Brand new character

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Kyoko Sato

Active Member
OOC First Name
So this is Tora Yamauchi

Tora is a 26 year-old mysterious young japanese woman. She is strong willed and very determind. She is kind and friendly to everyone ... except if you break her trust or make her mad then she becomes unforgiving and sometimes dangerous.

ALSO - she is my brand new charater and I mean very new as I have not even made any RP post through her yet. So as you can imagine ... she needs friends, enemies etc...

Anyone willing ?

Hey there,

I have Michiko here.
Im hoping to also get her into the Ministry so if all works out maybe they can be work mates??
Hi.. I have Dylan Ward too if you're interested. He can be her bestfriend if you want. :)
As do I.

But if she doesn't perhaps we can work something else out ^_^
Hey there Crystal,

If you want we can have Tora and Richard meet up. They are in the same department and so Im thinking that it is pretty down that they would see each other around maybe?

Anyway tell me what you think :)
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