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Azkadellia Elysian

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Oh hi there :lol:

OK so this is Azkadellia, one of my many neglected characters and every so often I like to choose a character which needs developed a bit more and offer them for some RPs.

Now I have yet to properly RP with Azkadellia so I’m not overly sure what her character is like yet. She is relatively nice to everyone and being the Matron of the Hogwarts Halfway House she loves children. Although having gone to Durmstrang she can have her cold side to her but won’t show that unless necessary. As you can see in her member title she is a Fiery Red Head :p so she can have a bit of a temper on her but she’s also quite adventurous.

So I’m looking for anything basically; friends, enemies, love interests – you name it, I need it xD

Also as I said she’s the Matron of the Hogwarts Halfway House so any children wanting to RP there, let me know and I can jump in a have a wee RP with them ^_^

A side note: As some of you may know I’m currently in the middle of my Uni exams so if you start an RP or want me to start one I will not be replying until next Wednesday at the earliest when I’ve finished my last exam ;) But getting ahead is never a bad thing :lol:

So post away and I’ll see what we can do :D

Many thanks
- Pat
Also Alexis if you read this, yes, Rosaline and Azkadellia can RP, you start up and post or I’ll start one whenever ;) :lol:
Azkadellia Elysian said:
Also Alexis if you read this, yes, Rosaline and Azkadellia can RP, you start up and post or I’ll start one whenever ;) :lol:
You know me too well. xD

If you could start 'er up that'd be cool.
Emma: that's great :D If you want to set it up you can link here or PM to azkadellia's account go right ahead, or I'll set up this weekend maybe or next week once exams are finished :)

Alexis: Too well at times I fear :correct: :r :p And same as above, I'll set 'er up and PM Alexis' account?
Anyone else?
I have Bailey Lauerman. She works at the ministry of magic and is 28 years old. She loves children too, as she has one of her own. She is divorced and hates the male species xD Oh and she's another red-head too :p

What do you think?
:shy: Ooppsies, sorry I haven't checked this in a while. That sounds great Brittany. Would you like to start, or me? :)
Can you? I'm a bit busy right now :p

Oh and could you post with her in the topic "Pebbles" in the Halfway house possibly? Thankies :)
Okies, I'll see how I get on with RPs after my exams are over today, and if not tonight, possibly tomorrow :)

And I have a few topics in the Halfway House, will definitely do them tonight, give me something to get into Azkadellia's character before the big RPs :lol:
OK I've got these ones started, anymore takers? Pleaseeeeeeeee :wub: xD
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