Bradley Larton

Bradley Larton

Active Member
OOC First Name
Lignum Vitae Wand 16" Essence of Dragons Whisker
Full Name:
Bradley Oliver Larton

Date of Birth:
17 May 2020

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Short, dark hair. Darkish skin, tall for his age. Brown eyes, slim. Long scar across right shoulder blade.

Brad is a friendly sort, and seems very confident of himself on the outside. He likes to joke and play around, and always tells other people what he thinks, very loudly. However, he also knows when to listen to other people. He is generally very chilled, and won't pick a fight with anyone, or respond if provoked.
However, underneath he is a little unsure of himself, and he's always very anxious about his relationship to his parents.

Brad's father is a Muggle and his mother is a witch. They are no longer together. Brad's father knows about magic, and ultimately couldn't handle the way magic worked; he couldn't make heads or tails of it and that strained his relationship with Brad's mother so far that he felt he had to leave. He still has contact with Brad, and Brad often stays with him during the holidays. Brad's father has recently married a new Muggle woman and they have a young son. None of Brad's paternal relations know he's a wizard.
Brad is not so sure he likes being a wizard because of this, and this sometimes causes problems with his mother, whom he lives with.

Father: Charles Luke Larton - 37 (Muggle)
Mother: Zara Romania Davries - 32
Step-Mother Harlow Dana Larton (nee Vitches) - 32 (Muggle)
Half-Brother: Edward William Larton - 1 (Muggle)
Uncle: Avery Griffen Larton - 33 (Muggle) (brother of Charles)
Aunt: Clara Ruth Sheiffield (nee Davries) - 29 (sister of Zara)
Uncle: Howard Simon Sheiffield - 31 (husband of Clara)
Cousin: Tina Michelle Sheiffield - 6 (child of Howard and Clara)
Cousin: Paul Michael Sheiffield - 4 ( '' )
Cousin: Antonia Maria Sheiffield - 2 ( '' )
Aunt: Leah Nadine Mason (nee Davries) - 27 (sister of Zara)
Uncle: Anthony Cortez Mason - 30 (husband of Leah)
Cousin: Karl Alexander Mason - 5 (child of Anthony and Leah)
Cousin: Patrick Rogan Mason - 2 ( '' )
Grandfather: Nathan Carlos Larton (deceased father of Charles and Avery)
Grandmother: Caroline Irene Larton (nee Williams) (deceased wife of Nathan)
Grandfather: Texas Rubin Davries (deceased father of Zara, Clara and Leah)
Grandmother: Freya Vasilia Davries (nee Traston) (deceased wife of Texas)

No pets yet.

Area of Residence:

Blood Status:
Half Blood

Has some Maori heritage from a little way back, but mostly Spanish from a long way back.

Special Abilities:
NA (for now)

Interests or Hobbies:
Brad loves the Xbox at his father's house. He also likes to play the piano and rugby.

Additional Skills:
NA (for now)

Brad is always a positive person for others. He listens to others and will often go out of his way to help them with something.

Brad can sometimes swing into extreme anxiety and insecurity about himself.

Describe your character in three words:
Upbeat. Clown. Dependable.

Favourite place to be:
Sitting on a swing in a quiet place.

He had some Muggle friends before he came to HNZ, but they weren't very close.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Not to get too caught up in magic and being a wizard.

Best school subjects:
NA (for now)

Worst school subjects:
NA (for now)

Extracurricular Activities:
NA (for now)


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
He has no idea, but he's going to be a healer.

Your Patronus:
NA (for now)

Your Patronus memory:
A time in the park when he was younger and his parents were still together. He was on a swing that flew higher than it was supposed to. It was the perfect mix of Muggle and magic.

Your Boggart:
His parents hating him for appearing to favour the other parent

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
His parents back together

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