Bradley Hughes

Brad Hughes

OOC First Name

Bradley Jameson Hughes

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basics. basics. basics. basics. basics
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& name
Bradley: English surname derived from a place name meaning "broad wood" or "broad clearing" in Old English.
Jameson: Is of Old English origin, meaning "son of James".

& nicknames
Brad: A shortened version of his name. He prefers Brad, because the name "Bradley" sounds too formal.
B-rad: A self given nickname, that is a play on the lettering of his first name. He gave himself this nickname partly as a joke, but mostly so he had a reason to describe himself as "Rad".

& birthday
January 1st. His star sign is capricorn, and he is currently twenty years of age.

& education
years 1 through 7: Hogwarts Scotland. Gryffindor
post-hogwarts: Business major at a muggle university

& relationship status
Single. He isn't looking for a relationship at the moment, and plans to focus on studying for his business degree.

& wand

& blood status
Unknown: His mother is muggle and his father is magical, however, Brad doesn't know the his father's blood status apart from the fact he is magical.

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features. features. features. features.

& hair
Light brown, thick and wavy. He keeps his hair relatively short and pushes it away from his face. When he was a child his hair was platnum blond, but as he grew older his hair became darker.

& complexion
Pale but slightly tanned. He has normal to combination skin so it is usually clear, however, he is blemish prone if he is not eating healthy. He also has freckles that are only visible in certain lights.

& build
Overall his body is angled and straight. His torso has tone, but it is not overly noticable. His arms are also toned, but the muscles are more chunky and obvious than his torso. His shoulders are angular and squared.

& clothing style
His every day style can be described and simple but neat. He doesn't consider himself fashionable, but he does make an effort to look presentable on a daily basis. Usually, he wears skinny jeans and a solid colour sweater or button up shirt. For mock business presentations at school, he dresses in suits that are also very simple, neat and solid. For shoes, he usually decides on converse.

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personality.personality. personality

& virtues

& vices

& minor fears

& boggart

& mirror of erised

& patronus

& patronus memory

& good habits

& bad habits

& overview

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family. family. family. family. family.

& heritage

& parents

& siblings

& other

& pets

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history. history. history. history.

& early years

& school years

& adulthood

template created by Goosey at CAUTION 2.0 & edited by me​

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