[!BR]You, Me, Plot.. Now xD

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Ok so I have a rather vague plot floating around in my mind... I revolves around Gilgamesh being.. Well rediculously old but keeping alive and looking the same via the use of unicorns blood. Now I need a reason why he would do such a terrible thing and would like some trouble or love or SOMETHING to happen in present day, where it be that he is someone's great great great grandfather and he finally meets them or he finds a lover and has to battle the morality of being so much older then them even if he doesn't look it or perhaps he needed to stay alive to find out some mystery or anything really

So I'm open to all ideas at the moment here, and am willing to become a family member or something if the plot swings this way. So throw some ideas at me and lets get this chuggin along yah? :cool:
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