[!BR] Relaxing (or not)

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Maria Selwyn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
First impressions? Hogwarts was wonderful~ Maria smiled as she stretched out her legs on the grass, staring out across the lake. Daddy had been right, of course. She had indeed been sorted by a magical hat. One that could read her thoughts to a disconcerting degree. And now she found herself at a school dominated by the wizarding kind, the stupidity of muggles left behind in the small suburb where she lived. Maria had yet to actually meet anyone, apart from Georgiana and that Lena girl, but she was confident that once she was in her dorm, she would be successful in making some new friends. They were wizards and witches, after all. It wasn't as if they didn't have things to talk about.

Obviously, Maria had already tried out her new wand. To be honest, she had been itching to use it at home but her Daddy insisted she follow the law and wait until school. It wasn't as if she could do any useful magic yet. Just lumos. But the sight of her wand tip glowing and letting out a beam of light was enough to fill Maria with a warm happiness. She was finally here. In the place where she belonged, instead of surrounded by muggles. Maria tugged at her bag, pulling out a book. She'd decided to get a head start at transfiguration. After all, she did want to be able to turn objects into animals, and starting early would give her an advantage over her fellow classmates. Propping it up on her lap, Maria flipped over the first page, slowly beginning to read.

A few chapters into the book and Maria yawned, closing the cover. It was too tedious for a first day. She'd barely gotten to a section about turning sticks into needle; nothing related to transforing animals just yet. How tiresome. Maria pushed it back into her bag and got to her feet, stretching. Perhaps she should go inside after all. Her luggage had probably arrived, brought by house elves of course, and there might be new girls awaiting her inside the dorm. New, pureblood girls. Everyone knew that Slytherin didn't just let anyone in, after all. It was a sign of good blood.
Roze had spent her day wandering around the castle looking for something to do. The Lakefront was her last stop before turning in for the night.

She closed her eyes as she walked around the lake, focusing on the smells and sounds of the grounds. Next thing she knew, she was falling on top of something very hard and bumpy.

"Ow," she moaned as she opened her eyes and tried to lift herself up. As she sat up off of whatever she was lying on she looked around dazed.

Roze gasped when she saw what she had fallen on. There was a girl there, stretched out on the grass. Next to her was a Transfiguration Book. That must have been what she had tripped over.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! Are you okay? Oh my god, I'm such a loser. I'm so sorry!" She spouted out a round of apologies to the girl she had so clumsily attacked.
Maria almost didn't know how to react, disbelief spread across her face.Some idiot had managed to trip over her, half squashing her in the process. How did you manage to literally fall over somebody? She almost couldn't believe someone that clumsy could exist. Coughing, Maria clutched her stomach as the other girl scrambled to her feet, apologising profusely. She didn't have enough time to feel nervous, as anger filled her instead. "Sorry?" Maria repeated incredulously, glaring at Rose, "Are you blind or just stupid?" Her gaze fell on the crest on Rose's robes and with a scowl, Maria clambered to her feet, brushing herself off. "Oh, I see" smirked Maria, glancing at the crest again knowingly, "You're a Gryffindor. Then of course you're stupid. Everyone knows that." Maria bent down and picked her textbook off the grass. She brushed the dirt off its cover carefully, scowling as she noticed one of the corners was now bent. With a small, irritated sigh, Maria shoved the book into her bag, looking pointedly at the girl. "I'm Maria Selwyn" Maria declared by means of introduction, placing one hand on her hip, "I'm a pureblood and Slytherin, of course. And you are?" Probably a muggleborn. A fellow pureblood could never do something so ridiculously stupid. And her book was already damaged. "I can't believe you fell over me" Maria repeated, shaking her head
Roze's look of worry and embarrassment turned to shock when the girl started scolding her for falling on her. Her jaw dropped.

"Stupid? No. Gryffindor? Yes. And I believe the house you were referring to was Slytherin. I'm not sure how you could get the two so confused, but seeing as you're a first year, I guess it's okay. For now." Roze shot back the sarcastic remarks as the shock turned into annoyance.

"I'm Roze Castro. I'm muggleborn," she answered. "And proud of it." She added with a glare after a slight pause. She couldn't believe this girl.
Alexandra had hoped for a quiet evening with studies, out by the lake in silence and with plenty of fresh air. But apparently it wasn't going to go that way. First, a Slytherin girl had settled down nearby her, she took no notice at first and tried to concentrate on her old charms notes. Then she saw a Gryffindor girl coming, clearly immersed in the beauty of the scene, and not noticing where she was headed. Alexandra was just about to warn her when the inevitable happened.

Expecting little fuss from the fall, she returned to her charms work, her wand out and steadily levitating a small stone she found earlier.
Her concentration was broken and the stone fell with a soft "thud" into the grass when she heard the bickering start. Sighing in frustration, for she hated being interrupted in her school-work, she was just about to tell them off and had indeed stood up from the grass when she heard the Slytherin say her cliched words. Alexandra narrowed her eyes considerably, slowly she walked up to them, anger starting to boil inside her.
"A: People, like me, are trying to do some extra studying around here, so do you both mind to be more quiet? Or do I have to get a prefect?" Pausing, she turned towards the arrogant pompous fool for Slytherin and snorted: "B: Don't tell me to leave as it is my right to sit anywhere I damn well please to study. C: Tell me now Selwyn or whatever your name may be. Is there anything wrong with... Mudbloods?!" Now really, she had worked herself up really badly. Seeing red, she hardly noticed her wand going up to point at mostly Selwyn. Disturbing her was ok, but this pureblood vanity was unforgivable for Alexandra.
OOCOut of Character:
Mina, I just realised you also play Lena ^_^

Was this girl joking? Maria smirked, shaking her head patronisingly. “I don't think anyone could mistake Slytherin for Gryffindor” Maria informed Roze snidely, “They're rather different houses, you know. Gryffindor is reckless, stupid and hotheaded. And Slytherin is elegant, proud and cunning. In other words, intelligent.” Rolling her eyes, Maria turned as another girl near by stood up. Instantly, her eyes flicked to the crest, hopefully looking to see if it was a fellow slytherin. No luck. Her face fell as she recognised the bird on the badge, a symbol of Ravenclaw, and she tossed her hair over her shoulder, trying to remain calm as Alexandra raised her wand to her. “I think I'm the one who should be calling a prefect. Threatening a first year simply because she is Slytherin? And I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to have an ounce of intelligence.” Maria laughed, pulling her bag over her shoulder, looking between them. This wasn't good. She tried not to let her fear show on her face, choosing to appear supremely confident in the face of these adverseries. However, there was no mistaking that they knew more magic than her and the only thing she could do was possibly blind them with lumos. Outnumbered by two muggleborns. This reminded her of muggle school, and not in a pleasant way.

Her heart sped up as she glanced again at the wand levelled at her, but she forced herself to keep her back straight and her chin up. Well, she noted, apparently the Ravenclaw understood her position. Maria hadn't heard the term mudblood used before, her Daddy would never have mentioned it, but the implications were all there. Muddy blood, of course. In other words, tainted blood. “You're both muggleborns. I should have guessed” said Maria haughtily, holding her ground even as she glanced around for the presence of a teacher or at least a fellow slytherin, “Which answers my earlier question, Roze. You're both blind and stupid. All muggles are, you see. I'm surprised you'd even admit being related to them. I wouldn't, if it were me, but then of course I'm a pureblood, so I have nothing to worry about.” And thankfully, muggleborns were practically excluded from Slytherin house. Again, she glanced at the wand. “I'd lower that, if I were you” Maria commented to Alexandra, “I really don't think a teacher will look favourably on an prejudice-based attack by two older students on a slytherin first year, especially not on the first day of school. Using magic on a first year with no form of defense is essentially bullying, don't you think?” She should leave. At this rate, she would end up having to see the nurse on her first day and there was no benefit to fighting two muggleborns on her own. In this situation, it was better to run. "Now if you'll excuse me" Maria muttered, taking another step backwards in the direction of the school.
"I can't believe it!" Collin shouted after realizing that he was no longer a first year. A smile spread on his face and soon it turned into a frown after knowing that he had 2 different personalities. Sometimes he could be as mean as his cousin and sometimes not, he knew that his sister would hate seeing him like this. Talking about Cherie.... Collin hadn't been seeing her since ages and he didn't know where she was. Sadly, she was a Gryffindor, he had always wanted her to be a Slytherin not because she was cunning but so that he could win his bet. Before the sorting begun, he had a bet with a friend of his if Cherie was sorted into Slytherin then he won but if not then his friend won. Sadly, Cherie was a Gryffindor.

There were sounds of students shouting from the Lakefront talking about... Blood Status? Well Collin had nothing to worry about that, he was a pureblood, one of the respected pureblood. Honestly, Collin didn't really care about blood status but it all depend who he was talking with. Father had always told him that he could always had a business going with muggleborn or even muggles. This was why the family ad never really talk about blood status. But if they were gathering with their fellow pureblood then not being a pureblood would be embarrassing. But as long as he was in school, he didn't really care about it except if his cousin was there.

Collin turn himself to the Lakefront and accidentally bumped on one of the girl who was yelling. "Whoops sorry miss" He chuckle a little and notice a friend of his Alix. "Hey Alix" He smiled at her waving as he stood still trying to figure out this Slytherin girl who was yelling. "What's up? I can hear you guys talking from the corridor" He smiled as he took a few steps backward from the Slytherin. Collin was used on hearing these kind of stuff, whenever he tease his sister, she would do the same. Actually, worse...
Roze was just about to reply to the Slytherin when another girl appeared next to them, scolding them for disturbing her. Then she did something Roze wasn't expecting. The girl raised her wand level with the Slytherin while prompting her with a rather tough tone. Roze glanced at the new girl's crest. A Ravenclaw. This girl was either a fellow muggleborn, or just really cool.

Roze looked back at the Slytherin, anxious to see what she would do now that she was in the company of two older, more experienced students.

Roze watched as the girl glanced between she and the Ravenclaw.

"You aren't being threatened because you're a Slytherin. You're simply being...reminded or your position." She chose her words carefully so as not to set the girl off to find a prefect. She definitely didn't need any of that.

She saw the girl glance around, probably for some back up.

"And there's no reason for me to be ashamed of who I am or where I come from. Believe it or not, muggles are quite ingenious. They know how to work with what they've got." She added.

Just as the Slytherin was about to walk away, another perosn appeared. This time, a Ravenclaw boy. Roze would have greeted him, but she was too annoyed at the moment. Instead, she just looked at him in the nicest manner she could manage at the time, and nodded.
OOCOut of Character:
Yes I do. I do indeed. xD And this is my main account. Sorry for being so hard on Maria all the time seemingly... :r
Alexandra didn't lower her wand, not when she got called stupid nor when Collin showed up. She was really in no such mood right now. With her wand firmly pointed now on Maria Selwyn, Alix said: "I do not threaten you. I'm just making myself ready for any underhanded vile actions you may have under your stuckup sleeves. Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum Miss Selwyn, but since you called me stupid, I shall leave your higher intellect alone to find out what that means." Scathingly sarcastic, Alix was definitely already fed-up with this Snake.
Alix, was shocked by Maria's blantant disregard of her own safety as she continued to harass her and Roze. Glancing over to her fellow muggleborn, she shook her head in despair and then resumed her gaze along her wand, maybe a change of tactics would do now...
"I will lower the wand." Alexandra offered, "If you will rescind your vile comments on me and my Gryffindor friend's existence and apologise for them. I swear this upon my honour as a Edler Lamoral von Kirchberg auf Hohenstein."
OOCOut of Character:
Haha, no worries. Maria isn't a likeable character. At least not at the moment. I'm kind of hoping she'll change over her time at hogwarts. Yep. Any time now. :r

Maria took another step back as her gaze flitted to the new student. A brief glimpse of hope slipped onto her face, but it quickly disappeared when she realised not only was he an older student but he was also friends with one of her antagonists. She tried not to let her panic show on her face. How had this happened? Her mind flicked back over the last few events, trying to analyse the source of the conflict. It was the Gryffindor who had started it by falling on her. The stupid muggleborn. Then this ravenclaw had taken offense before she'd even said a word to her. "Out of my 'stuckup sleeves'?" Maria repeated, glancing uncomfortably at the wand once more, "I'm a first year. I can barely cast lumos." Maria glanced behind her, then back at the wand, continuing to shuffle backwards in the direction of the doors. She resisted added anything about Ravenclaws and how she should really be aware of a first years capabilities. No need to worsen the situation. "And you are threatening me because I'm a slytherin!" muttered Maria, taking another step, "You threatened me simply because I informed Roze my name and blood status.." She glanced behind her, sizing up the distance between herself and the hall. How loudly would she need to call for a teacher? This new boy had heard them from the hall, so probably not too loudly. One good scream would do it. Why was she so horribly reminded of school? Was Hogwarts going to be the same? Why did they even let muggleborns in?

"For your information, I have never heard the term mudblood used before, though I suppose I can guess at its meaning" added Maria quickly, "And the Gryffindor tripped over me. Practically squashed me actually. I'm allowed to be angry, you know!"Maria was aware that she sounded childish, but at the present, she really needed to get out of this situation. It was one thing arguing about blood purity with a wandless girl in a park. It was quite another to argue down the tip of a wand, held in the grasp of an infuriated muggleborn with a thirst for slytherin blood.Pride can be regained later, though it hardly made her want to embrace them as important members of society. Besides, of course muggles had created things. They had to compensate for their handicap. Maria's mind flicked briefly to her mother, but she shook her head and continued to hold herself up high, trying to remain confident even as she tried to flee. She was aware that she was on very thin ice. Unfairly, too. But she didn't want to apologise. Not unless she absolutely had to. Maria glanced behind her one more time, trying to keep her fear from her face. Yes, she had to be close enough now. "If...If you continue to threaten me, I'll scream for a teacher!" exclaimed Maria, clutching her bag to her chest tightly.
It seems that Collin was in the wrong time to be there with the girls, he had never seen Alix so mad before. He rolled his eyes as he saw Alix pointing a wand at the Slytherin. He walk toward her and stood behind her and took her wand not because he was supporting the first year Slytherin "Now now now... You don't want to hurt someone who can barely cast lumos" He said holding on the wand tightly trying to see her reaction. He was used to these kinds of situation, when his father was mad sometimes he would have a duel with a mother of his. And Cherie as well, but the difference between Cherie and father was that Cherie didn't use magic while Collin's father used his wand.

Collin knew almost every single pureblood family but he had never seen this girl before and what was odd was that she had never heard the term mudblood used before "You're not a pureblood" He said simply, well he could be wrong. Perhaps she was? "And honestly Alix, why would you want to attack this" He wanted to say dumb but he couldn't so he paused a little as he try to find any other suiting words "inexperience first year?" He let out a small chuckle. He was always calm in these kinds of situation. Again, he was used to it. His cousin had taught him how to annoy other people but he could never do it but someday he would be like her. He was proud of Lykke, she was a role model of his.
Roze smirked, trying not to laugh at the Ravenclaw's Latin statement. She had definitely heard that before. Her mother said it often when Roze complained to her about her brother agitating her all the time.

"True, you are allowed to be angry. I mean I did totally wipe out and fall on you, and I am truly sorry about that, but it doesn't mean you can insult me or my family, whom you know nothing about. I'm not a klutz because I'm muggleborn. She replied as calmly as she could, trying to prove her point without making the situation any worse. She knew her efforts would probably go to waste, though.

The girl stuttered as she threatened to call for a teacher. Roze smirked. She knew the girl wasn't as tough as she let on. She was all talk.

She watched the Ravenclaw boy take his friend's wand, trying to talk her out of attacking.

How is he so calm about this? I could never be calm about it. She's insulting me. She's insulting my family. She's- Wait... Did he just say she's not a pureblood? Roze was shocked by the little statement. And he'd said it so matter-of-factly...

"Wait, did you say she's not a pureblood?" She asked in disbelief.
Alexandra was, apart from one step away from earning herself a detention, pretty annoyed by the way Collin acted. She said quietly to him, still not taking her eyes off the Slytherin: "Collin, please don't involve yourself in this. This isn't going to look good on either of us' records."
She watched the Slytherin silently, her aim slightly disturbed by the extra hand on it that belonged to Collin, watching as the Snake tried to squirm her way out, as expected.
Alix sighed in rising exasperation as Maria again assumed that she targeted her just because she was a Slytherin, which couldn't be further wåaway from the truth. So again, Alix tried: "On the contrary Miss Selwyn. You deduced correctly that me and Roze here were muggleborns, and immediately jumped to the conclusion that we were blind and stupid. Isn't it correct?" Pausing, in a show of goodwill, she raised her Cherry wand upwards, parallel with her face in a standard dueling postion. She hazarded a glance towards Collin when he pronounced that Maria was not a pureblood and said: "Really? Now prove it both of you. And for the umpteenth time, Miss Selwyn. I, Alexandra Adelaide Edle Lamoral von Kirchberg auf Hohenstein has never intended to threaten you. I was merely defending myself against any Slytherin tricks you had up your sleeve." Saying that loudly and clearly for the girl to understand, Alix wondered secretly how thick in the head a Snake could be.
The brown haired boy had enough detention last year and he didn't really care about detentions this year. He was going to skip anyway. It was all for the sake of getting attention for a father of his who had been keeping himself busy with women. Collin used to be a straight O's but not anymore, not until he found out that his father didn't care a bit about his grades so why care about detentions? Perhaps his father would come and visit him and talk about his grades if he got detentions? "Please Alix, don't bother yourself with her" He said turning his attention to Roze "You've heard me" He said referring to Selwyn not being a pureblood.

Collin could never understand why they wanted to even waste their time with the first year Slytherin. "Selwyn was it? I've never heard about you before, perhaps your father marry a halfblood or muggleborns?" He smirked a little as he walk toward the Slytherin who was shorter than him. "Every year a good friend of mine throw this party for pureblood families even though not all pureblood attend, at least I'm able to see the guest list and I don't think you're on the list" He shrugged walking away from the girl as he walk to the closest tree which was a few steps away from her and lean to it. He reach his hands to his pocket feeling a bottle of veritaserum, the truth serum and took it out of his pocket. "I dare you to drink this, if you're not a pureblood then you shall do whatever I say for the rest of the year. But if you are a pureblood then I'll apologize, and I wont be on your way." What made Collin sure that the girl wasn't a pureblood was about the mudblood thing. His fellow purebloods had been calling muggleborns mudblood at almost all time except those who loves muggles. Collin walk toward Selwyn and handed the bottle over "Go on" He said showing no emotion.

OOCOut of Character:

Sorry I feel like replying :p
OOCOut of Character:
Woah, guys, let's not forget post order. Me, Collin, Roze, Alex and back to me. Otherwise it gets confusing and tangled. And COLLIN. I don't think it's fair that you can make the statement 'I know all the purebloods' in order to unmask Maria. Actually, the Selwyn family IS a canon mentioned family in the books, so you're wrong if you think they're not a pureblood family at all. And how can you have truth serum? You're a third year. Truth serum is illegalto be used on another person, I believe. I'm checking with an moderater now. It's not in your inventory either.
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