

Brenna watched the eager students pushing forwards, wondering why they didn't just walk in an orderly line. People always rushed around, and Brenna simply didn't understand it. Everyone always had to be first. Brenna didn't see things that way, even though the rest of her family did. At the sight of her fellow students' happy faces, a hint of a smile appeared on her pale face, though it was gone in a heartbeat. Brenna rarely smiled, so when she did it was a momentous occasion.

Brenna entered the Great Hall, pretending to be unaware of her surroundings. Her eyes were staring straight ahead, and she ignored the chattering of the other first years, intent of listening for her name. Brenna heard her name, and she began walking purposely forward. "Hello, sir." she greeted the hat as it was placed on her head. She wondered if 'sir' was the best title for the hat, as she wasn't exactly sure whether it was male or female. "I know little of the house system, so I trust you shall put me wherever I belong." Brenna said to the sorting hat, and waited patiently for the hat's response.

"Trust. That's a refreshing change. Hmmm... well, you like to look out for yourself as much as you can, with your own ambitions chief in your mind... so that's Slytherin... but at the same time you're quite compassionate... which is perhaps not Slytherin. I suppose it's what suits you best... yes... SLYTHERIN!"
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Brenna and her first "real" friend, Lianna


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